Marco Bizzarini, "Eclipses and musical revolutions in the thought of Vincenzo Galilei"

Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Wednesday 16/10/2024 – ore 14.30 Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli

16/10/2024 ore 14,30

Two astronomical metaphors, eclipses and revolutions, illustrate the concept of time in the theoretical writings of Vincenzo Galilei, a distinguished sixteenth-century lutenist and father of Galileo. The “eclipses” represent the forgetting of ancient music theory, a heritage that Galilei deemed worthy of rediscovery and reinterpretation. The “revolutions,” on the other hand, allude to a concrete grafting of the ideals of ancient music into modernity, with the goal of significantly influencing the musical landscape of the future.

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