



MAY 16, 2024

3.00 a.m.- 7.00 p.m.

For the complete programme please see the poster.


January 16 / 17, 2024
Botanical Garden of Rome
We would like to inform you of the cycle of meetings "Franco Zagari - This is landscape" that will be held on 16 and 17 January at the Botanical Garden of Rome.
> Tuesday, January 16
3.00 a.m.- 6.30 p.m.
Daniela Colafranceschi, with Raffaele Milani, introduced by GIANPIERO DONIN - MONICA BERTOLINO
> Wednesday, January 17
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 
Fabio Di Carlo introduces PAOLO BÜRGI
3.00 a.m.- 6.00 p.m.
Gianni Celestini introduces FRANCESCO RUTELLI
For the complete programme please see the poster.



Sunday, January 29, 2023
Measuring Villa Adriana
Study trip and Workshop
29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023 SITE VISIT AND DRAWING Tivoli, Villa Adriana - Piazza Borghese 9, Rome
Coordinating Professors: Ricardo Flores, Eva Prats
Architectural Projects from the School of Architecture of Barcelona
Professors: Pisana Posocco, Filippo Lambertucci, Marta Acierno
Sapienza University of Rome
Collaborating Architects: Amanzio Farris, Edoardo Marchese
03.02.2023 I 15:30 FINAL JURY Aula Biblioteca, Faculty of Architecture, Piazza Borghese 9, Rome
Orazio Carpenzano, Amanzio Farris, Filippo Lambertucci,
Federica Morgia, Pisana Posocco, Fabrizio Toppetti
Organized by: Prof. Pisana Posocco with Edoardo Marchese

Exhibition and Seminar "Isolario Venezia Sylva"


 Classroom 2, Faculty of Architecture, Via Gramsci, 53 - Rome
 January 19, 2023, at 3:30 PM.
 "Isolario Venezia Sylva" is a project by the Research Unit of the Iuav University of Venice carried out as part of the Prin program "SYLVA - Rethinking the Forest. Towards a new alliance between the biological and the artificial, nature and society, wilderness and humanity."
The exhibition, curated by Sara Marini, gathers forty-eight design investigations dedicated to forty-eight smaller islands in the Venice Lagoon. The prefigurations exhibit the intentions and inclinations of architecture in relation to the real and theoretical conditions of the island and the forest.
The inauguration of the "Isolario Venezia Sylva" exhibition in Rome is accompanied by a seminar, curated by Federica Morgia and Caterina Padoa Schioppa, which aims to delve into an implicit theme, namely the ability of architectural design to instigate a wide-ranging theoretical reflection that transcends and neutralizes presumed identity alignments attributed to schools, disciplinary specializations, and even individual authors.

October 27 and 28, Parma, Palazzo del Governatore
Promoted by the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University, curated by Professor Isotta Cortesi, and sponsored by the Municipality.




Workshop Oriolo Romano
September 26, 2022 - October 1, 2023

Altieri Palace - Piazza Umberto I, 20, Oriolo Romano (VT)


Academic Year Inauguration 2020/2021 Heads and Tails. Cinematic Painting Structure - Lecture by Chiara Valerio

December 15, 2020 - 4:00 PM

Speakers: A. Capuano, O. Carpenzano, D. Nencini

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Archidiap Meets - Lecture by José Maria Sánchez Garcia

September 29, 2020 - 4:00 PM - Google Meet
Curated by G. Spirito

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Presentation of the book "The Architect as Intellectual" by M. Biraghi

October 16, 2019 - 3:30 PM - Aula Magna, Piazza Borghese
Discussing with the author: A. Ariano, A. Capuano, J. Costanzo, R. Esposito, E. Monaci, D. Nencini, P. O. Rossi, G. Quintiliani


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Residential Design Workshop, Architecture and Nature 2019
September 17-20, 2019 - Poggio Aquilone
VII Simonetta Bastelli Prize Summary of the call for participation.


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Lucio Valerio Barbera "The Radical City of Ludovico Quaroni"

July 8, 2019 - 5:30 PM - Aula Magna, Via Gramsci 53
Introduction: P.O. Rossi Moderator: D. Nencini Speakers: V.F. Pardo, M. Kowsar, L. Micara, F. Purini, A. Saggio, M. Teodori

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Franco Zagari, The Pergola in Projects
June 19, 2019 - July 7, 2019 - Aldobrandini Stables Museum, Frascati
Curated by: F. Di Carlo, S. Amari
Three-part Colloquium
June 19, 2019, June 28, 2019, July 6, 2019

The Profession of the Landscape Architect: Frascati Declaration

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Second meeting on the "Urban Land Consumption Bill" - "Zeroismore"

June 13, 2019 - 3:00 PM - Adalberto Libera Grand Hall, Former Slaughterhouse, Testaccio, Rome
Promoted by TES, with the sponsorship of IASLA, INU

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Conference with Teresa Stoppani "This is not a model!"

