The audience of the opera: methodological, historical and media aspects

Nicolò Palazzetti (Marie-Curie Fellow, Università “La Sapienza”) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Venerdì 14 giugno, ore 15, Aula Nino Pirrotta


Audience participation practices constitute a fundamental aspect of music opera. Audiences have influenced opera production, the configuration of scenic spaces, cultural policies and forms of communication, but have often been neglected by musicological research. The advent of the digital age has further changed the interactions between audiences and theatre institutions. This interdisciplinary doctoral seminar aims to explore the past and present of opera audiences, also considering the role of fandom and other forms of performance, and thus contributing to sociological and cultural studies. Active and participatory discussion with doctoral students will be crucial in the seminar, in order to comment together on the proposed readings and to engage in more general reflections on music audiences in the light of their interests and research.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma