

Studiare Luca Ronconi. Archivio, memoria e prospettive storiografiche
22/10/2025, ore 16, Aula Seminari e tesi (Ex-vetrerie Sciarra), Via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Marta Marchetti
Voci femminili e coreografia
28/05/2025, ore 10, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo, Città Universitaria Sapienza
Seminar by Jan Martens (GRIPS, Bruxelles)
A Choreographer’s Score and Beyond
21/05/2025, Aula Seminari e tesi, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Bojana Cvejić (Oslo National Academy of the Arts)
Practice as research. Riflessioni metodologiche sul ruolo e sul valore della pratica artistica nella ricerca universitaria
14/05/2025, ore 16, Aula Seminari e tesi, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Federica Fratagnoli (Università di Nizza)
The circulation of populist narratives in the Italian audiovisual media: challenges, sources and methods of research
14/05/2025, 14 pm, aula 117
by Luana Fedele (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Mapping archives for a history of soccer: Sport, media, and national identity in Italy.
15/04/2025 14 pm, aula 117
by Margherita Moro (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Attaprakaram: i canovacci di attori e delle attrici del teatro sanscrito
02 aprile 2025, ore 15, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo, Città Universitaria Sapienza
Seminar by Heike Oberlin (Università di Tubinga),
Flaming the global-popular
26/03/2025 14 pm e 27/03/2025 10 am, aula 117
La documentazione dello spettacolo nel sistema MAB (musei, archivi, biblioteche)
26 march 2025 ore 16:00, Aula Seminari e tesi, Ex-vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminari by Aldo Roma
Artist at Work. Proximity of Art and Capitalism. Doctoral Lecture by Bojana Kunst
March 25, 2025, 16:00, Room E, Ex-vetrerie Sciarra, Via dei Volsci 122
Curated by Aleksandra Jovićević and Giulia Mastropietro Cycle “Theatre Performance Dance. History Visions Memory Research” - 4th Edition
martedì 18 marzo 2025, ore 16, Aula Levi, via dei Volsci, 122

Between polarization, cultural promotion, and nation-building: the case of Spanish media and its audiences
14/03/2025, 16 pm, aula 117
by Lidia Valera Ordaz (Universidad de Valencia)
Meyerhold and the Italian Theatre
12 mach 2025, ore 16:00, Aula Seminari e tesi, Ex-vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Gabriele Sofia
Between the shores of the Mediterranean: studying the collaborations and productions between Algeria and Italy after "The Battle of Algiers"
11/03/2025, 14 pm, aula 117
by Luca Peretti (University of Richmond)
5 mach 2025, ore 16:00, Aula E, Ex-vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Fabrizio Crisafulli
The study of local television between challenges of research, interdisciplinary approaches and method
25/02/2025, 14 pm, aula 117
by Giulia Crisanti (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Introduction to MEI
21/02/2025 ore 10
Lisa Rosendahl (Academy of Science and Literature Mainz)
X-Technologies: Introduction to digital (text) editing
20/02/2025 ore 10
Jörg Hörnschemayer (Head of the Digital Humanities Department of the DHI in Rome)
Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative
20/02/2025 ore 14,30
Tobias Bachmann (Paderborn University)
Workshop on ‘Digital (music) edition’
German Historic Institute in Rome (Via Aurelia Antica 391)
Presentations and Roundtable ‘Digital Music Editions’
19/02/2025 10 am
Andreas Münzmay (University of Paderborn) Vera Grund (Deutsche Historische Institut in Rom) Federica Rovelli (Università di Pavia)
Eighteenth Annual Doctoral Students' Seminar - Curriculum “History and Analysis of Musical Cultures”
Aula Pirrotta di Storia della Musica
Poetry and music between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: philology and history
by Stefano Campagnolo (Direttore Biblioteca Nazionale)
The comedian. Theories and forms
13/02/2025, 11 am, aula 117

For a History of Theatre Acting. From the ancient world to the digital stage
15/01/2025, 16 pm, Aula A, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Presentazione del volume di Claudio Vicentini a cura di Sonia Bellavia, con la partecipazione dell'autore


Il meme altruista? La creatività digitale tra arte, politica e controcultura
19/12/2024 ore 12
19 dicembre 2024, ore 12-14, Aula B ex Vetreria Sciarra
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrik, 1999)
12 dicembre 2024, ore 15:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminar by Roberto De Gaetano (Sapienza Università di Roma)
"As a fish of the water it swims". The history and present of seriality
mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024, ore 10-14 e 16-18:30, Aula Levi della Vida, via dei Volsci, 122
seminar organized by Antonio Rafele e Fabio Tarzia
When Harry Met Sally (Rob Reiner, 1989)
6 dicembre 2024, ore 11:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminar by Andrea Minuz ( Sapienza Università di Roma)
Leah Lowthorp (University of Oregon)The Sanskrit cosmopolis and embodied cosmopolitanism in Kutiyattam sanskrit theater
5 dicembre 2024, ore 14, Aula D, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Multilingual navigation is an important part of Kutiyattam Sanskrit theater performance, which belonged to the Sanskrit cosmopolis at its inception. As Sanskrit drama was adapted for the Kerala stage, the number of languages used in performance came to include, in various contexts, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Malayalam, Manipravalam, Tamil, and mudras. This paper argues that Kutiyattam’s multilingualism constitutes a form of embodied cosmopolitanism, with each language indexing larger-than-local and/or local worlds. It makes a case for Kutiyattam’s embodied cosmopolitanism via exploring how artists today experience performing in multiple languages, while considering the changing relationships between language and power over time. Leah LOWTHORP is a cultural anthropologist and folklorist whose work engages art and social change, critical heritage studies, cosmopolitanism(s), post-colonial theory, and the online circulation of biopolitical narratives. She has conducted ethnographic research with the Kutiyattam Sanskrit theater community in Kerala, India, since 2006, and more recently with online communities in an investigation of the digital folklore of human genetic and reproductive technologies. Her work has been funded by the Mellon Foundation, American Council of Learned Societies, the American Institute of Indian Studies, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation. She is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon, Anthropology Faculty. She was a College Fellow in Folklore and Mythology at Harvard University (2014-16) and a Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow at the Center for Genetics and Society (2016-18). She has authored several articles and co-edited (with Frank J. Korom) South Asian Folklore in Transition: Crafting New Horizons, London: Routledge. Her forthcoming book Deep Cosmopolitanism: Kutiyattam, Dynamic Tradition, and Globalizing Heritage in Kerala, India, Indiana University Press series “Activist Encounters in Folklore and Ethnomusicology” (Fall 2025) is an ethnographic exploration of India's first UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, Kutiyattam Sanskrit theater. The book challenges and broadens existing approaches to cosmopolitanism, heritage, and tradition by questioning Eurocentric genealogies and assumptions about what it means to be cosmopolitan, modern, and traditional in the world today.
Italian-French film co-productions, between past and present
cycle of seminars by Simone Castellani, Valerio Coladonato, Federica D’Urso, Damiano Garofalo
The relationship between sources, digitization, AI and Data Visualization: new perspectives for document analysis
28/11/2024, 16 pm
by Maria Grazia Berlangieri
Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese, 1981)
27 novembre 2024, ore 14:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminario di Emiliano Morreale (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (Luis Bunuel, 1972)
15 novembre 2024, ore 15:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminario di Marie Rebecchi (Aix Marseille Université)
Dance with measure. Indications for a conscious performance of music and choreography of the dances of Domenico da Piacenza
Thursday 14 Novembre 2024, ore 18.00, Aula Magna G. Levi (Ex-vetrerie Sciarra), Via dei Volsci 122, Roma
Presentation of the book by Mauro Lo Monaco. Preface by Alessandro Pontremoli. Massimiliano Piretti Publisher 2024 - LIBRARY of DANCE
A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan, 1951)
22 ottobre 2024, ore 15:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminar by Paola Zeni (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Simona Frasca, "With an eye on the female universe: popular culture between appropriation and authenticity"
17/10/2024, 9.30-13.30 am
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Thursday 17/10/2024 - 9.30-13.30 am/pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
Enrico Careri, "Interpretation of classic Neapolitan song"
17/10/2024, 9.30-13.30 am
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Thursday 17/10/2024 - 9.30-13.30 am/pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
Giorgio Ruberti, "Art and popular melodies: genre imprests in late 19th century Italian music (the plagiarism of 'O sole mio)"
17/10/2024, 9.30-13.30 am
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Thursday 17/10/2024 - 9.30-13.30 am/pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
It Happened One Night
17 ottobre 2024, ore 15:00, Aula 117, Ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci, 122
Seminar by Piergiorgio Donatelli (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Marco Bizzarini, "Eclipses and musical revolutions in the thought of Vincenzo Galilei"
16/10/2024, 14,30 pm
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Wednesday 16/10/2024 – ore 14.30 Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
Tiziana Pangrazi, "Aesthetics and musicology: a mutual enrichment"
16/10/2024, 16,30 pm
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Wednesday 16/10/2024 – 14.30-18.30 pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
Erik Wallrup, "Musical affectivity as a historical problem/possibility"
16/10/2024, 14,30-18,30 pm
Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Wednesday 16/10/2024 – 14.30-18.30 pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli
Telling musicians: some methodological issues
Grazia Portoghesi Tuzi (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Venerdì 14 giugno ore 10, Aula Nino Pirrotta
The audience of the opera: methodological, historical and media aspects
Nicolò Palazzetti (Marie-Curie Fellow, Università “La Sapienza”) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Venerdì 14 giugno, ore 15, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Neapolitan instrumental music between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Guido Olivieri (The University of Texas at Austin) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Giovedì 13 giugno, ore 10, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Neo-Gregorian singing as an interweaving of traditions
Luisa Nardini (The University of Texas at Austin) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Giovedì 13 giugno, ore 15, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Guillaume Tell ( Rossini, 1829). A historical and philosophical journey, between text and reception
Andrea Chegai (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Mercoledì 12 giugno, ore 10, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Gastromusicology: music and food from Italian opera to Cuban folk song
Pierpaolo Polzonetti (University of California at Davis) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Mercoledì 12 giugno, ore 15, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Antonio Gramsci, Quaderno 29 (1935)
12 giugno 2024, ore 16-18, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminari by Paolo Capuzzo
Paolo Capuzzo rereads Antonio Gramsci's Quaderno 29
12/06/2024, 16 pm, aula 117
Musical improvisation in the nineteenth century. The case of Robert Schumann
Elisa Novara (Beethovenhaus, Bonn) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Martedì 11 giugno, ore 10, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Presence of "popular" sounds in postwar Italian cinema
Giuliano Danieli (Università Statale di Milano) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Martedì 11 giugno, ore 15, Aula Nino Pirrotta
Presentation of the volume "Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860"
edited by Franco Piperno, Simone Caputo, Emanuele Senici (Routledge, 2023) Lunedì 10 giugno, ore 17 Istituto Storico-Germanico (via Aurelia Antica)
Maria Clara Ghia rilegge "Saper vedere l’architettura. Saggio sull’interpretazione spaziale dell’architettura" (1948)
06/06/2024 ore 15.00, aula 117
“Back to the Classics 4 / Reflections", 06/06/2024 ore 15.00, aula 117
Presentation of the book "Maggiorate. Divismo e celebrità nella nuova Italia" (Marsilio 2024)
29/05/2024, 15 pm, Aula C
29/05/24, 15 pm, Aula C (Ex Vetreria Sciarra
Between the embedded repertoire and the incarnate archive
29 maggio 2024, ore 12-14, Aula B, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Study days of the PhD in Music and Performing Arts (Curriculum of Studies in Theatre, Performing Arts, Cinema and Technologies for Digital Entertainment) by Aleksandra Jovicevic
Between the embedded repertoire and the incarnate archive
22 maggio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Study days of the PhD in Music and Performing Arts (Curriculum of Studies in Theatre, Performing Arts, Cinema and Technologies for Digital Entertainment) by Aleksandra Jovicevic
Thorstein Veblen, the Theory of the Leisure Class (1924)
13 maggio 2024, ore 16-18, Aula B, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Raffaele Alberto Ventura
For the Centenary of Eleonora Duse's Death: Historiography and Fascinating Tales
8 maggio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Anna Sica
Robert Nozick, why do intellectuals oppose capitalism? (1998)
30 aprile 2024, ore 15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Andrea Minuz
The Costa method between theatre and cinema
17 aprile 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Seminar by Sonia Bellavia e Marta Marchetti
Taylor Swift, Midnights (2022)
12 aprile 2024, ore15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Claudio Giunta
Meeting with Gianni Forte
10 aprile 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Theater crafts between praxis and memory edited by Ilaria Lepore
Around Salome. Performing arts and literature in Europe (1850-1950), Carocci 2024
27 marzo 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Presentation of the book by Sonia Bellavia and Ilaria Lepore
Luciano Bianciardi, cultural work (1964)
22 marzo 2024, ore15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Massimiliano Tortora
Herman Melville, Moby Dick (1851)
5 marzo 2024, ore15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Giorgio Mariani
Angelo Musco "instinctual actor"
28 febbraio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Seminar by Guido Di Palma to participate remotely:
27 febbraio 2024, ore 15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122

