Landscaping is Design. Curated by Lucina Caravaggi.

The theme of the seminar is 'The conscious gaze of the landscape architect'. The co-awareness referred to is connected both to the "scientific knowledge" of the discipline that orients the gaze by guiding the identification of problems and possibilities, and to the "implicit project" contained in the representations of the landscape architect, similarly to what Giuseppe Dematteis states occurs for geography. The seminar takes up the reflection on the theme of "description" already begun within the PhD programme and tends to develop critical skills in PhD students, exercising their gaze towards contemporary landscapes and desirable perspectives for change.


The seminar includes the following activities:
1. Communication by PhD lecturers and other invited subjects: descriptions of spaces related to contemporary landscape design.
2. Walks, observations in the surrounding landscape and collegial discussions.
3.Work by the doctoral students (to be carried out during the days of the seminar itself) supported by the tutoring of the lecturers of the College who will participate in the seminar, aimed at writing an individual paper.

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