Call for mobility abroad

The call for applications for funding periods of mobility abroad of doctoral students of the XXXVIII and XXXIX cycles has finally been published.

Applications for admission must be submitted, under penalty of exclusion, from September 26, 2024 and by 12:00 PM on October 28, 2024 exclusively by filling out, by the candidate, the appropriate form available by accessing Infostud, with their credentials, section “Doctorates” and selecting Call for Mobility.

It is emphasized that study or research stays carried out at public or private, academic or non-academic institutions, with registered office and location in a foreign country, must have a duration of 3 months, to be carried out continuously with effect from January 1, 2025. The period of stay abroad must be concluded compulsorily by the date of discussion of the final doctoral examination and in any case no later than December 31, 2025.

The Call can be found at the following link: together with the instructions for completing the application:

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