Giorgio Ruberti, "Art and popular melodies: genre imprests in late 19th century Italian music (the plagiarism of 'O sole mio)"

Educational seminars in HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF MUSIC CULTURES Thursday 17/10/2024 - 9.30-13.30 am/pm Aula dottorato 3° piano di palazzo Giusso Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, 30 80134 Napoli

17/10/2024 ore 9.30-13.30

Beginning with a study by Antonio Rostagno (“Song, people, nation, regionalism: ever-changing concepts,” 2011) that illustrates the change in the idea of melody-and people-which took place in Italy during the 19th century, the meeting will focus on the turn of the century to investigate the genre quotations recordable in both art and popular music. With examples from the operatic repertoire and coeval Neapolitan song, the sensitive issue of plagiarism in music will also be explored.

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