Presentation of the book by Mauro Lo Monaco.
Preface by Alessandro Pontremoli.
Massimiliano Piretti Publisher 2024 - LIBRARY of DANCE
Thursday 14 Novembre 2024, ore 18.00, Aula Magna G. Levi (Ex-vetrerie Sciarra), Via dei Volsci 122, Roma
Danzare con misura presents the reconstruction of the eighteen balli – compositions characterized by the alternation of different mexure musicali – composed by Domenico da Piacenza and contained in the manuscript treatise De arte danzandi et choreas ducendi (On the art of dancing and leading dances) from the mid-fifteenth century. For each ballo (dance), the transcription of the musical track is presented with the acronyms of the steps to be performed indicated in correspondence with the notes of the staff. To facilitate learning of the steps, a QR code has been included that allows you to listen to the musical tracks of each individual dance in .mp3 format, without and with the rhythmic scansion that characterizes the different mexure musicali.
Will speak with the author:
Claudia Celi
Vito Di Bernardi
Gloria Giordano