Annual report

Activity Report:
(with respect to first-year doctoral students):
With respect to the first year doctoral students doctorate has maintained the direction of research within the prevailing guidelines of the curricula: With respect to educational research, with the broad areas of research opened by the complex of reforms that have affected the national education system, school reform (state exams, IFTS), education (vocational training and apprenticeship), university teacher training, university reform and that of active labor policies and with the related cross-cutting issues: adult education, orientation and placement. The aim is to carry out original research projects and to encourage interaction with national and international research followed by teachers. With regard to research in the field of developmental psychology, the student's knowledge of research methods and techniques in Developmental Psychology is strengthened and it is proposed to develop in the students the ability to critically evaluate the most current theories of development, from a life-span perspective; the ability to plan, define and elaborate research activities in the field of developmental psychology; the knowledge and application of different research methods in the study of the psychological development of children; the knowledge of theories on the cognitive, affective, social and cultural development of children; knowledge of different research methods in the study of biological, social, and cultural factors related to the development of children and adolescents, with particular attention to the development of relational and emotional competencies, family and peer relationships, identity development, and risk and protective factors. c As far as doctoral students dealing with Social Psychology are concerned, the following themes are deepened: "Social psychological research on the processes of motivation and regulation of conduct in relation to the acceptance of new members": Relationships between attitudes and behaviors 2. Social psychological research on the themes of the physical-social environment and related places (domestic, urban, care, work, etc.); environmental knowledge, environmental attitudes, evaluations of environmental quality; Ecological behaviors" and effects on dysfunction in children.
(2nd year doctoral students):
As with first-year students, the research strands outlined in the two curricula were continued in the two curricula with presentations of research projects and early results of research they have continued. Some students, as can be inferred from the doctoral students' records, spent time abroad.
(3rd year doctoral students):
The final year of the doctoral program is aimed at the final fine-tuning of some studies and the writing of the dissertation for the PhD. Almost all doctoral students have requested an extension due to the pandemic situation. Some students, as it is possible to infer from the doctoral students' files, however, had the opportunity to spend a period abroad.

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