Without giving in to the evidence. Research horizons on dance and cognitive sciences

Seminar by Gabriele Sofia

7 febbraio 2024, ore 14:30, Aula A, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra

Without surrendering to the evidence. New horizons in research on dance and cognitive sciences.

When we want to research on performing arts and cognitive sciences, we often have to face with a double challenge: either to be seduced by scientific evidence or to rely only on phenomenal evidence. The interdisciplinary approach to dance studies shows a rich range of examples about that.
This talk intends to trace the history of research on dance and cognitive science over the last twenty years. Particular attention will be paid to three methodological problems questioned by the embodied model: the cerebro-centrism, the dichotomy between perception and action, and the logical distinction between inside and outside.

on-line: meet.google.com/gda-wbqu-wdm

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