


The Doctorate in Landscape and Environment trains researchers in the field of landscape design and interpretation, dealing with the changing contemporary environmental conditions, avoiding that climate change, ecological crisis, loss of biodiversity are faced as a "sector" and not instead as engines of transversal change in all sectors, and highlighting the growing value of the landscape project.

These extremely complex global challenges have highlighted the need for a paradigm shift in the relationship between man and nature, a Green New Deal, which is already transforming the European Union's policies on climate, energy, transport, agriculture, forests, into agreement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It also appears increasingly evident that it is impossible to separate the environmental crisis and the social crisis, beacuse of very close links between ecological exploitation, environmental destruction, poverty and exclusion, with reference to the increasingly large groups of populations living in conditions of poverty, overpopulation and forced removal from the territories to which they belong.

The right to the landscape, as it is affirming itself within the contemporary disciplinary debate, constitutes an extraordinary space for action for the reduction of inequalities, the overcoming of conflicts, common access to fundamental rights, the protection of the terrestrial environment as "Common home", a space of cohabitat and coexistence.


The research themes of the PhD are based on the assumption that innovation takes place in collaborative constellations, that the contamination between disciplines allow to find solutions to the needs of society . At the same time, it is necessary to build a fruitful dialogue, to feed interdisciplinarity, sharing perspectives and interests.

The transdisciplinary approach is therefore a tool and not an end, a way of working which, in line with the National Research Plan "serves to bring together different scientific approaches, skills, methods and abilities to pursue and solve complex problems of real life, (..) a tool, as an incubator to inspire scientific discoveries through the exchange of ideas and the germination of new synergies (serendipity) to change consolidated research perspectives, routines and paradigms (PNR 2021-2027, p.24).

The comparison with the major areas of research related to the Green New Deal- which will be at the center of national research strategies- has guided the selection of some themes within the landscape research field:

_health and wellness

_cultural heritage

_ social transformations and society of inclusion.

_ risk reduction for settlements, infrastructures, natural systems and communities

_ climate, energy, sustainable mobility

_ food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, environment


The Phd guarantees enhancement and transfer of knowledge.

Training activities are characterized by active dialogue with institutions and communities.

Design workshops and seminars are an opportunity for a direct confrontation with specific territorial and social contexts, with public administrators and communities.

The results of training activities and design experimentation are published in the Et series of the Phd published by Lettera 22 with papers by Phd students.

The dissemination of the research work is constantly promoted through the dissemination of calls, and the support for the preparation of papers and contributions by the Coordinator and the Scientific Board.

The dissemination of the thesis is supported by the publication of best theses, in the DIAP PRINT DOTTORATO series of Qudolibet press


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