The passion of understanding. Art, politics and theatre by Giuseppe Fava (Mimesis, 2023)
21 febbraio 2024, ore 15:00, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Presentation of the book by Stefano Locatelli, Alessandra Cavaterra and Francesca Andreozzi
14 February 2024, ore 11:30 - 13:30, Aula G. Levi, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
curated by Anja Boato e Federica D’Urso
Without giving in to the evidence. Research horizons on dance and cognitive sciences
7 febbraio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Seminar by Gabriele Sofia
Susan Sontag, regarding the pain of others (2003)
6 febbraio 2024, ore 15-17, Aula 117, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Ilaria Schiaffini
Dynamic/performative arts as "cognitive hybrids"
31 gennaio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Seminar by Fabrizio Deriu (Teramo University)
Theatre and iconography: questions of method and exempla
24 gennaio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra
Renzo Guardenti (University of Florence)
Local television in Italy: methods and historiographical perspectives
11-12 gennaio 2024, Aula Levi, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Workshop curated by Giulia Crisanti and Damiano Garofalo
History and theory of seriality: from the Homeric side to the cinema of the '30s
10 gennaio 2024, ore 15-17, Aula Seminari e Tesi, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Presentation of the book by Giovanni Ragone and Fabio Tarzia


15 dicembre 2023, ore 16:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra Via dei Volsci n. 122
Presentation of the projects around the choreographic work
Approaches to global cinema
12 dicembre 2023, ore 10-12, Aula Levi, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminari by Luca Caminati e Masha Salazkina
Lives of the Voice. Conceptualizing an Opaque Zone of Human Condition
Delivered on December 7, 2023, 2 p.m., Aula Levi, via dei Volsci 122
Hans U. Gumbrecht, Albert Guérard Professor Emeritus in Literature at Stanford University
On the side of the public. Vittorio Spinazzola, cinema and the cultural industry
30 November 2023, Aula 112, ore 10, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Study day by Francesca Cantore and Andrea Minuz
Workshop curated by phd students on the bibliographical issues
29 November 2023, ore 10-13, presso la stanza 117 (Aula dottorandi) delle Ex Vetrerie, via dei Volsci, 122
The meeting curated by the coordinator aims to foster an exchange of experiences among PhD students.
Gordon Craig loneliness the future - notes on contemporary theatre research
15 november 2023, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Ferruccio Marotti
The actor and the performer: tradition and research. Theatrical memories of the end of the millennium
13 November | 12 December 2023 - Second Edition
from the Historical Audiovisual Archive of the University Theatre Centre. Department SARAS. In collaboration with the PhD in Music and Performing Arts. Artistic direction by Ferruccio Marotti and coordination by Stefano Locatelli
Seminar to share research of PhD students of the XXXIX cycle
8 novembre 2023, ore 14, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Organized by Aleksandra Jovicevic
From Daredevil Acrobatics to Spectacle Pantomime and Early Film: The Hanlon Brothers
25/10/2023, ore 15, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Prof. Mark Cosdon (Allegheny College di Meadville, Pennsylvania), visiting professor at Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo
Idea opera significato: riflessioni sulla genesi della creazione artistica
19/10/2023, h. 9-13.30, Aula A3, Via Nuova Marina 33, Napoli
Enrico Careri - Giorgio Ruberti (Università di Napoli Federico II)
L'Oud in Tunisia
19/10/2023, h. 9-13.30, Aula A3, Via Nuova Marina 33, Napoli
Salvatore Morra (Università della Tuscia)
Gaspara Stampa tra musica ed eterodossia
18/10/2023, h. 15-18.30, Aula A3, Via Nuova Marina 33, Napoli
Marco Bizzarini (Università di Napoli Federico II)
L'estetica musicale di Carl Dahlhaus
18/10/2023, h. 15-18.30, Aula A3, Via Nuova Marina 33, Napoli
Tiziana Pangrazi (Università di Napoli L'Orientale)
Between sketch studies and genetic criticism: new trends in Beethoven’s philology
Seminary by Elisa Novara (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
Geografie musicali nel regno di Pio IX
27/09/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula Pirrotta
Seminar by Alessandro Maras (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Laboratori a cura dei Dottorandi di Musica
26-28/09/2023, h. 15, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula Pirrotta

"Casta Diva" di Carmine Gallone e i film biografico-musicali italiani, 1935-1954: Pastiche, Emozioni e Memoria storico-culturale
26/09/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula Pirrotta
Seminar by Giuliano Danieli (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Marketing & Cinema. Audiovisual promotion and communication in Italy
15 settembre 2023, dalle 10.30 alle 18.30, Aula G. Levi, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, Via dei Volsci 122
Study day by Luana Fedele
PhD workshops
10/07/2023, h. 11:00

Paola Bonifazio (University of Texas) will re-read John Grierson, "First principles of documentary" (1932)
22/06/2023, ore 16-18, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Esplorare i legami tra musica e vita quotidiana
16/06/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Seminar by Christophe Levaux (Università di Roma “La Sapienza)
Ana putri kang ayu rupane: studi su gender, cross-gender e ‘mystical gender’ all’interno delle arti scenico-musicali indonesiane
15/06/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Seminar by Ilaria Meloni (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
L’invenzione di Vincenzo Bellini. Nascita e influenza di un mito musicale italiano
14/06/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Seminar by Eleonora Di Cintio (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Paesaggio sonoro tra musicologia urbana, ecomusicologia e field recordings
13/06/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Seminar by Simone Caputo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
I vecchi e i giovani: studiare l'operetta italiana
13/06/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Seminar by Emanuele Senici (Università di Roma”La Sapienza”)
Paul McDonald (King’s College London) will re-read Richard Decordova, "Picture personalities. The emergence of the star system in America" (2001)
30/05/2023, ore 16-18, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Stanislavskij our contemporary. Gerardo Guerrieri’s research on the Stanislavskij system
23/05/2023, h. 15, Aula E, Via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Fausto Malcovati
18/05/2023, h. 15:30, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo
Presentation of the book by Lucrezia Ottoboni
Il giovane Mozart e la sinalefe
18/05/2023, h. 9, Università di Palermo
LUCIO TUFANO (Università di Palermo)
Come scrivere una storia del melodramma? Aspetti di storiografia dell’opera
18/05/2023, h. 11, Università di Palermo
LORENZO MATTEI (Università di Bari)
Il dettaglio rivelatore: indagini indiziarie all'opera
17/05/2023, h. 9, Università di Palermo
RUBEN VERNAZZA (Università di Palermo)
La recezione della “musica antica” nella Spagna dell’Ottocento
17/05/2023, h. 11, Università di Palermo
JUAN JOSÉ CARRERAS (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Orfeo egiziano: Giacomo Orefice, Guido Visconti di Modrone e la riscoperta novecentesca di Monteverdi
17/05/2023, h. 15, Università di Palermo
ANNA TEDESCO (Università di Palermo)
Il musicista e il filosofo: al primo tocca trovare, al secondo spiegare. Interdisciplinarità e metodo alle origini del pensiero estetico
16/05/2023, ore 11, Università di Palermo
AMALIA COLLISANI (già Università di Palermo)
L’Oriente cristiano fra noi. Alterità e prossimità culturali, musicali e spirituali
16/05/2023, ore 15, Università di Palermo
Roberto De Gaetano (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) will re-read Stanley Cavell, "Pursuits of happiness: Hollywood comedy of remarriage" (1981)
16/05/2023, ore 16-18, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Practical and theoretic workshop of dance-theatre, Odissi style
15-18/05/2023, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo at Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
Workshop with Ileana Citaristi
The Times of Our Lives: Transcontinental Dialogue
May 3rd, 2023 Dipartimento SARAS, Università La Sapienza, Aula B, ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122, Roma
Seminar Photography and Theatre. A Meeting with Tommaso Le Pera
27/04/2023, h. 15, Aula E, Via dei Volsci 122

“Iyagbon’s Mirror”. In situ creation, ritual and public space
13 April 2023, h. 15, Aula E, Via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by Juri Cainero and Beatriz Navarro
Daniël Biltereyst (Ghent University) will re-read Paul Goalby Cressey, "Taxi-dance hall. A sociological study in commercialized recreation and city life" (1932)
11/04/2023, ore 16-18, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

The Awakening of Hamlet or on the Utopia of the Regenerated World: “The Cherry Orchard”. Seminar by Anna Sica
30 May 2023, h. 16,30
thursday, 30 May h. 16,30, Aula F, Via dei Volsci 122
PALUCCA, RUDOLPH, KANDINSKIJ. Confluences, Images and Moments
09/03/2023 15 pm, Aula E, Via dei Volsci 122
Seminar by prof. Raimondo Guarino
Francesco Casetti (Yale University) will re-read JJean Epstein, "Le cinématographe vu de l’Etna" (1926)
07/03/2023, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Archival science and performing arts archives: principles, definitions and research problems
21/02/2023, 15 pm, Aula Seminari e Tesi, Via dei Volsci 122
ex Vetrerie Sciarra, Aula Seminari e Tesi
La retorica della ricerca (I): l'abstract, la relazione a un convegno, la domanda di finanziamento
10/02/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Giovanni Giuriati (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
La retorica della ricerca (II): Preparazione e scrittura di un articolo scientifico
10/02/2023, h. 15, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Simone Caputo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza)
La presentazione della ricerca: uso di PowerPoint, multimedialità e animazioni grafiche in presentazioni di carattere musicologico
09/02/2023, h. 10, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Gianluca Bocchino (Università di Cassino)
Gli strumenti della ricerca: fonti, archivi e risorse bibliografiche, digitali e multimediali
09/02/2023, h. 15, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Susanna Pasticci (Università di Cassino)
Veronica Pravadelli (Università di Roma Tre) will re-read Thomas Elsaesser, "Tales of sound and fury. Observations on the family melodrama" (1972)
08/02/2023, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Composition as research (II)
08/02/2023, h. 17, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Steven Feld (University of New Mexico Santa Fe)
Il cantiere della ricerca. Seminari didattici della Sezione Musica
06/02/2023, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Curriculum in Storia e analisi delle culture musicali, 6-10 febbraio 2023
Cultura poetica di Antonio Vivaldi
06/02/2023, ore 17, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Stefano Carrai (Scuola normale superiore, Pisa) per il ciclo "Il cantiere della ricerca"
02/02/2023, Aula Levi della Vida, 10,30 am

The Resistance of Actresses, seminar by Chiara Pasanisi
30/01/2023, 15,30 pm
30 gennaio 2023, alle ore 15:30, in aula Seminari e tesi, ex Vetrerie Sciarra, e in remoto su google meet:
16/01/2023, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122


