
The PhD School in Archaeology, in agreement with the Department of Antiquities, organises seminars, conferences, book launches and other events for doctoral students during the academic year. This is an opportunity for didactic training, as requested, and scientific update.
These activities are organised jointly by the PhD School or individually by the curricula that belong to it. Participation is open to all PhD students. Attendance, when not compulsory, is always strongly recommended in order to reach the teaching hours required by the course.


Courses for PhD students | Laser Aided Profiler (LAP) Workshop
LAD organizes a teaching workshop on the use of the Laser Aided Profiler (LAP) for the documentation of ceramic profiles.
Courses for PhD students | Basic and Advanced GIS course
January-February, Aula III, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia, 1st floor
Teaching activities are organised in the following modules: - Basic GIS - Advanced GIS - Relational database creation and management The meetings aim to provide the theoretical and practical bases necessary to set up and independently develop own GIS projects and deal independently with the world of digital cartography. In addition, they will expose some of the most common spatial analyses in the field of archaeology.
Research in Apollonia of Illyria by the Albanian-French Archaeological Mission
2025, February 25 - Aula IV, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia, 1st floor
As part of the Classical Archaeology Seminar series, François Quantin (École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL) will present the research conducted by the Albanian-French archaeological mission in Apollonia of Illyria. The seminar will open with welcoming remarks from the coordinator of the doctoral school Maria Teresa D’Alessio, followed by an introduction by Julian Bogdani. A discussion with attendees, moderated by Julian Bogdani and Enrico Giorgi, will follow.
2025, 4-5 February
The seminar offers the opportunity to explore the breadth of topics and cultural horizons as well as the variety of methods represented within the doctoral programme with particular reference to post-classical contexts.
Excavations and research between settlement and necropolis in pre-roman Italy. Questions of method
Thursday 30 January 2025 - 3.30 p.m.
Marzabotto in Po Valley Etruria, Pontecagnano in Campania and Navelli in Abruzzo represent important case studies to reflect on methods and tools for analysing settlement and necropolis contexts
Tools and methods for searching, managing and sharing bibliographic resources: from Zotero to AI chatbots - Francesco di Filippo, CNR Institute for Mediterranean Studies
2025, January 13, h. 10:00AM - Aula E, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia, 2nd floor
Prehistoric Archaeology - Seminar for first-year PhD students (40° cycle) but open to all cycles and curricula. Introduction to search engine, digital archiving and bibliographic formatting systems
Oriental Archaeology - lecture serie: "Near eastern archaeology between cultural heritage protection and scientific cooperation in a world torn by war"
2025, January - February
The lecture series of the Doctoral School in Archaeology, Oriental Curriculum, of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" for the academic year 2024-2025 addresses the challenges and opportunities of archaeological research in the Near East, a region marked by conflicts and geopolitical tensions. The lectures focus on topics such as cultural heritage protection, scientific cooperation, and the role of archaeology as a tool for intercultural dialogue. Case studies include the UNESCO site of Tell es-Sultan in Jericho, the urban project in Baghdad, and conservation strategies for endangered sites such as Bethlehem and the Punic-Roman sanctuary of Ras il-Wardija. The lecture series also offers a critical analysis of the ethical and methodological issues characterizing contemporary archaeology, proposing innovative approaches for managing archaeological heritage in complex and crisis-prone contexts.


"Designing the Future"
October 25th at 9.30AM, Aula Ex Cisadu
On Friday 25th the Department of Sciences of Antiquity will hold a day of teaching specifically addressed to students of the Doctoral School in Archaeology of the third year entitled 'Designing the Future'. The seminar aims to offer tools for knowledge of prospects and methods of access to the postdoc, both in terms of personal preparation and institutional organization. Precisely for this reason the course is particularly aimed at third year students who are about to complete their final level of training at Sapienza, but it is open to all those interested.
Prehistoric Archeology Curriculum: Presentazione del volume "Studi di Protostoria in memoria di Renato Peroni"
June 14 2024
On 14 June at 11 a.m., the volume Studi di Protostoria in memoria di Renato Peroni will be presented by Francesco Quondam (Department of Classical Archaeology – Univerity of Wien). This will be followed by comments and interventions and the reading of an unpublished document by Renato Peroni. The volume presents various articles dedicated to Italian and European protohistory with the participation of many authors. The presentation will be held in Lecture Hall XXII, 2nd floor of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy.
Progetto Prima Europa - La Protostoria del Polesine
June 14 2024
Starting at 3.30 p.m., will be presented the results and prospects of the ongoing research in the important Final Bronze Age sites of Frattesina and Villamarzana, near Rovigo, which are part of the Project: Prima Europa.La Protostoria del Polesine.. Polesine region represents a particularly important area in the last centuries of the 2nd millennium B.C., in which the international production and exchange centre of Frattesina and the nearby large settlement of Villamarzana developed. Recent excavations conducted by Sapienza - University of Rome - Department of Antiquity Sciences in collaboration with the CPASSAE of Rovigo (Frattesina) and the University of Padua, Department of Cultural Heritage (Villamarzana), along geophysical research conducted by Wieke de Neef of the University of Bamberg have revealed new relevant aspects of these extraordinary archaeological contexts. The project: Prima Europa. La Protostoria del Polesine is coordinated by the Soprintendenza ABAP of Verona, Rovigo and Vicenza and financed by the Fondazione Cariparo. The presentation will be held in Lecture Hall XXII, 2nd floor of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy.
Post-Classical archaeology: Study seminar - The two faces of Mithraism
June 11 2024 July 11 2024
Seminar organized by the Doctoral School in Archeology (Prof. M.T. D'Alessio) and by the Doctoral Student in Philology and History of the Ancient World (Prof. P.Vannicelli) Aula XXII, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Classical Archaeology: Living in the Town, Living in the Countryside. Typologies, Models and Transformations of Residential Architecture in Hellenistic and Roman Epirus
15 January 2024 Aula Manlio Simonetti Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, (CU003, 3rd floor) Sapienza University of Roma
The seminar is aimed at PhD students in the Classical Archaeology curriculum of the 37th, 38th and 39th cycles and all interested students. Presentation The on-field archaeological activities have much accelerated in various areas of Epirus in the last decades, and are producing an important progress of our knowledge of many aspects of the region, such as settlement distribution and land occupation, the definition of the urban landscapes, the organisation of defensive strategies, territory control and fortification, the funerary and religious spheres, etc. Lesser attention, considering the available publications, has been put on the analysis of the residential complexes, and this is not due to the lack of archaeological evidence, which is sometimes quite exceptional. Houses of different typologies, scale and prestige have been excavated and documented in recent years in large, fully urban centres such as Phoinike and Antigonea, and in minor sites such as Çuka e Ajtoit (Cestria). The rural landscape, as well, preserves evidences of small settlements equipped with monumental towers and other fortification elements. These have traditionally been interpreted as fortified farmhouses, underlining their economical function connected to agricultural and pastoral intensive exploitation of the chora. Among these stand out the structures preserved at Malathrea, a Hellenistic tetrapyrgos enlarged in Roman times and those of Mesopotamos near Ephyra in Thesprotia, erroneously interpreted for many years as the famous sanctuary of the Nekyomanteion. Exceptional architectural models, forged and diffused by the Macedonian dynasty are at the base of many of these residences that seem to integrate ‘palatial’ shapes and functions. The workshop aims at offering a discussion table to share new excavation and research results and fostering a fruitful dialog on models, functions, chronologies, transformations and interpretation. It aims at setting the ground for an integrated understanding of the phenomenon of residential architecture in Hellenistic and Roman Epirus.
Ethics and Cultural Heritage
May 20-21, 27-28 2024
Within the education offered to PhD students of the Doctoral School in Archaeology, four meetings with Dr. Marco Arizza (National Research Council - ISPC and CID Ethics) are scheduled
Oriental Archaeology: The Archaeology and Cultural Heritage of Tyre: Research, Management, and Preservation
May 6 2024
Lecture of Dott. Ali Badawi - Directorate, Lebanon General of Antiquities
Introduction to Geoarchaeology, methods and application in Archaeology
April 18-19, 2024
The course aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the research methodologies used in geoarchaeology, to introduce students to the various tools of the Earth Sciences (rocks and minerals, sedimentology, geomorphology, pedology, absolute dating techniques, micromorphology, and laboratory analysis) and their application in the context of archaeological research.
AIAC Meetings | April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024
The AIAC Meetings (IncontriAIAC) are an initiative close to AIAC’s heart: during the last twenty years they have become an important proving ground for young scholars, generally pre-doctoral, doing research in Rome. Since 2000 we have held a monthly seminar on a specific archaeological theme, at which two to four archaeologists from Italian Universities and the Foreign Academies present their work. This gives them the opportunity to meet each other, and to try out their ideas, thus creating a network of young archaeologists. The seminars are generally conducted in Italian, but other languages are welcome.
AIAC Meetings | March 19, 2024
March 19, 2024
The AIAC Meetings (IncontriAIAC) are an initiative close to AIAC’s heart: during the last twenty years they have become an important proving ground for young scholars, generally pre-doctoral, doing research in Rome. Since 2000 we have held a monthly seminar on a specific archaeological theme, at which two to four archaeologists from Italian Universities and the Foreign Academies present their work. This gives them the opportunity to meet each other, and to try out their ideas, thus creating a network of young archaeologists. The seminars are generally conducted in Italian, but other languages are welcome.
Prehistoric Archaeology: Machine Learning and Computer Science in Archaeology: issues, applications and perspectives
March 14, 2024
The increasingly widespread application of artificial intelligence is transforming many areas, including work, communication, business, and research. Words and concepts such as neural networks, generative models and Large Language Models have become part of our everyday vocabulary. But what exactly can artificial intelligence techniques offer in the context of archaeological research? This lecture aims to explore and analyse the relationship between archaeology and artificial intelligence, focusing on key concepts such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Science. These tools can help archaeologists analyse large amounts of data, identify patterns and relationships, develop new research methods, and communicate results more effectively. The main aim is to provide an introductory framework to the topic, providing the necessary information to contextualise the topic within the framework of archaeological research. During the seminar, the main themes, case studies and theoretical underpinnings will be presented, providing the PhD students with the necessary tools to understand, exploit and potentially apply the potential of these techniques in the field of archaeological and humanistic disciplines.
Etruscology: 'Clay, Sand, Water, Hands. Research Approaches to Architectural Terracotta in Central Italy'.
February 14, 2024
Life in Ancient Italy was steeped in rich and varied religious practices. Temples and precincts were covered in images of gods and demigods, and votives and cult statues filled spaces of belief. But who was responsible for these sacred images, and how did they carry—and create—meaning? This lecture will explain some of the functions of architectural sculpture and some of the important debates in their study. It will explain how the images of gods and other sacred figures have been understood, with respect to religious and political institutions, and how some traditions in the field might be getting in the way of a deeper sense of the artisans responsible for crafting these works. Finally, the Antefixa Project will be presented.
AIAC Meetings | February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024
The AIAC Meetings (IncontriAIAC) are an initiative close to AIAC’s heart: during the last twenty years they have become an important proving ground for young scholars, generally pre-doctoral, doing research in Rome. Since 2000 we have held a monthly seminar on a specific archaeological theme, at which two to four archaeologists from Italian Universities and the Foreign Academies present their work. This gives them the opportunity to meet each other, and to try out their ideas, thus creating a network of young archaeologists. The seminars are generally conducted in Italian, but other languages are welcome.
Oriental Archaeology
From February 1st to April 11

Extended Matrix: The Transformation of the Archaeological Record into Reconstructive Hypothesis
January, Monday 22 2024
Emanuel Demetrescu, Researcher at the Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale - CNR, will give a lecture entitled "Extended Matrix: The Transformation of the Archaeological Record in Reconstructive Hypothesis", open to all PhD students of the Doctorate School in Archaeology and students of the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage. The appointment is Monday 22 January 2024, 2-4pm, Aula di Archeologia (Museo dell'Arte Classica).


February 22-24, 2023

Archaeology and evenemential history in the post-classical orbis
February 1st, 2023

Roads in the Roman world (Est and West, from 2nd century to the end of ancient times): texts and archeology Series of lectures by Prof. Catherine SALIOU
23/10/2023 06/11/2023 20/11/2023 04/12/2023 18/12/2023
Professor Catherine Saliou, Université Paris 8, visiting professor at La Sapienza in collaboration with Prof. Emanuela Borgia, Professor of Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at Sapienza University of Rome, will hold a series of lectures about the road in ancient times
Course: "Designing the Future"
Friday,June 16th at 9:30AM, Aula XXII
On Friday 16 June, the Department of Antiquities will host a didactic day aimed at students of the PhD School in Archaeology entitled 'Designing the Future'. The course, which has already been successfully organised in previous years, is intended to offer tools for understanding the prospects and methods for entering the post-doc profession, both in terms of personal preparation and in terms of Academic organisation. Precisely for this reason, the course is aimed in particular at those enrolled in the third year, who are about to complete their final level of training at Sapienza, but is open to everyone interested.
Tuesday 20 June 2023, 9.00-13.00
Lectures for the Doctoral School, Oriental Curriculum, A.A. 2022-2023
Book launch: "Il Santuario ritrovato 2. Dentro la vasca. Rapporto preliminare di scavo al Bagno Grande di San Casciano dei Bagni".
19 May, h. 17,00 - Aula Partenone (Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia)
The volume will be presented by V. Acconcia (Central Institute for Archaeology) and A.F. Ferrandes (Sapienza, University of Rome). Volume editors E. Mariotti, A. Salvi and J. Tabolli will also speak. The Authors will be present. Coordinator: M.T. D'Alessio.
The language of the urban domestic architecture as an expression of identity in the Roman world
4 May, h. 14,30 - Odeion
18 Aprile 2023, ore 9,30 | Museo - Ninfeo

Isotopic Studies on bones and carbonised seeds
30 May
Alessia Masi (Università Sapienza di Roma); Claudio Cavazzuti (Università degli Studi di Bologna)
Radiocarbon dating
28 April
Carmine Lubritto (Università degli Studi della Campania)
Digital Archaeology
26 April

AIAC Meetings
27 March
L’Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC), fondata nel 1945, ha lo scopo di costituire un centro di vera e pratica collaborazione internazionale per tutti gli studiosi di archeologia classica. Tra le molte attività dell'AIAC, dal 2000 c'è anche l'organizzazione di incontri mensili nei vari Istituti nazionali e internazionali di Archeologia con sede a Roma per permettere a giovani studiosi (dottorandi, borsisti ecc.), che stanno svolgendo una ricerca in Italia, di presentare il loro lavoro e di incontrarsi condividendo esperienze e temi di ricerca con altri giovani studiosi. Sapienza segue attivamente l’organizzazione e lo svolgimento degli Incontri ai quali tanti dottorandi di Archeologia partecipano ogni anno.
Ardea terracottas in the Campana collection
Friday, March 30, 2023 - 9:00 AM
Speaker Laurent Haumesser, curator of the Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities, musée du Louvre
24 marzo, ore 09.00 (Aula del Museo delle Antichità Etrusche e Italiche)

Digital applications and archaeology at risk. Methods of monitoring, restitution and documentation
9 March

AIAC Meetings
February 20, 2023
The International Association of Classical Archaeology (AIAC), founded in 1945, aims to establish a centre of true and practical international collaboration for all classical archaeology scholars. Among the many activities of the AIAC, since 2000 there has been the organization of monthly meetings in the various national and international Institutes of Archaeology based in Rome to allow young scholars (PhD students, scholarship holders, etc.), who are conducting research in Italy, to present their work and to meet and share experiences and research topics with other young scholars. Sapienza actively follows the organization and running of the Meetings in which many PhD students in Archaeology participate every year. Translated with (free version)
Ethics and Cultural Heritage
6 March; 20 March; 3 April; 2 May 2023. Please note that the last meeting, initially scheduled for 17 April, has been moved to 2 May. Please note that the last meeting, initially scheduled for 17 April, has been moved to 2 May. Please note that the last meeting, initially scheduled for 17 April, has been moved to 2 May

17 gennaio; 1 marzo; 9 marzo 2023
PhD School of Archaeology (Oriental Archaeology)
October 30, 2023
The workshop is part of the BE-FOR-ERC PoTS - Pottery Translocation Stories from Southern Etruria to worldwide museums: the biography of dislocated archaeological artifacts (PI: Christian Mazet, SAPIExcellence)


June 21st, 22nd

30th, 31st May

Ethics and cultural heritage
12th May 2022

26, 27, 28, 29 Aprile

The role of haptic attentive unity (HAU) in the dialogue between maker and material.
8 Aprile 2022

21 febbraio 2022

21 febbraio 2022

17 Febbraio 2022

8 febbraio 2022

20 gennaio 2022



18 febbraio 2020


Workshop of the PhD School of Archaeology
30-31 gennaio 2019
Spatial Archaeology; from morphological aspects to functions.

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