Starting at 3.30 p.m., will be presented the results and prospects of the ongoing research in the important
Final Bronze Age sites of Frattesina and Villamarzana, near Rovigo, which are part of the Project: Prima
Europa.La Protostoria del Polesine..
Polesine region represents a particularly important area in the last centuries of the 2nd millennium B.C., in
which the international production and exchange centre of Frattesina and the nearby large settlement of
Villamarzana developed. Recent excavations conducted by Sapienza - University of Rome - Department of
Antiquity Sciences in collaboration with the CPASSAE of Rovigo (Frattesina) and the University of Padua,
Department of Cultural Heritage (Villamarzana), along geophysical research conducted by Wieke de Neef
of the University of Bamberg have revealed new relevant aspects of these extraordinary archaeological
The project: Prima Europa. La Protostoria del Polesine is coordinated by the Soprintendenza ABAP of
Verona, Rovigo and Vicenza and financed by the Fondazione Cariparo.
The presentation will be held in Lecture Hall XXII, 2nd floor of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy.
June 14 2024