Annual Report - Forms for Thesis Extended Abstract, Draft for reviewers and Final Thesis

PhD students must submit an annual report at the end of each year, for the admission to the following year, and prepare an extended abstract of the thesis at the end of the third year, for the admission to the final exam.
Please use the attached templates (see on the right side in this page), bearing in mind that the body of the text can be organized independently and it can include graphics and figures, if deemed necessary.

The expected length of these reports will be between 2 and 4 pages.
The PDF file must be named as follows: "Annual Report Year surname_cycle.pdf" or "Extended Abstract surname_cycle.pdf"
The PhD student must upload this file in the system (label: "Upload File"), the document in pdf also signed by the Supervisor, by the deadline that will be communicated by email.

The expected length of these reports will be  between 3 and 6 pages. It can include the main figures, graphs, formulas that you will consider significant. At the end, it should summarize the main courses, conferences, internships in which you participated in the three-year period and the publications (the most significant only ) produced as part of your research activity during the three-year period of the doctorate.
The PDF file must be named as follows: "Extended Abstract surname_XYZ cycle.pdf"
The PhD student must upload the document in the system (label: "Upload File")

DRAFT FINAL THESIS for external evaluators and FINAL THESIS for the Examining Commettee
By the deadline, the PhD student at the end of the third year will upload the file of the final thesis draft in pdf into the system (label: "Upload Thesis") using the following name: "PhD Thesis surname_XYZ cycle DRAFT.pdf" and next, after having received the reports from the external reviewers and eventually produced a new version, the new version must be reloaded using the following file name: "Final PhD Thesis surname_XYZ cycle .pdf" (if it is necessary to replace the file, request the unblocking at by inserting the code [FIN-EXAM] in the subject). For suggestions on layout, and other models (eg Power point for presentation), refer to the instructions on the Sapienza website at the following link:

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma