Election of Student Representatives to the Council of the Department of Antiquities (4 November 2024)

All PhD students, Specializers and students enrolled in the Master’s Degree of the Department.


Pursuant to art. 9 of the Regulation of the Department of Antiquities Sciences are held elections for student representation in the Council of Departments for the biennium 2024-2026.
The representation of students in the Departmental Council is set at a minimum of 15%, rounded up, of the total number of teachers and equivalent staff (n. 12 representatives).
The active and passive electorate consists of doctoral candidates, students and students enrolled in master’s degrees relevant to the Department.
Elections shall result in the appointment of the number of representatives provided for if at least 10% of those entitled to vote participate; otherwise, the number of elected members shall be reduced in proportion to the number of actual voters.
All students of the Master’s Degree Courses in Archaeology (LM-2), in Philology, Literatures and History of the Ancient World (LM-15), in Cultural Heritage in the Near and Middle East, and in Africa (LM-2) and in Mediterranean Archaeology (LM-2) are therefore invited, the Graduate School of Archaeological Heritage, the Doctoral School of Archaeology, the Doctorate in Philology and Ancient World History, the National Doctorate in Heritage Science.
The elections will take place on November 4, 2024 from 09:00 to 16:00 in telematic mode (follow instructions for voting).
The lists of eligible voters will be published on the website of the Department. Each voter will have two preferences.
All those interested in applying for representation are kindly requested to send their applications by 28/10/2024 to: secretaria_dssaa@uniroma1.it. The names of the candidates will be published on the website of the Department.
The elected representatives will then be called for the election of student representatives to the Departmental Board.
The Director of the Department
Prof. Giorgio Piras

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma