1° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2020-21: KNOWLEDGE AND RECOGNITION IN ARCHITECTURE

On 7 December 2020, starting at 3.30 pm, a day of study entitled KNOWLEDGE AND RECOGNITION IN ARCHITECTURE was scheduled in remote mode (Google Meet). The meeting, organized as part of the III Cycle of Seminars (2020) of the Doctorate of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, sees the participation of Professors: Stefano Catucci, Philosopher, Professor of Aesthetics and Full Professor of the Sapienza University of Rome with a report entitled: RECOGNITION AND INDISTINCTION: FROM AESTHETIC UNITY TO THE ECLIPSE OF THE WORK; Mario Docci, Emeritus Professor of Design at the Sapienza University of Rome with a paper entitled: KNOWLEDGE BEYOND VISION; Mario Centofanti, Honorary Professor of Drawing at the University of L'Aquila: THE REPRESENTATION OF ARCHITECTURE, THE MODEL AND ITS DOUBLE; Claudio Varagnoli, Full Professor of Restoration at the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti and Pescara: RECOGNIZING THE PRESENT: POSSIBILITY AND LIMITS OF THE PROTECTION INSTRUMENTS A debate is foreseen at the end of the reports.


Ricognition and indistinction:from aesthetic unity to the eclipse of the work
Knowledge beyond vision
The representation of aechitecture, the model and its double
Recognizing the present:possibilities and limits of protection tools

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