Giulia Fanara (Sapienza Università di Roma) will re-read Raymond Bellour, "L'analise du film" (1979)
15/12/2022, Aula 117, Via dei Volsci 122

Seminar by Marco Donnarumma "Hybrid disciplines: the politics of bodies and machines from the stage to the street”
13/12/2022 15 pm
by Maria Grazia Berlangieri link zoom:
Lezione/presentazione dell'ultimo volume di Aleksandra Jovicevic: "Orson Welles e il teatro, Shakespeare e oltre"
29/11/2022 15 pm

Presentazione dei volumi di Sergio Lo Gatto e di Ilenia Caleo
by Aleksandra Jovicevic
Seminari didattici del Dottorato in Musica e Spettacolo
14-17 giugno 2022
Curriculum in Storia e analisi delle culture musicali 14-17 giugno 2022
Descriptions of princely wedding festivals in the second-half of the 15th-century Italy: sources for the history of the spectacle
07/06/2022, 3pm, Aula E Vetreria Sciarra
Seminar by Claudio Passera
25/05/2022 5 pm
Dominic Holdaway (Università degli Studi di Urbino) rilegge JUDITH MAYNE, CINEMA AND SPECTATORSHIP (1993)
Seminari didattici della Sezione Musica del Dottorato in Musica e Spettacolo
17-19 maggio 2022
(Università di Roma “Sapienza” – Università di Palermo) Palermo, 17-19 maggio 2022
Presentation of the book Louis Henry e il balletto a Napoli in età napoleonica by Annamaria Corea
16/05/2022 h. 17,30, Palazzo Primoli, via Zanardelli 1 Roma
in collaboration with Fondazione Primoli
Workshop about the ancient Sanskrit theatre Kutiyattam
16-19/05/2022, 10-13, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo
with Giovanna Summo, choreographer
Ecocinema, Italy: audiovisual goes green
16/05/2022 9 am, Aula Levi
The meeting will be held on May 16, 2022, in Aula Levi della Vida at 9 am.
11/05/2022 4 pm
Catherine O’ Rawe (UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL) rilegge RICHARD DYER, STARS (1979)
The art of abhinaya, or how to depict emotions in the Indian dance-theatre: towards a research on the body experience of performer
10/05/2022 h 15-18, aula E Vetrerie Sciarra
Seminar by Federica Fratagnoli (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Observing, perceiving, describing: choreographic analysis practices
09/05/2022 h 10-13, 14-16, Nuovo Teatro Ateneo
Workshop about Contemporary Dance with Federica Fratagnoli (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Intersections between dance and theatre. The choreographic research in the Russian and Sovietic area between 19th and the first twenty years of the 20th century
03/05/2022, h 15-18, Aula E Vetreria Sciarra
Seminar by Donatella Gavrilovich (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)
29/04/2022 17 pm
Francesco Pitassio (Università di Udine) rilegge EDGAR MORIN, LE CINÉMA, OU L’HOMME IMAGINAIRE (1956)
Opera Fandom in the Digital Age: an Ethnography of ‘the Gods’. Seminar by Nicolò Palazzetti
12/04/2022 3 pm
12 aprile 2022, Via dei Volsci 122, Aula E, ore 15-18
Methodologies and technologies of research on performance. Seminar by Ferruccio Marotti
05/04/2022, 3 pm
"Theatre performance dance. History sight memory research"
Bojana Kubst, Transversal lines of care: artistic work and precarious existences
29/03/2022, 15 pm
"Theatre performance dance. History sight memory research"
SARAS library. Library services, electronic resources and other literature search tools
Carlo Maria Biscaccianti on line seminar
Methodological questions: history and theory in research for the performing arts - By the PhD students (XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII cycle)
More than forty years have passed since the philosopher Paul Feyerabend in Against Method (1975) argued that «anything can go well», shattering the certainties of the scientific method. His was an act of love for research and at the same time a critique of the fossilization of methodologies. Because research is above all: freedom to be able to carry it out. And therefore: how to query the methodologies concerning the performing arts? How to unravel the complex relationship between theories and practices?
Lesson on Max Reinhardt, by Sonia Bellavia
"Teatre performance dance. History sight memory research"
Le pratiche della ricerca storiografica per il teatro: la verifica delle fonti e lo studio dei copioni. Seminar by Anna Sica
"Theatre performance dance. History sight memory research"
22/02/16 5 pm
Valentina Re (Link Campus University) rilegge GÉRARD GENETTE, L’OEUVRE DE L’ART. IMMANENCE ET TRANSCENDANCE (1994)
"Il cantiere della ricerca". Seminari didattici del Curriculum Storia e Analisi delle Culture Musicali - Gianluca Bocchino
11/02/2022, ore 10

"Il cantiere della ricerca". Seminari didattici del Curriculum Storia e Analisi delle Culture Musicali - Tiziana Pangrazi
11/02/2022, ore 16

"Il cantiere della ricerca". Seminari didattici del Curriculum Storia e Analisi delle Culture Musicali - Sergio Bonanzinga
10/02/2022, ore 10

"Il cantiere della ricerca". Seminari didattici del Curriculum Storia e Analisi delle Culture Musicali - Giovanni Giuriati
10/02/2022, ore 16

Ferdinando Taviani: history and life of the theater.
Two days of seminars around the figure of Ferdinando Taviani (1942-2020), probably the greatest theater scholar of his generation. Catalyst and pedagogue, he has made grown around him a cultural environment and two generations of scholars. He actively participated in the life of actors and theatrical persons, he was in the front row in large theatrical battles. The two days intend to explore two faces of him: on the one hand, his innovative studies, in particular on the culture of the actor, ranging from Commedia dell'Arte to contemporary theater, through the presentation of two posthumous volumes (Ferdinando Taviani, Le visioni del teatro. Scritti sul teatro dell’Otto e Novecento, and Il rossore dell’attrice. Scritti sulla Commedia dell’Arte e non solo, Bulzoni, 2021). On the other hand we will investigate, through the presentation of latest issue of the magazine "Teatro e Storia", largely dedicated to his memory, his presence alongside the living theater, as a friend, adviser and companion (Mirella Schino).
08/02/2022 5 pm
Sedicesimo Seminario Annuale dei Dottorandi

