Study day by Francesca Cantore and Andrea Minuz
30 November 2023, Aula 112, ore 10, Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
Almost half a century after the release of Cinema and the public, the legacy of Vittorio Spinazzola in his studies on cinema and, more generally, his lesson in method, still await to be analyzed in an overview. Scholar of literature and point of reference for various generations of researchers, Spinazzola has promoted a secular and rational point of view through which to analyze the mechanisms of the cultural industry, devoting himself to "high" and "low" without ever encroaching on the misunderstanding of customs clearance, but on the contrary to expand, enrich, problematize the boundaries of literature in the era of mass culture. Since the sixties there have been numerous interventions in the field of film criticism, through an approach that will then lead to the Cinema and audience collection, with a series of insights as current as ever.
On November 30, from 10.00 am, will take place at the headquarters of the Ex Vetrerie Sciarra (room 112) a study day organized by Sapienza, in collaboration with the Arnoldo Foundation and Alberto Mondadori. As part of the series of seminars of the PhD in Music and Entertainment, the event aims to promote an interdisciplinary reflection on the lesson of Vittorio Spinazzola, with particular reference to the field of the history of Italian cinema, the media industry, the vicissitudes of the "popular" in the era of television seriality and streaming. It is a question not only of returning to a decisive text, such as Cinema and the public, but also of verifying the keeping of the ideas and methods elaborated by Spinazzola in the light of the great transformations of the media system of these years.