Quality Assurance Working Group

The Quality Assurance Working Group (QG) was established and approved by the PhD faculty and is composed of 9 members:

- PhD Coordinator Prof. Elisabetta Ferretti

- PhD members representing different PhD fields: Prof. Santini Daniele, Prof. Giulia D'Amati, Prof. Valeria Panebianco, Prof Aurelia Rughetti, Dr. Federica Conte, Prof. Ilaria Grazia Zizzari, Prof. Zein Mersini Besharat.

- PhD student: Dr. Nicole Feverati.

The GdL "Quality Assurance" ensures, with quarterly meetings, the overall functioning of the Doctorate and the efficiency with respect to the committed resources, the level of internationalization, the training of doctoral students, the research activities of doctoral students, the employment outcomes, the permanence of the requirements provided for accreditation also making use of the Doctorate evaluation surveys and the number of additional scholarships activated through conventions obtained thanks to the participation in regional, national or international competitive calls.

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