Neapolitan instrumental music between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Guido Olivieri (The University of Texas at Austin) Meetings "New Frontiers of Musicological Research" Giovedì 13 giugno, ore 10, Aula Nino Pirrotta


Naples has long been recognised as one of the major music capitals of the 18th century. However, the focus of historiography has been on the triumph of Neapolitan opera in Europe, neglecting the crucial impact of the instrumental repertoire. Recent research, based on extensive archival work, challenges the traditional narrative, and reveals the importance of a substantial production of instrumental music in 18th-century Naples. This new perspective considers the instrumental repertoire at the intersection of culture, politics, and musical patronage, and reveals the phenomena of social mobility of musicians and the extensive networks of circulation and fruition of instrumental music in Europe.

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