Archives of architectural drawings

The Seminar on the “Digital Archives of Sapienza: cultural itineraries for knowledge. The Archive of the drawings of the Ex Department of Surveying, Analysis, Environmental and Architectural Design (RADAAR), was held on 18 and 19 March of the year 2021 and is part of the projects financed by Sapienza in the 'year 2020 for conferences, seminars, workshops, specifically dedicated to the enhancement of the Sapienza identity.
Even in conjunction with the COVID 19 pandemic, the latter has placed the problem of recognizing the cultural heritage of research and teaching within the University and its communication and transmission to future generations in the foreground. A new awareness of conservation of the materials produced in the various academic years which, if they are not well preserved, could be lost.
The Seminar has set itself the goal of transmitting the cultural identity of the Archive of Drawings of the Ex Department of Surveying, Analysis, Environmental and Architectural Design (RADAAR) of the Faculty of Architecture, today the DiSDRA Department, through two days of study; one entirely dedicated to MEMORY and the other to the FUTURE of the Archive

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