
1° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: ARCHITECTURE FORM FUNCTION
On 6 November 2018, starting at 9.30 am, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture (Piazza Borghese, 9), there will be a study day entitled ARCHITECTURE FORM FUNCTION. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2018-2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof. Francesco Paolo Fiore (Sapienza Università di Roma), of prof. Roberto Gargiani (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and of Franco Cervellini (Università di Camerino).
2° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: ARCHITECTURE AND VISUAL ARTS
On 21 February 2019, starting at 2.30 pm, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture (Piazza Borghese, 9), there will be a study day entitled ARCHITECTURE AND VISUAL ARTS. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof. Lorenzo Finocchi Ghersi (IULM University, Milan), of prof. Claudio Menichelli (IUAV Venice) and prof. Alessandra Cirafici (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli).
3° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: Architecture and Tenders
On 15 April 2019, starting at 2.30 pm, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture (Piazza Borghese, 9), there will be a study day entitled ARCHITECTURE AND TENDERS. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof. Tommaso Manfredi (Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria), of prof. Piero Albisinni (Sapienza Università di Roma) and prof. Eugenio Vassallo (IUAV).
4° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: FINISHED AND UNFINISHED IN ARCHITECTURE
On 21 May 2019, starting at 2.30 pm, at the Aula Fiorentino of the Faculty of Architecture (via Antonio Gramsci, 53), there will be a study day entitled FINISHED AND UNFINISHED IN ARCHITECTURE. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof. Loughlin Kealy (School of Architecture, University College, Dublin), of prof. Marco Folin (Università di Genova), of prof.ssa Laura De Carlo (Sapienza Università di Roma) and of prof. Alfonso Giancotti (Sapienza Università di Roma).
5° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: EPHEMERAL ( AND INTANGIBLE) IN ARCHITECTURE
On 11 October 2019, starting at 2.30 pm, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture (piazza Borghese, 9), there will be a study day entitled EPHEMERAL ( AND INTANGIBLE) IN ARCHITECTURE. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof.ssa Caterina Palestini (Università degli Studi di Pescara), of prof. Stefano Francesco Musso (Università degli Studi di Genova), of prof. Andrew Hopkins (Università degli Studi di L’Aquila).
1° Advanced research experience in the history and conservation of architecture, Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: TRANSFORMATION CONTINUITY OF AN INSEDATIVE SYSTEM
On 13 July 2019, starting at 3.00 pm, at the Aula 2 of the Faculty of Architecture (via Antonio Gramsci, 53), there will be a study day entitled TRANSFORMATION CONTINUITY OF AN INSEDATIVE SYSTEM. The meeting, organized as part of Advanced research experiences (2018-2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of Donatella Fiorani (PhD coordinator, Sapienza Università di Roma), of Arch. Margherita Eichberg (Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio Roma: metropolitan area, Viterbo province and Southern Etruria), of prof Maria Piera Sette (Research Supervisor, Sapienza Università di Roma) and of Arch. Marta Lo Russo (PhD student XXXIII ciclo). There will be contributions from Leonardo Bochicchio (officer MiBACT – Area Archeologica di Palestrina), prof. Marco Cadinu (Università degli studi di Cagliari), Paolo Micalizzi (Università degli studi di Roma 3). Carmelo Gulli and Fabiana Cesarano will discuss about other research experiences.
2° Advanced research experience in the history and conservation of architecture, Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: Possible sources of Michelangelo architect: the contributions of painting and sculpture in the artistic production between the Fifteenth and early Sexteenth century
On 12 SEPTEMBER 2019, starting at 3.00 pm, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Architecture (piazza Borghese, 9), a seminar lesson is scheduled entitled: Possible sources of Michelangelo architect: the contributions of painting and sculpture in the artistic production between the Fifteenth and early Sixteenth century. The lesson, organized as part of the Advanced research experiences in history and in the conservation of architecture of the PhD of History, Representation and Conservation of Architecture, provides an introduction by Prof. Flavia Cantatore (Supervisor of the PhD thesis , Sapienza University of Rome), by Prof. Federico Bellini (Co-Supervisor of the PhD thesis, University of Camerino-SAAD, Ascoli Piceno), by Prof. Carlo Bianchini (Director of the DSDRA Department, Sapienza-University of Rome). PhD student Francesca Tottone (PhD student XXXII cycle, Sapienza-University of Rome) will follow with the presentation of her research; Profs. Enrico Parlato (University of Tuscia, Viterbo), Lorenzo Finocchi Ghersi (Free University of Languages ​​and Communication-IULM, Milan) and Claudia Cieri Via (Sapienza-University of Rome) will speak. Finally, other research experiences will be illustrated by Profs. Leonardo Baglioni, Carlo Inglese, Marta Salvatore (Sapienza-University of Rome).
1° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2020-21: KNOWLEDGE AND RECOGNITION IN ARCHITECTURE
On 7 December 2020, starting at 3.30 pm, a day of study entitled KNOWLEDGE AND RECOGNITION IN ARCHITECTURE was scheduled in remote mode (Google Meet). The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2020) of the Doctorate of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, sees the participation of Professors: Stefano Catucci, Philosopher, Professor of Aesthetics and Full Professor of the Sapienza University of Rome with a report entitled: RECOGNITION AND INDISTINCTION: FROM AESTHETIC UNITY TO THE ECLIPSE OF THE WORK; Mario Docci, Emeritus Professor of Design at the Sapienza University of Rome with a paper entitled: KNOWLEDGE BEYOND VISION; Mario Centofanti, Honorary Professor of Drawing at the University of L'Aquila: THE REPRESENTATION OF ARCHITECTURE, THE MODEL AND ITS DOUBLE; Claudio Varagnoli, Full Professor of Restoration at the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti and Pescara: RECOGNIZING THE PRESENT: POSSIBILITY AND LIMITS OF THE PROTECTION INSTRUMENTS A debate is foreseen at the end of the reports.
Interviews of the Doctorate of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, First edition MAT: Methods, Applications, Technologies
On 7 DECEMBER 2020, starting at 9.00, in remote mode, the MAT, Methods, Applications, Technologies study day is scheduled. The day's program will be divided into three sections. The first will be dedicated to the use of new technologies and their application to aid research, highlighting their potential and any problems. The second session will focus on the methodological aspects that distinguish the works with a marked interdisciplinary character. The third session will address the issue of scientific and technological transfer of academic research in the professional field. At the end of the day there will be a round table focused on the topic of the possible interaction between the academic and professional world, with particular reference to the fields of application with which the profiles trained within the doctorate will be able to deal with. The publication of the proceedings of the study day is planned, in order to bring to the attention of the scientific community the methods, materials and results of the research carried out in recent years by the PhD students of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture.
2° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2020-21: PRESENTATION OF THE WORK OF ART AND ENHANCEMENT
On April 8, 2021, starting at 3.30 pm, the SEMINAR entitled PRESENTATION OF THE WORK OF ART AND ENHANCEMENT was held in remote mode (Google Meet).

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