Forestazione urbana e nature based solution

The European Green Deal, the Next Generation EU and the European Biodiversity Strategy place the return of nature to our lives and, in particular, to our cities, at the centre of restoration ecology. The National Energy Security Plan has funded a measure dedicated to urban forestation in the 14 metropolitan cities. The aim of this meeting is to illustrate a new reforestation model, based on the planting of certified native trees and shrubs, as required by the National Public Green Strategy and also currently reported in the European Commission's Guidelines on Biodiversity-friendly Afforestation, Reforestation and Tree Planting (March 2023). In particular, the measure operationalises the request of the scientific and technical world to plant the right tree in the right place; that is, the tree consistent with the local potential vegetation. This measure of the NRP, which envisages the planting of as many as 6.6 million trees and shrubs, is also complemented by all useful initiatives to relaunch both public and private forest nurseries and actions and interventions consistent with ecological processes and the dynamics of the natural system (Nature-based Solutions - NBS)


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