Training program on soft skills targeted to Early Stage Researchers – 2024

Once again in 2024, Sapienza is offering a new edition of the cross-disciplinary training program on soft skills aimed at enhancing the training of PhD students and diversifying the skill set of young researchers.
The presentation event will be held in person only on November 6th at 4:00 PM in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate.

     The link to register for the event is provided below: _

The modules, which will take place online, will begin on November 11, 2024. The registration methods will be provided on the dedicated webpage (_Sapienza training offer on soft skills for Early Stage Researchers | Sapienza Università di Roma (uniroma1.it_ <>).

The program covers topics ranging from how to participate in European R&I funding programs to systems for the management and valorization of research results, from Intellectual Property protection to the ethical implications of research, from scientific communication to the Third Mission, from entrepreneurship to scientific computing tools and Big Data.

The offering is part of the actions foreseen by the university's HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy For Researchers). Some courses will be conducted in English and will also be open to Young Researchers from other RIS4CIVIS institutions, in order to highlight Sapienza's participation in the Alliance. The program will also be available to PhD students and researchers from institutions participating in the ROME TECHNOPOLE project, a regional innovation ecosystem and multi-technological hub for education, research, and technology transfer in the fields of energy transition and sustainability, digital transformation, and the bio-pharmaceutical and health sectors.

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