Two days of seminars around the figure of Ferdinando Taviani (1942-2020), probably the greatest theater scholar of his generation. Catalyst and pedagogue, he has made grown around him a cultural environment and two generations of scholars.
He actively participated in the life of actors and theatrical persons, he was in the front row in large theatrical battles. The two days intend to explore two faces of him: on the one hand, his innovative studies, in particular on the culture of the actor, ranging from Commedia dell'Arte to contemporary theater, through the presentation of two posthumous volumes (Ferdinando Taviani, Le visioni del teatro. Scritti sul teatro dell’Otto e Novecento, and Il rossore dell’attrice. Scritti sulla Commedia dell’Arte e non solo, Bulzoni, 2021). On the other hand we will investigate, through the presentation of latest issue of the magazine "Teatro e Storia", largely dedicated to his memory, his presence alongside the living theater, as a friend, adviser and companion (Mirella Schino).
edited by Roberto Ciancarelli and Mirella Schino
with Silvia Carandini, Roberto Ciancarelli, Vito Di Bernardi, Raffaella Di Tizio, Clelia Falletti, Stefano Geraci, Raimondo Guarino, Doriana Legge, Stefano Locatelli, Samantha Marenzi, Ferruccio Marotti, Francesca Romana Rietti, Franco Ruffini, Mirella Schino, Gabriele Sofia, Valentina Venturini