May 13, 2019 - 4:40 PM - Fiorentino Hall, Via Gramsci 53
Speakers: A. Capuano, J. Costanzo


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Presentation of the monograph on Jacques Simon

May 6, 2019 - 2:00 PM - Ersoch Hall, Largo Marzi 10
Speakers: D. Colafranceschi, N. Cristiani, E. Falqui

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Colloquium on "Do Gardens Also Watch Us?"

April 16, 2019 - 4:00 PM - Mappamondi Hall, Via Accademia delle Scienze, 6 Introduction and chair: A. Piazza Speakers: D. O. D'Isola, F. Zagari

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Conference with Rita Occhiuto "pro-gettare, in-scrivere, co-agire" (designing, inscribing, co-acting)
April 12, 2019 - 4:00 PM - Conference Hall, Via di San Pantaleo, 66
Introduction: A. Binchi, A.M. Ippolito, T. Matteini, S. Franco Discussion: F. Zagari, D. Colafranceschi

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Presentation of the ARDETH #4 magazine RIGHTS. Norm and Form in Architecture

April 5, 2019 - 3:30 PM - Aula Magna, Piazza Borgese 9
Speakers: O. Carpenzano, A. Capuano, D. Nencini, P. O. Rossi ARDETH Scientific Committee: P. Barbieri ARDETH Editorial Team: A. Armando, D. Campobenedetto

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Conference with Kamran Afshar Naderi "Trends in Contemporary Architecture in Iran"
March 28, 2019 - 2:30 PM - Aula Magna, Via Gramsci, 53
Scientific Coordinator: L. Ribichini Tutor: A. Spataro

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Book presentation of Fabrizio Toppetti's "Architecture in the Present"

February 12, 2019 - 6:30 PM - Via dei Chiavari, 7
Introduction: O. Carpenzano - Speakers: F. Bilò, S. Catucci, M.C. Ghia


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Giorgio Agamben, Building and Dwelling

December 7, 2018 - 3:00 PM - Aula Magna, Piazza Borgese 9
Greetings: P.O. Rossi - Present will be: O. Carpenzano, A. Capuano, D. Nencini, S. Catucci

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IASLA meets the Barcelona Landscape Biennale
June 5, 2018 - 4:30 PM - Aula Magna, Piazza Borgese 9
Greetings: A.M. Giovenale, A. Capuano - Speakers: F. Di Carlo, J. Bellmunt, I. Cortesi, L. Zampieri, M. Ruisanchez

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Architecture and urban patterns in Iran from past to present: three themes

Moderated by A. De Cesaris - Introduced by L.V. Ferretti
With A. Carpenzano, F. Haghparast, M. Mirgholami, M. Vahid Vahdattalab
May 9, 2018

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Rome and the Appian Way
Authors: A. Capuano and F. Toppetti
January 25, 2018


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Autumn FAI Day

Organized by FAI (Italian National Trust)
October 15, 2017


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Crisis Landscape
Curated by Matteo Clemente, Rita Biasi, and Luca Salvati
September 28, 2017

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Urban Planning and the Challenges of Contemporary Times - Lecture by Prof. Marco Romano

Organized by the PhD Program in Planning, Design, and Architectural Technology
June 20, 2017


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Payments for Ecosystem Services

Speakers: M. Gubbiotti, D. Marino, P. Gaglioppa, M. Munafò, G. Cozzolini, S. Raimondi, D. Nicoletti, S. Donati, E. Calvo, L. Lo Bianco, C. Avenali, E. Borghi
June 20, 2017


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Mediterranean. Notes by Daniela Colafrancheschi

Book Presentation at the Paper Museum of Capellades (Barcelona)
June 17, 2017

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Street Art and Urban Art... open questions - Lectures by E. Cristallini, P. Maina, and R. Petrilli
Book Presentation at the Museum of the City and Territory of Vetralla (Vt)
June 15, 2017


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International Conference on the Environment
Organized by the Carabinieri School
May 18-19-20, 2017

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Conference by Arch. Cucinella

Organized by the Draco PhD Program
May 15, 2017

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Public presentation of the Via Giulia garden project
Organized by the Municipality of Rome
May 3, 2017

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Presentation of the 5th Edition of "Architecture and Nature"
Organized by the Cultural Association "Architect Simonetta Bastelli"

March 7, 2017

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