Between the embedded repertoire and the incarnate archive

Study days of the PhD in Music and Performing Arts (Curriculum of Studies in Theatre, Performing Arts, Cinema and Technologies for Digital Entertainment) by Aleksandra Jovicevic

22 maggio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122

I envisioned this day as a panel discussion in which each author is invited to reflect on the continuing transformation of theories and practices in the performing arts. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the articles published in the three volumes of Theatre Library (BT 136, 137, 138), I would like to start with questions about repertoire, documentation and archiving in the performing arts, new methodologies in the history of theater, dance, and performance art, as well as new methodologies in queer, feminist, and postcolonial theories, the deculturalization and decolonization of theoretical and historical discourses, and finally the inevitable relationship between the "old" performing arts and new media. Emerging in the three volumes are the unprecedented looks at the artistic production of the past and present, reflections on the changing balance between the center and peripheries of the history of dance, theater, and performance, new hypotheses for thinking different perspectives of the performing arts, including looks from the inside on the complexity of the life of different institutions, such as stable theaters, social theaters, performance art, classical and contemporary dance, archives and libraries, and even the cities that host them.
So you are invited to reflect on the relationships between artistic production and the new social and cultural context, including new technologies and performance languages. How are the performing arts changing and how have they changed in a world dominated by different media, including social media? How do all these changes reflect on the history of the performing arts, on art institutions, and on the paths of criticism? What concepts and methodologies should we use in the new theoretical paths? How does and has the history of the performing arts change since the role of women artists and theorists has been recognized? How are new performing arts archives created and how do old ones change? What is the productive role of repertories?

Aleksandra Jovicevic

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