Seminars SOCIOLOGY OF MIGRATION FROM LIMBO CLASS TO TRANSNATIONAL Venerdì 14 Febbraio 2020 ore 9:00 - Aula “Ezio Ponzo” Lunedì 17 Febbraio 2020 ore 9:00 - Aula “Ezio Ponzo” Venerdì 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 9:00 - Aula 14 The seminar cycle is devoted to the sociology of migration in the large temporary perspective (XX and XXI centuries). The first part will start with chosen sociological “classics” describing European emigration to the US. American model of “assimilation” will be discussed with the support of more resent works by contemporary sociologists. The case of the USA will be enlarged to the other geographical spaces and other traditions of academic investigations. The second part of the cycle will be based on the results of ethnographical projects and the concepts of the transnational professional will guide the reflection about internationalized careers and the process of transmobility. The focus on international culture of work, ethnic discriminations and so called “cosmopolitan universe of science and arts” will be critically approached. Finally, the last part of the cycle will be devoted to the refugee recent “crisis”. ‘Limbo class’ is a new concept that is focusing on the place of the asylum seekers and persons passing by camps for refugees in our occidental societies. Bambini immigrati e contesti d'apprendimento nella scuola dell’Infanzia e nella scuola primaria: esperienze realizzate in Israele Mercoledi 12 Febbraio 2020 h.15.00-17.00 Aula XIV - terzo piano “Compiti di sviluppo per adolescenti e giovani adulti appartenenti a minoranze sessuali: identità positiva e coming-out” Dott.ssa Jessica PISTELLA 24 febbraio 2020 ore 10.00 seminar 18 maggio 2020 ore 10.00 seminar 18 maggio 2020 ore 09.30 seminar 10 giugno 2020 ore 09.30 seminar 9 luglio 2020 ore 09.30 seminar 9 luglio 2020 ore 10.00 seminar Giovedì 9 Luglio 2020 Ore 9.00 seminar 24 luglio 2020 ore 09.30 12345