Mixed cultivation with trees. Curated by Rita Biasi.

The aim of the seminar is to bring attention to a traditional landscape system that is as unique as it is residual and vulnerable, and to elaborate proposals for interpretation and analysis with a multidisciplinary approach for its preservation and functional recovery through a specific case study.


The study of Italian rural landscapes must first of all deal with the problem of promiscuous cultivation with alberate trees, which characterises one of the most beautiful countryside in the world, and certainly one of the most original and complex (H. Desplanques, 1959).
The ancient alberata today represents not only a residual historical agrarian landscape, but a living testimony of a traditional agricultural practice rich in meanings and functions. In certain countryside the alberate still mark the weft on which the specialised cultivation weavings are woven, they constitute corridors of biodiversity and in general of eco-systemic services.
The aim of the seminar is to bring attention to a traditional landscape system that is as unique as it is residual and vulnerable, and to elaborate proposals for interpretation and analysis with a multidisciplinary approach for its preservation and functional recovery through a specific case study.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma