The conference focuses on the role of theater in social struggles, new memorial practices and the establishment of new ways of human relating.
13/05/2021, 16,00 pm
The main focus is on those performances that adopt ethics as a founding device, the aesthetics of care, hospitality and solidarity. Then the questions we would ask and try to answer will be: how to overcome the cultural divisions in the illiberalism of the populist societies we are experiencing? How to support a new ethic of care, hospitality and solidarity in a competitive and individualistic society? What are the imperatives of human solidarity in times of global pandemic crisis?
To answer these questions we will start with some specific cases - Patriotic hypermarket, Women side of War of the Dah Theater (Belgrade), Jogging (Hanane Haj Ali, Beirut), Philosophical Theater of Srecko Horvat and his European critical friends, etc., some controversial projects will also be presented such as Behzti (Birmingham Repertory Theater), the Terrorism and its Counterpoint project of the Union of European Theaters, The Official Apology of the Norwegian National Theater, etc.