2° Phd Seminar in History, Representatio and Conseravtion of Architecture, A.A. 2020-21: PRESENTATION OF THE WORK OF ART AND ENHANCEMENT

On April 8, 2021, starting at 3.30 pm, the SEMINAR entitled PRESENTATION OF THE WORK OF ART AND ENHANCEMENT was held in remote mode (Google Meet).


The meeting, organized as part of the Doctorate of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, saw the participation of Professors: Tomaso Montanari with a lecture entitled: Thoughts, words, works, omissions: Bernini and the presentation of his sculptures , Antonio Lampis, with a paper entitled: The improvement of the story of works of art. The unspoken and unaware question of learning. Sante Guido with a report entitled: Between fruition and enhancement: sources of light and points of vision for the sculptures. Case studies from restoration sites. A very important and significant theme that involves, in different ways, all three disciplinary fields of History, Design and Restoration.

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