Dance and choreography are today essential parts of the contemporary imagination, both in terms of the arts in general and more precisely in terms of knowledge. This lesson analyzes a constellation of choreographies and performances that create a different genealogy of the movement. A plan of dance composition that over time has translated into an aesthetic practice of resistance, including political ones. That of movement without movement: that is, inaction as a force of intuitive thought, antithetical to the logic of introspection. Inaction as a critique of choreographic reason. Inaction as a strategy for the disappearance of bodies capable of undermining the dictatorship of chronological time. Because immobility and stillness are choices of (resistance to) movement informed by a precise postural technique, but reluctant to an immediate advantage of readability. These are choices that reject the display of expertise and specialism. Choices that favor emotional and unplanned involvement. They are therefore reliable sources of political autonomy, that is, of resilience towards the forces of homogenization, uniformity, standardization and simplification adopted by neoliberal policies.
May 20, 2021