
The seminars organized by the Doctorate pursue the objectives of making landscape research recognizable in the light of the contemporary condition, establishing new correlations between fundamental research and applied research (overcoming the opposition between theory and practice), renewing the inter-disciplinary dialogue


Introduction to Writing and Research. Curated by Alessandra Capuano.
22/28/29.11 - 01/04-12.2017
The fundamentals of doctoral work.
Author's landscapes of 20th century. Curated by Alessandra Capuano
The seminar investigates some authors and ideas of 20th century landscape projects. The four main elements that construct open space and are at the basis of its conformation, perception and representation will be the term of comparison: water, soil, vegetation and boundary. The seminar will be divided into communications and analytical readings of projects and comparisons that will also take place through an operational workshop in the afternoons. PhD students will be asked to participate in the lectures, in the workshop of critical reading of the projects through drawings, and to write an illustrated critical essay (15,000 bt), starting from two or three works/projects compared.
Landscaping is Design. Curated by Fabio Di Carlo.
The main subject is the specificity of the landscape project seen through its peculiarities and its condition of necessity, in the light of its most current declinations. Specificity as a complex of different practices and knowledge: from the declinations of the garden to the major territorial transformations; from the technical-scientific knowledge of the basic elements to the economic, cultural and social meanings that constitute the specific profile of this discipline. Necessity in the sense of the paradigmatic role that the landscape architecture project is assuming in the architectural and urban debate on the future of man-made space. Thus an examination of its privileged objects of study and recent trends, from a perspective that privileges overturning by reading crisis conditions as positive opportunities for transformation.
Scientific Autobiographies. Curated by Alessandra Capuano.
The lecturers and doctoral students of the XXX and XXXI cycles introduce themselves.
Landscape and...
Landscape and other disciplines.
Introduction to writing and research. Curated by Alessandra Capuano, Antonino Saggio and Giuseppe Strappa.
7/19.12.2016 - 11/18.01.2017
The fundamentals of doctoral work.
Scientific Autobiographies 2017
The lecturers and PhD students of the XXXII cycle introduce themselves.


Mixed cultivation with trees. Curated by Rita Biasi.
The aim of the seminar is to bring attention to a traditional landscape system that is as unique as it is residual and vulnerable, and to elaborate proposals for interpretation and analysis with a multidisciplinary approach for its preservation and functional recovery through a specific case study.
Landscaping is Design. Curated by Lucina Caravaggi.
The theme of the seminar is 'The conscious gaze of the landscape architect'. The co-awareness referred to is connected both to the "scientific knowledge" of the discipline that orients the gaze by guiding the identification of problems and possibilities, and to the "implicit project" contained in the representations of the landscape architect, similarly to what Giuseppe Dematteis states occurs for geography. The seminar takes up the reflection on the theme of "description" already begun within the PhD programme and tends to develop critical skills in PhD students, exercising their gaze towards contemporary landscapes and desirable perspectives for change.
Landscape and Theories. Curated by Luca Reale.
The landscape seems to be comprehensible to everyone without the need for an upstream theory. In reality it is quite the opposite. Landscape - which is an invention of citizens - is nature as perceived through culture. "To see a landscape you need more than an eye that perceives it: you also need a reflection that constitutes it in its diversity from the mere sensible datum: a theory" [Paolo D'Angelo, Philosophy of Landscape]. Many theories in fact: geography, ecology, aesthetics, architecture, but also cinema and literature, all speak of landscape and often make it a central concept in their disciplinary organisation.
Scientific Autobiographies. Curated by Alessandra Capuano.
Lecturers and PhD students of the XXXIII cycle introduce themselves
Landscape and... Curated by Daniela De Leo.

Ecology and Aestethics in Landscape. Curated by Fabrizio Toppetti.
Landscape and environment are two terms that have different etymologies, meanings, histories and usage habits. Their instrumental use has often contributed to fractures and fuelled rivalries between scientific disciplines and schools of thought, pushing away the moment of a possible active and working composition. In the ancient world their convergence was not in question and in recent decades both theoretical and operational practice have been pervaded by attempts at reconciliation. The seminar intends to investigate the relationship between ecology and aesthetics in contemporary landscape culture, starting with theories and design.


