Resources for PhD students

Spaces and workstations
Each PhD student is provided with a space in the host laboratories with a desk station and a computer for study activities. Ph.D. students have access to research laboratories shared with other Ph.D. students, researchers and other personnel of different tenures, Full Professors and Associate Professors.
In the areas described above, computers with Sapienza internet access are available, which then includes access to the Scientific Resources provided by the University subscriptions and internet access for personal computers, which then will be able to access the Sapienza internet network. 
Specialized hardware and software equipment
In the areas described above, computers are available with Sapienza internet access, that includes access to the Scientific Resources included in the University subscriptions (Campus software: Data analysis - SAS, SPSS; Scientific calculus software - Wolfram Mathematica, Matlab software; Microsoft Office 365), and internet access for private computers, that will allow PhS students to access the internet network through Sapienza.
Two laptops are available for teaching activities.
Through the available workstations and tools, either with University licenses or software [BioRender (graphics), Prism (statistics), DRUG-PIN (platform for the study of drug interactions)] and/or open source languages for data analysis such as R and Python, Ph.D. students will be able to apply various bioinformatics methods and algorithms for analysis and integration of molecular, clinical, and imaging data with the aim of more fully characterizing patients.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma