Bando di Ateneo per iniziative di Terza Missione 2024

Sapienza has launched the 2024 University Call for Third Mission Initiatives, with a total budget of € 570,000.00, intended for proposals to enhance knowledge and production of public goods, for the benefit of society and change in the context.
-PHD students and postdoctoral fellows, also in collaboration with each other, can participate in "Avvio alla Terza Mission", with a duration of 12 months, for projects submitted, even in collaboration with each other, with a maximum funding of € 15,000 per project00 and a total availability of € 120,000.00.
Applications for funding for projects can be submitted from 15:00 on 19.09.2024 and by 14:00 on 31.10.2024, through the platform SiGeBa (Sistema Gestione Bandi).
All information is available here:

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma