Transitions. Hybrid spaces, disorders and adaptations

With this seminar, we aim to reflect on the concept of transition, bringing together various disciplinary and cultural perspectives. "Transition" is a term widely present in our daily lives, somewhat worn out, yet when its various meanings are allowed to interact, even within the realm of project, it opens up an interpretive field that is remarkably fertile and vital. Particularly interesting is the overcoming of the traditional understanding of transition as a "passage" between two stable phases, or as a period of uncertainty leading to a "return" to a state of normality, in favor of images and concepts that indicate transition as a constant condition of contemporaneity. From a physical standpoint, transition asserts itself as a hybrid space, populated by hybrid creatures. Ecologically, transition approaches a condition of permanent disturbance, whereby landscapes no longer oscillate around a state of equilibrium. Culturally and existentially, transition becomes synonymous with continuous and conscious transformation, a direct gaze at the evolutionary dynamics of living beings and their conditions of life. Transitional landscapes, which change as we observe them, force us into a confrontation with the uncertain, the undecided, the unexpected, questioning established tools of inquiry and project. More than a program, which, as often reminded by Edgar Morin, refers to a stable, certain, predictable environment, strategies are needed to prefigure different scenarios of evolution and action, based on the information gradually available, preparing for course changes and new bets, which require new knowledge and adaptive capacity. Some of these perspectives, particularly significant, will be addressed by the seminar's guests.


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