Unfinished. Or of the ruins of contemporaneity. Towards a new glossary. Curated by E. Cristallini, A. Giancotti, F. Morgia

The Castelporziano Presidential Estate. Curated by A. Capuano, G. Celestini, L. Reale, G. Scarascia Mugnozza

Agroforestry landscapes. Green infrastructures and local development in regional, national and community strategies. Curated by Piermaria Corona, Daniela De Leo and Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza.
11.12. 2019
Rural Development Plans, as well as even more clearly Operational Plans, Regional Structural Funds and the National Strategy for Inner Areas, therefore also have a very important territorial and landscape dimension. By now, RDP funding is increasingly aimed at supporting and promoting the environmental functions of agro-forestry systems, as well as supporting and enhancing the income of farms. This presupposes that alongside the farm aspects, a territorial and landscape dimension is also developed that allows agro-forestry interventions to be included, agro-forestry, agro-environmental and sylvo-environmental interventions within a design framework on a landscape scale that makes it possible to coordinate the various farm-type interventions for the creation and full valorisation of these true green infrastructures (hedges, tree strips, buffer strips, woods and groves, agro-forestry plantations) to the full benefit of the landscape and the various ecological functions of the territory.
Landscape and Design during the Anthropocene. Curated by Gianni Celestini.
21.02 - 21.03 - 12.04.2019
The Anthropocene identifies the period in which humanity acquires the power to alter the processes of the earth in a manner similar to a geological force. The Anthropocene era proposes a challenge not only for the sciences but also for the arts, the humanities, and the usual way of seeing things for contemporary culture. The Nature and Culture dialectic falls away. The two dimensions are inextricably intertwined and the landscape project needs a new way of thinking that in this new condition requires new and different tools capable of interpreting the new world that is emerging. Three meetings and three books to investigate and discuss these themes.
Design and research. Curated by Alessandra Capuano.
18/24.01- 05.02.2019

Introduction to Research. Curated by Scuola di Dottorato del Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto.





15/16.11.2022 e 29/30.11.2022

Castello San Giorgio, viale Maria 3, Maccarese Fiumicino (RM) 

The challenges of contemporary agriculture require overcoming the traditional "separation" between naturalness and productivity as it has been delivered to us by the past, seeking new types of natural productivity and at the same time, new forms of natural production. The Maccarese estate is an ideal laboratory for imagining a renewal of agriculture in a sustainable key and new contemporary landscapes: an "extraordinary evolutionary product" capable of relating the profound transformations of the past with those that appear to be equally radical future transformations, on the background of the changes taking place.

Research in the Doctorate

Welcome day XXXVIII cycle

Presentation of(2022) Ri vista “Walking and staying in the Landscape”

The presentation of Number 1(2022) of Ri-vista. Research for landscape architecture, entitled "Walking and staying in the Landscape" saw the intervention of the curators of the volume: Danilo Palazzo, director of School of Planning University of Cincinnati, Valerio Morabito, Department of Landscape, School of Design University of Pennsylvania and Emanuela Morelli, Scientific Director of Ri-vista, Dida University of Florence.

Walking and Staying in the Landscape are often tackled as distinct concepts, the choice of tackling them together has allowed the creation of unexpected scenarios.

The outcomes from this research question allow readers to gauge the state of the art of landscape design and related fields regarding the two key subjects, and/or their ability to be interpreted as complementary or intersecting.

Ri-vista does not want to be just a collection of articles, but the expression of a method of doing research.

Kristina Hill . Lecture

Kristina Hill, Director of the Institute for Urban and Regional Development and Associate Professor of the College of Environmental Design - UC Berkeley, in her speech on June 6th highlighted how in the last few centuries there has been an unhealthy relationship between human beings and nature .

In particular, the invention of cities and our way of life have not entered into harmony with the rules of the entire living system. The American researcher offered significant starting points for a reflection on the relationship between landscape, climate change and interspecies co-evolution through the discussion of ongoing research in the San Francisco Bay, also in relation to the risk of sea level rise expected in the coming years.

Paesaggio #Inclusione
The purpose of the seminar will be to feed a plural reflection linked to the possible connections between the Landscape project and the themes of inclusion in the light of climate change and the increase in inequalities.
Lecture Goffredo Buccini
Comunico, the cycle of seminars dedicated to communication, gives you an appointment with: "Lectures by Goffredo Buccini" Introduces: Lucina Caravaggi Coordinator of the PhD in Landscape and Environment
First meeting of the cycle "BE UNDERSTANDED"


Carlo Blasi Lecture: Restoration ecology, restoration law e urban forestry
Introduction and welcome to the 39th cycle PhD students in Landscape and Environment by Lucina Caravaggi
Presentation of the book: The Green Century. To save the climate. History, propaganda and reality by Francesco Rutelli
Francesco Rutelli presents his latest book: THE GREEN CENTURY. To save the climate. History, propaganda and reality. The event will be coordinated by Lucina Caravaggi, coordinator of the PhD in Landscape and Environment. Discussions with the author will be held by PhD students from the PhD School in Architectural Sciences

MINDSCAPE – recinti terapeutici e welfare culturale


The conference presents the results of a University research called "Mindscape", closely connected to the project that the Faculty of Architecture collaborated in drawing up for the Santa Maria della Pietà complex on behalf of the Municipality of Rome on PNRR funds.

The conference highlights how the research activity, in its complete autonomy, often becomes very "productive". Indeed, Mindscape has developed the correlations between care, prevention and open collective uses in an innovative way, starting with the interrelationships between care and landscape, and by applying these principles to the case of Santa Maria della Pietà, already defined by the Lazio Region as a "Health and Wellness Park ”.

Forestazione urbana e nature based solution


The European Green Deal, the Next Generation EU and the European Biodiversity Strategy place the return of nature to our lives and, in particular, to our cities, at the centre of restoration ecology. The National Energy Security Plan has funded a measure dedicated to urban forestation in the 14 metropolitan cities. The aim of this meeting is to illustrate a new reforestation model, based on the planting of certified native trees and shrubs, as required by the National Public Green Strategy and also currently reported in the European Commission's Guidelines on Biodiversity-friendly Afforestation, Reforestation and Tree Planting (March 2023). In particular, the measure operationalises the request of the scientific and technical world to plant the right tree in the right place; that is, the tree consistent with the local potential vegetation. This measure of the NRP, which envisages the planting of as many as 6.6 million trees and shrubs, is also complemented by all useful initiatives to relaunch both public and private forest nurseries and actions and interventions consistent with ecological processes and the dynamics of the natural system (Nature-based Solutions - NBS)

Autobiografie scientifiche 2023


Presentation of the scientific autobiographies of the professors of the PhD College of Landscape and Environment La Sapienza in Rome

Gardens. Experimenting with contemporaneity
04/05.12.2023 - 15/16.01.2024

Description and Storytelling
The description of the material and immaterial contexts of landscapes (metropolitan, natural, hybrid), in addition to having become an autonomous multimedia narrative genre, is now also a scientific activity that precedes, accompanies, and leads all kinds of projects, at any scale. In contemporary times, however, this scientific description-produced through words, conceptual and/or functional diagrams, artistic, photographic, or cinematic images-often turns into a creative narrative, which opens new doors to landscape perception and critical interpretation. This cannot fail to have a design spin-off. To the point of the paradox that often the description is the project.
Welcome Day XXXIX Cycle - A.Y. 2023/2024 PhD School in Scienze dell'Architettura
Speakers: Orazio Carpenzano, Lucina Caravaggi, Dina Nencini, Dario De Vincentiis, Laura Armiero


Transitions. Hybrid spaces, disorders and adaptations
With this seminar, we aim to reflect on the concept of transition, bringing together various disciplinary and cultural perspectives. "Transition" is a term widely present in our daily lives, somewhat worn out, yet when its various meanings are allowed to interact, even within the realm of project, it opens up an interpretive field that is remarkably fertile and vital. Particularly interesting is the overcoming of the traditional understanding of transition as a "passage" between two stable phases, or as a period of uncertainty leading to a "return" to a state of normality, in favor of images and concepts that indicate transition as a constant condition of contemporaneity. From a physical standpoint, transition asserts itself as a hybrid space, populated by hybrid creatures. Ecologically, transition approaches a condition of permanent disturbance, whereby landscapes no longer oscillate around a state of equilibrium. Culturally and existentially, transition becomes synonymous with continuous and conscious transformation, a direct gaze at the evolutionary dynamics of living beings and their conditions of life. Transitional landscapes, which change as we observe them, force us into a confrontation with the uncertain, the undecided, the unexpected, questioning established tools of inquiry and project. More than a program, which, as often reminded by Edgar Morin, refers to a stable, certain, predictable environment, strategies are needed to prefigure different scenarios of evolution and action, based on the information gradually available, preparing for course changes and new bets, which require new knowledge and adaptive capacity. Some of these perspectives, particularly significant, will be addressed by the seminar's guests.
Scientific Autobiographies 2024
Landscape and Environment PhD lecturers introduce themselves 14/21/28.02.2024
Landscapes of Drainage. Readings and Perspectives
January 23, 2024, DiAP, Piazza Borghese 9. Seminar curated by R. Biasi, F. Toppetti e G. Geraci

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