Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

Attività: scavi e ricerche sul terreno 15
Attività: partecipazione a seminari di Dipartimento 15
Attività: laboratorio sui materiali archeologici 15
Corso "Costruire una base GIS per l'archeologia" 8
Seminario "Prospettive per l'archeologia islamica" 2
Seminario "Documentare il patrimonio archeologico: idee, esperienza, progetti" 3
Seminario "Ricerca interdisciplinare del CRC "Progetto Tarquinia": casi studio e prospettive" 2

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The first year includes activities specifically dedicated to archaeological practice, knowledge of artifacts, and basic training. Particular emphasis is given to the acquisition of documentation tools, necessary for Phd students to develop their research.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The research project is submitted in advance for access to the written test. The subject of the thesis, which is evaluated and approved by the Scientific Board, derives from this.

Admission to the second year

A number of reviews are conducted in front of the Scientific Board during the year to assess research progress. At each meeting PhD students submit a written report approved by their respective mentors chosen from among the teachers of the Board. The admission to the following year is subject to the analysis of the annual report submitted by the Phd student, which is evaluated and approved during an interview with the entire Board.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Attività: scavi e ricerche sul terreno 15
Attività: partecipazione a seminari di Dipartimento 8
Attività: laboratorio sui materiali archeologici 15
Course "Cultural Heritage Ethics" 8
Corso "Green Archaeology" 8
Seminario "Recenti indirizzi della ricerca nel campo del curriculum di archeologia preistorica/classica/etruscologica/orientale/post-classica/topografia" " 6

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The educational activities concern the participation in excavations and researches promoted by the Department of Sciences of Antiquities. Participation in conferences is encouraged, courses are offered to promote the design and acquisition of advanced technologies.

Method of preparation of the thesis

The thesis is prepared in the field, in the lab, in libraries, depending on the type of research chosen, and monitored and discussed with mentors and the Scientific board. During the second year, PhD students must complete data collection (bibliography, catalog of materials, etc.).

Admission to the third year

A number of reviews are conducted during the year before the Scientific Board to assess research progress. At each meeting PhD students submit a written report approved by their respective mentors chosen from among the teachers of the Board.
Admission to the following year is subject to the analysis of the annual report submitted by the PhD student, which is evaluated and approved during an interview with the entire Board.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Attività: Partecipazione a seminari di dipartimento 15
Attività: Partecipazione a convegni nazionali e internazionali 15
Attività: scavi e laboratori 10
Corso: "Archeologia in Europa" 15
Corso "Etica e patrimonio culturale" 5

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The educational activities concern the participation in excavations and researches promoted by the Department of Antiquities, linked as much as possible to the research field of the PhD student. Courses aimed at the knowledge of post-doctoral perspectives are proposed, in an international key.

Method of admission to the final examination

In the month of October the complete thesis must be sent to two external referees competent in the matter. The Scientific Board of the various curricula, which over time has followed the degree of elaboration of the theses (also with Power Point presentations) acquires the opinions of the external referees and admits the candidates to the final examination, possibly assigning additional months (max. 6) at the suggestion of the evaluators themselves.

Final examination

The external Commission called to judge after reading the papers asks the individual candidates questions about them and critically evaluates their work and discussion.

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