"Il cantiere della ricerca". Seminari didattici del Curriculum Storia e Analisi delle Culture Musicali - Carlo Caruso
07/02/2022, ore 17

Back to the classics, vol. 2. A journey through the classics of film and media history and theory
26/01/22, 5 pm
As part of the PhD program in “Music and Performing Arts”, the cycle of seminars “Back to the classics” will feature five meetings between January and May 2022, to discuss in a contemporary key some of the most impactful books in film and media studies.
22/01/26 5 pm
Luca Barra (Università di Bologna) rilegge MARSHALL MCLUHAN, UNDERSTANDING MEDIA. THE EXTENSIONS OF MAN (1964)
Seminari didattici della Sezione Musica del Dottorato in Musica e Spettacolo
17-19 maggio 2022
(Università di Roma “Sapienza” – Università di Palermo) Palermo, 17-19 maggio 2022


BACK TO THE CLASSICS: Hard core, power, pleasure, and the frenzy of the visible
28/06/21, h. 16
Giovanna Maina (Università di Torino) e Federico Zecca (Università di Bari) rileggono "Hard core, power, pleasure, and the frenzy of the visible", di L. Williams (1989)
Mettere in storia il Novecento. Una questione di storiografia teatrale
10/06/21, 4 pm
Lezione dottorale di Lorenzo Mango (Università di Napoli L'Orientale) Link Zoom:

May 20, 2021
Dance and choreography are today essential parts of the contemporary imagination, both in terms of the arts in general and more precisely in terms of knowledge. This lesson analyzes a constellation of choreographies and performances that create a different genealogy of the movement. A plan of dance composition that over time has translated into an aesthetic practice of resistance, including political ones. That of movement without movement: that is, inaction as a force of intuitive thought, antithetical to the logic of introspection. Inaction as a critique of choreographic reason. Inaction as a strategy for the disappearance of bodies capable of undermining the dictatorship of chronological time. Because immobility and stillness are choices of (resistance to) movement informed by a precise postural technique, but reluctant to an immediate advantage of readability. These are choices that reject the display of expertise and specialism. Choices that favor emotional and unplanned involvement. They are therefore reliable sources of political autonomy, that is, of resilience towards the forces of homogenization, uniformity, standardization and simplification adopted by neoliberal policies.
VIVA LA PERFORMANCE! - Performing memories: curatorial and policy (ethical) perspectives, experiences and challegnes advocating new cultures of care, hospitality and solidarity
13/05/2021, 16,00 pm
The conference focuses on the role of theater in social struggles, new memorial practices and the establishment of new ways of human relating.
BACK TO THE CLASSICS: Cinema e pubblico. Lo spettacolo filmico in Italia
05/05/21, h. 17
Giacomo Manzoli (Università di Bologna) rilegge "Cinema e pubblico. Lo spettacolo filmico in Italia" di V. Spinazzola (1974)
April 22, 2021
My brief reflection aims to retrace the cornerstones of a relationship between art and life, which, from its first problems brought into play in the context of the historical avantgardes, spreads throughout the art world, extending, over time, to the American neo-avantgardes and all that area of theatrical research – and of the theatricalization of art – which has designed a program, if not the same, similar.
BACK TO THE CLASSICS: An Everyday Magic. Cinema and Cultural Memory
13/04/2021, h. 17
Daniela Treveri Gennari (Oxford Brookes University) rileggerà il volume An Everyday Magic. Cinema and Cultural Memory, di Annette Kuhn.
Performance and "Curatela", close to the practices
March 22, 2021, 16:00 pm
Doctoral lesson by Piersandra Di Matteo, IUAV University
BACK TO THE CLASSICS: Encoding/decoding in the television discourse
18/03/21, h. 17
Massimo Scaglioni (Università Cattolica di Milano) rilegge "Encoding/decoding ih the television discourse" di S. Hall (1973)
11/03/2021, ore 16
Issues of appropriation, adaptation, storytelling on the contemporary British scene
BACK TO THE CLASSICS - Cinema PhD students workshop
25/02/2021, ore 16
PhD cinema students will present their reports on the first selected texts

From February to June 2021, will take place the second part of the cycle of doctoral seminars in Performing Arts entitled "Viva la Performace!"
12/02/2021, ore 17
Multimedia presentations are often complicated to manage and use, especially in the case of musicological research presentations that require the use of multimedia. The seminar aims to provide some guidelines for an effective presentation of a research, highlighting the possible problems encountered in the creation of a PPT, suggesting solutions and communication strategies.
11/02/2021, ore 10
Websiting has acquired a decisive importance for data archiving and cataloguing and the exchange of information. How can the web represent a resource for the humanities and, more properly, for the work of the researcher? How can one take advantage of the potential of webstoring to collect data and share the progress of research? The seminar offers the basic tools for creating and setting up a website aimed at: - cataloguing data, documents and resources related to doctoral investigations; - setting up an interactive virtual space for sharing ongoing results and promoting scientific activity. For this purpose, "drag and drop" web development models will be proposed, which do not require any particular technical skills or knowledge of programming languages.
11/02/2021, ore 17
The seminar, in the form of a workshop, will discuss, starting from the writings presented by the doctoral students, how to write an abstract, be it for a paper to be presented at a conference, for a research project, for an article to be published on a journal. Starting from fac-simile, the seminar will also discuss how to prepare an application for funding of a research project.
9 e 10 febbraio 2021 in modalità telematica

