Annual report

Report 2023-24
The number of doctoral students in Music and Performance is for the 37th 38th 39th cycles of 30. The phd students of the 37th, 38th and 39th cycles regularly and profitably participated in the educational activities related to the corresponding years. There is to be emphasized an increased participation in presence in the seminars, although the possibility of following online through Sapienza's institutional channels is always kept active. It is noteworthy that part of the seminar teaching activity took place at the Nuovo Teatro Ateneo, which in a progressive way returns to being a research and teaching center for the performing arts and cinema. The presence of the Ph.D. coordinator on the University Cutural Committee for the activities of the Nuovo Teatro Ateneo has given a significant impetus to the use by Ph.D. students of the theater for dance and theater workshops and video screenings. The space policy pursued by Music and Performing Arts Ph.D has also led to the consolidation of the use of the class-room 117 in the former Vetrerie Sciarra for doctoral activities. Group work by doctoral students has developed, favored by the possibility of almost exclusive access to the room in question, where a new computer connected to the system for video projection and online audio and video has been installed thanks to an ad hoc contribution from the Doctorate of Music and Performing Arts. The collaboration with other universities (Palermo, Naples, Teramo) and the dislocation of seminar activities in different locations regarding the Music curriculum has resulted in a very fruitful mobility for the PhD students of that section as it has given them the opportunity to present their research in different academic contexts. International mobility was again promoted by the faculty this year, and PhD students' research made excellent use of these opportunities. Also for the year 2023-24, the PON and PNRR have meant from a methodological point of view a greater interaction between doctoral research and issues related to the increasingly pressing instances of technological innovation and ecology in the humanities as well. The PhD in Music and Performing Arts, engaging with these new social and cultural issues has already developed in recent years a more integrated and coherent system between pure university research and “field” activities with institutions and companies related to technological development and ecological sustainability.


Anja Boato - participation in conferences as a speaker
- Paris Institute for Advanced Study, 03/13/2024, “Audience alignment and political engagement in La Casa de Papel,” for the workshop in “Popular audiences, populist narratives in contemporary European Film & TV Series,” edited by Valerio Coladonato and Dom Holdaway
- Lancaster University, 4/29/2024, “Fleeting Fandom. Communities in Crisis and Methodological Transformations,” for the symposium ‘Researching Media Audiences from the Movie Theatre to the Digital Age Methods, Challenges, Opportunities,’ edited by Danila Missero
- University of Pavia, 5/15/2024, “Virtual Spaces, Real Bodies. Immersion and Embodiment in the Representation of Conflict in Ukraine,” for the conference ”Re-imagining War. Audiovisual Remediations of Contemporary Conflicts,” edited by Samuel Antichi, Lorenzo Donghi and Giuseppe Previtali
- University of Urbino Carlo Bo, 10/06/2024, “The Myth of Total VR. Forms, Spaces and Functions of the Metaverse” for the conference ”Screen Cultures Reloaded. Keywords for Media Research in Italy,” organized by Consulta Universitaria Cinema (CUC) and the
Italian Scientific Society of Sociology, Culture, Communication (SISCC).
Luisa Hoffmann - participation in conferences as a speaker.
- XXVII Musicology Colloquium of the Music Assayer. Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, 11/24/2023, “Returning to Ganduscio's Places: an audit in Sicily in 2022.”
- XXI Annual Conference of the SIdM. University of Florence, Department SAGAS, 25/10/2024, “Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro and musical folklorism in Sicily (1929-1943)”

Martina Nappi - participation in conferences as speaker
- University of Innsbruck, 03/07/2024, “Theater In Prison. Practices of theatrical adaptation in Italy and Germany.”
- Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 07/07/2023, “Prison Culture. Theatrical Adaptation Practice In Italy And Germany.”
- Humbolt Universität Berlin, 06/12/2024, Moderation of the discussion on Caesar Must Die at the conference “Politics of the Gaze. In the name of mediateness: self-reflexive realism in contemporary Italian cinema”

Miriam Petrini - participation in conferences as speaker
- University of Parma, 13/11/2023, Doctoral Research, Sources and Methods. VI Edition. Workshop of PhD students in cinema, photography, television and audiovisual media in Italy.
- Cineteca di Rimini -Biblioteca Gambalunga, 02/05/2024, “70 years since Federico Fellini's La Strada”
Pierlorenzo Randazzo - participation in conferences as speaker
- EASTAP, Institute of the Arts,Barcelona, Sitges, 30/10/2024, The prophecy of environmental disaster in Giuseppe Fava's political theater: Paradigm

Alessandro Susca - participation in conferences as speaker
- Facultad de filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Valladolid, 09/27/2024, “Reflecting on the Re-Discovery of an Antique Oud: The Case of Gioacchino Pasqualini's Liuto Moresco”

Arianna Vietina - participation in conferences as a speaker
- Casa della Musica, Piazzale San Francesco 1 Parma, 11/13/2023, “From multiplexes to Netflix: the recent history of cinemas in Italy, between spaces, norms and practices of vision”

Sara Antonini
2023-2024, study trips to Tunisia

Anja Boato
2023/2024, study trips to University of Amsterdam, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, King's College London, Lancaster University

Fiorella Cardinal Ciccotti
2024, study trip to Centre National de la Danse in Paris

Federica D'Urso
2023/2024, study trip to Wayne State University

Giulia Mastropietro
2024, study trips to Haus der kunst Museum (Munich) and MoMA, MoMA PS1, Hemispheric Institute (USA)

Federico Parisellidi
2023/2024, study trips to Akademie der Künste (Berlin)

Roberto Ribuoli
2024, study trip to École Nationale des Chartes, Paris

Claudia Verdat
2024 - PNRR foreign period in France at Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Centre national de la danse and Bibliothèque nationale de France

Volume publications by doctoral students or PHDs in Music and Performing Ars for the academic year 2023-24:

Daniele Vergni, Doctor PHD, Behavior performance art new performance. Action among the arts in Italy (1960-1982), Bulzoni 2004
Daniele Vergni, Taroni-Cividin Dictionary. Concepts and performative practices, Bulzoni 2024
Stefano Gavagni Doctor PHD, Playing Chile and the Andes. The experience of a generation of Italians between music of the other and memory of self (1973-2023) Neoclassica 2024.
- Damiano Garofalo, Samuel Antichi, LUANA FEDELE (eds.), Romarcord. Research in the social history of cinema in Rome (1945-1975), Bulzoni, 2023
- Federica D'Urso, Audiovisual economics: public policies and market structure, Dino Audino, 2023

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