The lecture will introduce doctoral candidates to the study of film economics. After an introductory part, the second part of the lecture will be devoted to the four films performed by Checco Zalone and will analyze how these films have been financed, promoted and released, as well as their performance in the theatrical market.
27/03/2019 ore 13 - Aula Levi, Via dei Volsci 122
The first part of the lecture will present the main research approaches to film economics: political economy of the media, media economics, production studies, film & media history and media industry studies. In the second part of the lesson, the analysis of the films by Checco Zalone has three main purposes: a) to provide an example of what studying film economics means; b) to discuss the main problems that scholars have to face within this research field (e.g. data collection, interviews, etc.); c) to provide a detailed and informative analysis about an ongoing economic and cultural phenomenon (the huge success of Zalone’s films) that Italian cinema and society are currently experiencing.