martedì 18 marzo 2025, ore 16, Aula Levi, via dei Volsci, 122
Dedicato al dossier STREHLER E GLI ALTRI INTORNO ALLA “GENERAZIONE DEI REGISTI”, pubblicato in “Teatro e Storia”, 45-2024 a cura di Raffaela Di Tizio.
Giorgio Strehler was indisputably a master of Italian theatre and not only, but the true recognition of his value still bears, in the collective memory, certain narrative flaws that have even conditioned historiography. As Claudio Meldolesi pointed out in his book Fondamenti del teatro italiano. La generazione dei registi (Foundations of Italian Theatre. The generation of Directors, Firenze, Sansoni, 1984; Roma, Bulzoni, 2008), this has happened not only at the expense of the many protagonists of Italian theatre history that were contemporaneous to that of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, but also of Strehler’s career path, from which certain aspects that appear incoherent with the period of his artistic maturity are omitted. Starting again from Meldolesi’s knowledge thrust, we’ll reflect on the importance of observing the establishment, in the Italy of the 1950s, of a system of production that was founded on a single idea of theatre through the events and importance of the different personal paths of a whole generation of theatre makers.