8/02/2021, ore 17
Published in Venice between 1724 and 1726 in eight folio volumes, the fifty psalms of the Estro poetico-armonico (poetry by Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniani, music by Benedetto Marcello) represent one of the most ambitious and innovative attempts of paraphrasing of psalm texts in Italian verse. Marcello's intonation, conducted in a style only partly analogous to that of the contemporary production of oratorios, cantatas and chamber duets, openly distanced itself from the most popular genres of the time, in an attempt to refound the relationship between text and music. It was not by chance that the ideas formulated in L'Estro found echoes in the writings on opera in music by Algarotti and Calzabigi, or that they constituted a model to be contrasted with the much less elitist ideals of Saverio Mattei's later vulgarization of the psalmody. Also thanks to a complex apparatus of erudite prefaces, Giustiniani and Marcello's work had a vast echo in 18th-century Europe and continued to be a much-admired musical monument in the following century. Of particular interest is the inclusion of transcriptions of Hebrew melodies belonging to the oral traditions of the Sephardic and Ashkenazic communities of Venice: "a remarkable methodological accomplishment" (Edwin Seroussi, 2002) also from an ethnomusicological point of view.
Back to the classics - Film History. Theory and Practice by Robert Allen and Douglas Gomery
Jan 28, 2021 17:00
The first seminar of re-reading classic texts on the history and theory of cinema is dedicated to Film History. Theory and Practice by Robert Allen and Douglas Gomery, a fundamental work that questions the ways of constructing historical research in film studies.
Crises of Care: Performance, Design, and Transmedia Worldbuilding
Jan 27, 2021 16:00

Enigmi e paradossi della storiografia teatrale italiana
Recovery, verification, comparison and analysis are the identification tools of theater philology, on which the consistency and validity of theater historiography are measured.
D’amore e d’arte: per un aggiornamento degli studi dusiani
Aleksandr Volkov's letters to Eleonora Duse - almost completely neglected for more than ninety years - tell us Duse’s relationship with Volkov, i.e. between Lenor and Alex: a liaison that was fed on art and life, as well as on ordinary and extraordinary facts of history.


30/11/2020 in Zoom: ID riunione: 856 3180 3534 Passcode: 949041

Cinema magazines in Italy from the post-war period to the 1950s: sources and problems
May 19, 2020
The Italian film criticism of specialized magazines, from the post-war period to the end of the 1950s, is going through an expansionary phase which involves the most consistent period of modernization of the national cultural industry. In this same period, the canonical critical notions that will influence the taste and reception of the cinema show by high culture are defined. Critical work on specialized periodicals plays an important role in the cultural legitimization processes of cinema-related knowledge. And it has some peculiarities. I propose to investigate them by privileging some aspects. At first I put film criticism under observation in relation to Fascist culture. In a second moment I identify the elements of discontinuity in the panorama of specialized magazines, that is to say the ways in which they differ from each other in terms of setting, content and profile of collaborators. In a third moment I present five traits that periodicals of the period share in terms of the interpretation / evaluation of films, regardless of the different ideological alignments of belonging. Finally, in the conclusions, I return to the question of the periodization of post-war criticism in relation to the previous twenty years and to the problems relating to the relationship between film criticism, sector magazines and sources for the history of cinema.
Seminars at the time of Covid 19 (curriculum history and analysis of musical cultures)
April 21,22 2020

"She played the Harp and Sang a New Song": The Sea, the Wall and the Musical Topology of Mediterranean Migration - Lectio Magistralis, Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago)
27/02/2019, ore 9,30 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

7-8 maggio 2020
"Anti-manual" seminar 2020 focuses on actresses. We have chosen to examine a crucial period, the theater between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, when many of the greatest theater artists, including internationally, are women. In this period some women are even comical leaders of their companies from an artistic and economic point of view. Under this theme another also flows: how to narrate the theater? The history of theater, compared to the other arts, must be based on the "lack of the object". A theatrical event from the past leaves traces in the documents, but cannot be analyzed directly. At the same time, it does not have the weight the authority of history. How can we make the past alive? What details to choose, how to keep the listener's attention awake, without losing the philological rigor? On the first day it will be five interventions, followed by questions and comments from a "listening group" of scholars of this and of other universities. Students and doctoral students will participate in the discussion. Each intervention will tell a story of actresses, trying to make people understand why it can be considered exemplary for reflection on our theme. We will talk about the peculiarity of female work in the theater, the reactions of the public, the body on stage, and female power. The second day of the seminar is designed for a smaller group, with more possibilities for discussion. It will be dedicated to an analysis of the interventions proposed in the first part from the point of view of the composition and assembly process, but above all from that of research. The first day speakers will discuss these individual steps by showing the documents and explaining the methods. Specific problems, that is to say relating to the documents of the single topic, and transversal, that is recurrent and shareable, related to the practice of research and symptomatic of an approach to studies will be brought to light. Also in this case, the speeches will be taken up, commented on, expanded and discussed by the listening group, as well as by the students and doctoral students. If the aim of the seminar is to narrate the theater through a story, this part of the work is dedicated to the material weaving of that story: to its construction made of tiny and macroscopic elements, of single details and weaves, of document selection and the search for a lexicon capable of remaining close to the practice, both that of theater and that of research.
10 dicembre 2020

December 16, 2020


26/02/2019 ore 10 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

History and Histories of Italian Television: institutions, cultures, societies - Damiano Garofalo (Università Cattolica di Milano)
08/02/2019 ore 15, Aula Levi, Via dei Volsci 122 Roma
The lecture deal with the birth of television studies in Italy from a historiographical point of view.
25/02/2019 ore 17 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

