Seminari 2023 How maladaptive family environments and mental health are passed across generations, and how we can prevent that transmission. 08/03/2023 How maladaptive family environments and mental health are passed across generations, and how we can prevent that transmission. PROF. DREW ROTHENBERG, Ph.D DUKE UNIVERSITY, SANFORD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY CoSAN Lab Meeting 12/01/2023 “Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation: potentialities for cognitive neuroscience and neurorehabilitation”, Alessandra Finisguerra, Reasearcher, Scientific Institute IRCCS E. Medea 17/02/2023 2022 “Schizophrenia in the flesh; Revisiting schizophrenia as a disorder of the bodily self” Prof. Sohee Park, Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University 23/11/2022 "Proactive work behaviors in JD-R theory" prof. Arnold Bakker, Erasmus University Rotterdam 18/10/2022 “On the dynamics of synchrony”, Prof. Ilanit Gordon, Social Neuroscience Lab, Bar-Ilan University (Israel); 10/11/2022 "Development of COR as a broad-spectrum Stress Theory." Prof. Stevan Hobfoll, Rush University Medical Center, United States 12/09/2022 "The Role of Healthcare Professionals’ Passion in Predicting Secondary Traumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in the Face of COVID-19: Practical Implications". Prof.ssa Eva Garrosa, Universidad autonoma de Madrid. 28/06/2022 "Incivism at work and gender" Prof.ssa Isabel Carmona Cobo, University of Jaen, Spain 27-28/06/2022 "Job design nei nuovi contesti di lavoro" Prof. Franco Fraccaroli, Università di Trento. 13/06/2022 "Behavioural and neural underpinnings of implicit processing of percepts and emotions." Prof. Marco Tamietto, Università di Torino; Prof. Carlo Alberto Marzi, Università di Verona 31/05/2022 Crafting papers for publication: novelty and convention in academic writing. Prof. Gerardo Patriotta, Warwick University (UK). 23/05/2022 CoSAN Lab Meeting "The human neurobiology of affiliative emotions and stimuli" 19/05/2022 12 2021 Fare start-up in Sapienza, istruzioni per l’uso 17/12/2021 "Gemelli e ricerca neuroscientifica", Prof C. Fagnani 16/12/2021 Valorizzare i risultati della Ricerca: la tutela brevettuale in ambito accademico 16/12/2021 La Terza Missione dell’Università e il Public Engagement 15/12/2021 "Reduced ownership over a virtual body increases dishonesty" 15/12/2021 Etica e Scienza 15/12/2021 Positivity and human functioning- con il Prof. Gian Vittorio Caprara 09/12/2021 Introduction to PyTorch 02/12/2021 Introduction to Machine Learning (ML) 01/12/2021 Introduction to Python programming 30/11/2021 12345 2020 Virtual lab meeting on Zoom platform 15/12/20 Growth curve models 10/12/2020 Virtual lab meeting on Zoom platform-Tracking historical changes in trustworthiness using machine learning analyses of facial cues in paintings 25/11/20 Introduzione ai modelli di equazione strutturali con Mplus 18-19/11/2020 Virtual Lab Meeting on Zoom Platform-Invited key-note: Prof. Luca Chittaro (University of Udine) Talk on "Virtual Reality experiences of life-threatening scenarios and their effects" and discussion 28/10/20 Virtual Lab Meeting on Zoom Platform 28/09/20 Virtual Lab Meeting on Zoom Platform-The pleasant side of emotional sharing: positive empathy and its relation to prosocial behaviour- Interoceptive Accuracy predicts spontaneous deception in the ‘Temptation to Lie Card Game’ 23/07/2020 Virtual Lab Meeting on Zoom Platform. 30/06/20 Virtual lab meeting on Zoom platform. Virtual Lab Meeting on Zoom Platform. Midfrontal-occipital Ɵ-tACS modulates cognitive conflicts related to Body-stimuli- The functional role of the dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex and the Extrastriate Body Area in conflict and error processing: a 10Hz online rTMS study-Response inhibition in cognitive conflicts: a TMS study on the role of frontal and perceptual areas 28/05/20 Virtual lab meeting on Zoom platform 15/04/20 12 2019 Methods session 3 (kinematics, TMS, termocamera, laser) 12/12/19 “Monetary gain enhances the Sense of Agency despite a failure to achieve the goal of the action: evidence for a hierarchy of cues for the feeling of control” 21/11/19 The Job Demands Resources Model - A critical insider view- Prof. Wilmar Schaufeli 11/09/19 Chiara Consiglio “Nuovi sviluppi per lo studio e la misura del burnout nei contesti di lavoro” 11/07/19 Cluster analysis - Prof.ssa Maria Gerbino 11/02/19 Multilevel per dati cross-sezionali in SPSS- Prof. Antonio Zuffianò 10/04/19 Introduction to mediation, moderation and conditional processes -Prof. Guido Alessandri 07/02/19 Lonely and invisible: behavioral judgments about and neural responses to lonely employees- Prof. Hakan Ozcelik 03/06/19 Modelli multigruppo 18 e 25 febbraio Moral agency -Prof. Gian Vittorio Caprara 14/01/19 12345 2018 Introduction to Structural Equation Models (SEM) with Mplus - part 2 Prof. Michele Vecchione 12/12/18 Socio emotional development- Prof. Maria João Gouveia Pereira Beja 12/12/18 Emerging adulthood and parent-children communication- Prof. Maria da Glória Salazar d Eça Costa Franco 12/12/18 Introduzione ai criteri Prisma. 11/05/18 “Autism as a Dimensional Construct, from Cognitive Neurophsyiology to Behaviour" 25/10/2018 Introduction to Structural Equation Models (SEM) with Mplus - part 1- Prof. Michele Vecchione 10/12/18 Lab Meeting round up 06/11/18 La Personalità e le sue potenzialità. 06/02/18 "Empathy-related responding and the development of prosocial extensivity"-"Towards Social Harmony: Building Relationships in Schools" 21/05/18 Un esempio di ricerca applicata nel campo della psicologia del lavoro: Progettazione e monitoraggio di un sistema di valutazione della performance. 17/5/2018 123