4° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2018-19: FINISHED AND UNFINISHED IN ARCHITECTURE

On 21 May 2019, starting at 2.30 pm, at the Aula Fiorentino of the Faculty of Architecture (via Antonio Gramsci, 53), there will be a study day entitled FINISHED AND UNFINISHED IN ARCHITECTURE. The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2019) of the PhD of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, will see the participation of prof. Loughlin Kealy (School of Architecture, University College, Dublin), of prof. Marco Folin (Università di Genova), of prof.ssa Laura De Carlo (Sapienza Università di Roma) and of prof. Alfonso Giancotti (Sapienza Università di Roma).


There will be a public discussion at the conclusion of the reports.

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