28/02/2019 ore 15 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

28/02/2019 ore 10 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

01/03/2019 ore 15 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

01/03/2019 ore 10 - Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

The American Reception of Anna Magnani. Methodological Approaches - Sergio Rigoletto (University of Oregon)
14/03/2019 ore 15 - Aula A, Via dei Volsci 122 Roma
William Dieterle famously referred to Anna Magnani as “the last of the great shameless emotionalists”. Dieterle’s remark exemplifies the peculiar appeal of Magnani to US film culture, one predicated on the perceived anachronism of her acting and on a set of supernatural and sub-human figurations (the volcano, the tempest, the tiger, the animal…). Drawing on US press and publicity materials released between 1945 and 1955, this lecture examines the rise and development of Magnani’s star image in the US, focusing on how her star image evolved during the years prior to her first Hollywood film, The Rose Tattoo (1955) and on how Paramount negotiated this image for her Hollywood debut.
Studying film economics: the case study of Checco Zalone’s films - Marco Cucco (Università di Bologna)
27/03/2019 ore 13 - Aula Levi, Via dei Volsci 122
The lecture will introduce doctoral candidates to the study of film economics. After an introductory part, the second part of the lecture will be devoted to the four films performed by Checco Zalone and will analyze how these films have been financed, promoted and released, as well as their performance in the theatrical market.
Women in the Italian film industry: for a historical and gender approach to Italian Production Studies - Dalila Missero (Università degli Studi di Milano)
10/04/2019 ore 17 - Aula A, Via dei Volsci 122
This lecture aims to illustrate the methodologies and possibilities of a cultural-historical methodology for the investigation of the role of women in the Italian cinema industry. In the first part, it analyzes the state of the art of Italian production studies, which lack of a systemic approach which combines empirical research (with both qualitative and quantitative methodologies) with cultural-history and gender studies, as international research already does. This overview includes an historical reading, which specifically focuses on a few investigations carried out in the 1970s in the wake of the reflections of the Italian feminist movement on women’s creativity and labour. In the second part I will illustrate two case studies I’ve carried out: one based on archival research – the study of the production manager Mara Blasetti’s archive, held at the Cineteca di Bologna; the second based on interviews and the study of professional manuals, which allowed me to study the feminization of the profession of the film editor.
Presentation of the book by Richard Schechner, "Introduzione ai Performance Studies"
13/03/2019 - Aula A, Via dei Volsci 122
There will be present Marco De Marinis (Università di Bologna ) e Dario Tomasello, editor of the book
Traces of the Present. Transcultural Memory in Contemporary Audiovisual Production - Alice Cati (Università Cattolica di Milano)
30/04/2019 ore 17 - Aula A, Via dei Volsci 122
In recent years, cultural memory studies have increasingly shifted its focus towards media technologies, discourses, forms and practices. According to this approach, as so many scholars claim (A. Erll, A. Hoskins, J. Garde-Hanse, J. van Dijck, and so on), memory is always mediated. In other words, cultural memory cannot be accessed outside its mediatisations. On the one hand, memory has been perceived as not fixed or stable phenomenon; on the other hand, theories of memory are applied to media by observing the multiple connections between mediated memories of events, media images of the past and uses of media for memory practices. Moreover, a transcultural perspective has been adopted in order to explain the changeability of memory across time and space.
Barbara Corsi (University of Warwick) - Producers and production practices in the history of Italian cinema
07/05/2019 ore 14 - Aula 107, Via dei Volsci 122
Studying the Economic History of Italian Film Industry means solving methodology and source problems. Following the producers’ path is the best way to understand their practices.
Claudio Vicentini - Reading the acting. From the theatrical interpreter to the digital actor
15/05/2019 ore 15, Aula C, Via dei Volsci 122 Roma

21/05/2019, ore 11 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

21/05/2019, ore 15 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

22/05/2019, ore 15 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

22/05/2019, ore 10 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

23/05/2019, ore 15 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

How to Study a Screenplay: Questions of Method - Giaime Alonge (Università di Torino)
23/05/2019 ore 15 - Aula 112, Via dei Volsci 122
The study of scripts and scriptwriting necessarily takes place in archives. Only through a concrete encounter with the script as a physical text scholars can grasp the real nature of scriptwriting. Since shooting scripts are rarely published in form of books, and since all the materials – such as notes, subjects, treatments – that preexist shooting scripts are even more rarely published, this encounter can happen only in archives.
23/05/2019, ore 11 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

23/05/2019, ore 9 - Palermo, Aula Sezione Musica, Via Divisi 81

Emiliano Morreale (Sapienza), Massimo Scaglioni (Università Cattolica di Milano) - The international circulation of Italian Cinema. Research perspectives
27/05/2019 ore 15 - Aula Levi, Via dei Volsci 122
The workshop is grounded on the main findings of the research project “International Circulation of Italian Cinema” (CinCit), a three-year research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (PRIN). It aims to map out the forms of distribution and circulation of Italian cinema abroad, investigating the methods of its exportation and the operations that, in some particularly important markets (the USA, the UK, France and Switzerland), help to shape and model an idea of Italian cinema and, more broadly, of Italian culture and “made in Italy”. In particular, theoretical and methodological issues will be discussed, also in relation to a possible extension of the research (from film to audio-visual media), and a specific focus will be devoted to how international magazines and criticism describe and frame Italian cinema.
29/05/2019 ore 11,00 - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, scalinata di Via Milano 9A

Pierre Bourdieu’s filed theory in film and television studies
03/06/2019 ore 16 - Aula seminari e tesi, Via dei Volsci 122
The paper evaluates Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology, “one of the mots powerful social theorization currently available” in terms of its effectiveness for understanding film history and media production.
Novelization and dramatization : possibilities of exchange and intersection
29/10/2019 ore 16 - Aula Supino Martini, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
As compared to the opposition between the "model of the dramatic text and the model of the narrative text" in use during the last decades of the 20thcentury and inspired mainly by semiotic perspectives, it might be worth looking in a different manner and beyond the limits of “text” as a category at the complex, yet fruitful interaction between diegetic and mimetic dimensions, which characterise in particular, but not exclusively, the experience of twentieth-century and contemporary theatre. It might also be worth dwelling on the equally clear repercussions on the novel. Novelization and dramatization are thus envisaged as parallel experiences, within a perspective that tends not towards the separation or the schematic opposition of fields and models but, along the lines of Brecht's definition, towards a field describable in terms of "shift in accent".
05/11/2019 ore 11,00 - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, scalinata di Via Milano 9A

PhD seminars History and analysis of musical cultures - june 2018
25 - 28 giugno 2019, Aula Pirrotta, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

17/12/2019 ore 16, Aula B, Via dei Volsci 122 Roma

Environment, body, light. Seminar by Fabrizio Crisafulli
11/12/2019 ore 16 - Aula seminari e tesi, Via dei Volsci 122 - Ingresso libero

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma