
In the coming decades, nations will increasingly have to deal with issues related to energy and the environment in order to ensure truly sustainable development on a global level; in this vision of growth, which combines available resources with respect for nature in all its aspects, interdisciplinary and transnational knowledge and skills assume fundamental importance, being the only ones that allow complex problems to be tackled organically that involve not only more properly technological aspects, but also social, economic and environmental dynamics on ever larger scales.
The PhD program in Energy and the Environment guarantees the acquisition of highly integrated multidisciplinary skills and knowledge, in order to train professionals oriented towards the world of research, business, national and international government institutions, and cooperation . These figures will be able to face, making use of the cultural means acquired during the course of the doctorate, the challenge of energy development, in harmony with the protection of the environment and man, in an international context that sees the participation of industrialized countries in the same way emerging and developing. This objective is achieved through five cultural curricula into which the doctoral course is divided: "Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics", "Machinery and Systems for Energy and the Environment", "Nuclear Engineering", "Energy Saving and Distributed Microgeneration ", "Aerospace Engineering". The five courses, while differing in the extent of the in-depth study of various specific contents, have a common cognitive and, above all, methodological basis, such as to guarantee a strong correlation between the different cultural sectors that pertain to the energy, environmental and environmental sciences and development policies. The PhD in Energy and the Environment, which has a duration of three years, is organized in such a way that it is possible to use all the skills present within the five cultural curricula and their respective scientific-disciplinary contents. In particular, since the issues related to energy and environmental sciences and technologies constitute a common heritage for all PhD students, the training structure of the doctorate is divided into a first didactic phase dedicated to the deepening of preparatory and basic training topics for research and in two successive phases, aimed, respectively, at the deepening of the more specific aspects of interest of the different cultural addresses and at the development of the thesis.

The main topics covered in the "Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics" course will allow the student to develop advanced research skills in the fields of applied thermodynamics, theoretical and computational thermo-fluid dynamics, heat transmission, energy, rational use of energy, the use of renewable energy sources, environmental physics, applied acoustics and lighting technology.
Examples of studies and research related to these topics are related to: the analysis of energy scenarios and technological innovation; the thermodynamic analysis of energy transformations; the study and design of trigeneration plants; the study and design of thermo-technical components and systems; the study, design and optimization of air conditioning, cooling, heating and ventilation systems; the study, design and optimization of fluidic distribution systems; the study of the thermo-fluid dynamic behavior of conventional and innovative systems and equipment; the study of new methodologies for increasing heat exchange; the study of the thermophysics of the building; the study of energy requalification of the built environment; the study and design of the building envelope; bioclimatic study and planning; energy and environmental study and planning; the study of thermo-hygrometric well-being and air quality; the analysis of the ways in which socio-economic variables influence and are influenced by natural and technological variables for sustainable development; the study of the acoustic and lighting design of the external and confined environment; the study, design and implementation of smart cities; the study of conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage; the study of the assessment of environmental impacts; the study and analysis of the terrestrial and spatial environment; geolocation services; the measurement of thermal, fluid dynamics and environmental quantities; the design and development of equipment for physical experimentation; the physical-mathematical modeling of processes, systems, devices, buildings and environments; the development of numerical models for the thermo-fluid dynamics simulation.
The educational objective of the "Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics" course is to train a highly specialized professional figure capable of: carrying out high-profile research activities and managing technological innovation, in order to optimize the energy efficiency of traditional and innovative systems and components used for the production, distribution and use of heating and cooling energy; develop new methodologies, equipment and technologies for the control of the natural and built environment; develop models for sustainable development.

The research topics at the center of the specialization "Machinery and Systems for Energy and the Environment" are oriented towards the development of advanced skills in the sectors of conventional and renewable energy conversion technologies, energy management models in complex engineering systems and for territorial energy planning, technologies for controlling the environmental impact of conversion processes, diagnostic and prognostic technologies applied to industrial systems and processes, computational thermo-fluid dynamics applied to fluid machines. Examples connected to these topics are: the development of numerical models for the simulation of energy technologies, the execution of numerical studies and experiments in the basin (in collaboration with CNR-INSEAN) of energy conversion plants from marine sources; the execution of numerical studies and experiments on fluid bed gasifiers for woody biomass gasification processes with CO2 capture; the execution of numerical studies and experiments on stacks and pilot plants of high efficiency energy conversion systems: SOFC, DMFC and PEMFC fuel cells; the modeling of integrated complex energy systems, with conventional and advanced renewable sources, in on- and off-grid environments; the study of energy-environmental planning of the territory; the analysis of energy performance and of the process of industrial systems through the use of analysis techniques of complex systems and the analysis of the dynamics of performance over time; the application of social network analysis techniques to sensor networks; the analysis of the performance and polluting emissions of engines fueled with vegetable oils and used cooking oils; the development of synthetic models for the optimization of turbomachinery; thermo-fluid dynamics simulation of internal flows in turbomachinery and heat exchangers; the modeling of two-phase flows and prediction of deposit formation and/or erosion phenomena (in turbomachinery applications); the analysis, development and implementation of finite element simulation models of fluid-structure interaction phenomena in the turbomachinery field; the derivation of new solutions in turbomachinery design with in-house numerical tools calibrated on the specific problem (e.g. passive control systems in axial fans, virtual test rigs for ventilation systems); the application of advanced LES, hybrid LES/RANS and URANS techniques to fluid dynamics and heat exchange problems (eg internal cooling of turbine blades, compressor aerodynamics).
The educational objective of the "Machinery and Systems for Energy and the Environment" course is to train a highly specialized professional figure capable of carrying out and managing industrial research activities, planning and managing technological product innovation or energy processes. In particular, the aim of the course is the formation of modeling, technological and management skills in the field of energy conversion systems and in energy end-uses (in the primary, industrial, tertiary and transport sectors).
The professional figure thus trained will be able to: carry out and manage advanced design activities of innovative systems and components; coordinate and manage research programs supported by the international and national community; coordinate and manage energy and environmental activities in companies and in the public administration; coordinate and manage energy-environmental assessment and planning plans; collaborate in the creation of plans and policy interventions for sustainable development.

The main topics dealt with in the "Nuclear Engineering" course will allow the student to develop advanced research skills on the design, technological, construction, thermo-technical, thermo-hydraulic, thermo-fluid dynamic, energy, management, safety and environmental impact aspects of nuclear fission and fusion plants and in general those at high risk, as well as the applications of nuclear technologies, for example in the biomedical field.
In particular, studies and research are carried out on: innovative nuclear plants; plants for the management and conversion of radioactive waste; problems relating to the decommissioning of nuclear plants and laboratories; measurements and instrumentation for nuclear plants; applications of radioisotopes in the industrial and medical fields; detection of environmental radioactivity; safety and radiation protection; modeling and design of devices in the energy, industrial and biomedical fields; mathematical-numerical techniques for the simulation of systems involving the use of particles, radiations and plasmas; the protection of the environment and the safety of high-risk installations.
The educational objective of the "Nuclear Engineering" course aims to deepen the skills for the calculation, design and management of energy production from nuclear fission and fusion plants, also addressing in depth the issues of safety and environmental impact, risk and reliability analysis of plants and the fuel cycle. The preparation will make it possible to form a figure capable of dealing with advanced research interdisciplinary themes in the study of models and methods for the description of advanced and innovative physical and engineering problems, typical of nuclear systems and applications, with high in-depth skills, in energy, industrial, biomedical and environmental fields, acquiring the skills to coordinate and manage research programs: in companies and firms engaged in the design and manufacture of components and in the construction or decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear and conventional plants and laboratories; in entities and companies producing energy from nuclear and conventional sources; in research institutions in the energy sector in Italy and abroad; in design studies and risk analysis of complex energy plants, also outside the nuclear field.

The main topics dealt with in the course "Energy Saving and Distributed Microgeneration" will allow the student to develop the skills to propose new energy generation and distribution systems based on the "smart grid" logic and based on small-size energy production devices, distributed throughout the territory. In particular, the following will be developed: the modeling of production/consumption nodes of electricity, heating and cooling, taking into account different configurations and types of plants and the model of cooperation between nodes; the identification of self-organization algorithms of networks with a spatial and functional configuration that varies over time; the proposal of communication protocols and distributed control of energy production, for the "real-time" management of energy demand, reducing the demand-supply gap. Examples connected to these issues are: the study of the evolution of energy production and consumption systems towards a logic of distribution and participation, for the birth, on different scales, of energy communities (cities, neighbourhoods, small towns, small agglomerations), within which a new awareness of energy saving issues is developed and a more coherent penetration of the production of energy from renewable sources; the study of community participation in international, national and local policy projects aimed at the efficient use of energy, with the identification of short, medium and long-term objectives and the preparation of plans for energy and environmental development, including on an urban scale , including the building system and sustainable mobility; the identification, planning and implementation of pilot interventions for the study and research of new and more efficient uses of energy and environmental resources in the building sector, urban planning and sustainable mobility.
The educational objective of the "Energy Saving and Distributed Microgeneration" course is to train a professional figure who, in the application field of "smart grids", is able to design, implement and verify the structure, management and services of a Distributed Network of consumers and producers of electricity and heat (RDE).

The main topics dealt with in the "Aerospace" curriculum will allow the student to develop the skills to develop and use technologies capable of continuously monitoring the different scenarios and of allowing efficient use of resources, offering space a by now indispensable point of privileged observation for the study and understanding of geophysical phenomena and environmental characterization.
Starting from the theoretical, simulation, implementation and operational experience gained over the years in Sapienza (just mention the San Marco program and the microsatellite UNISAT) and transferred to the students about the peculiarities of the use of aerospace platforms (fixed and rotary wing aircraft, balloons, and in particular satellites and probes) for the understanding and analysis of the energy and environmental phenomena, will be developed and deepened issues relating to the platforms themselves and their subsystems, the observation, telecommunications and navigation services that they guarantee, the technical specifications of data processing. Furthermore, advanced techniques and procedures will be developed for understanding the phenomena related to the management of energy sources and energy production centres, environmental control and, in general, to technologically and economically sustainable development.
Examples related to these topics are related to: earth observation, remote sensing, image processing, satellite, inertial and integrated navigation, space-derived mechanics and robotics, orbital mechanics, which defines the design of orbits and ascent and return trajectories such as to make missions more efficient; the analysis and management of the particular space environment (thermal and radioelectric environment in the re-entry phase, and especially the radiation environment with the effects of the Van Allen belts and cosmic rays, and the fundamental problems of reliability of electronic devices and radiation protection for human crews); space debris; the study of electric power propulsion and concerning more efficient and sustainable technological solutions for space missions, perfectly adhering to the topics and the interdisciplinary approach of the PhD.
The educational objective of the "Aerospace" course is to train a highly specialized professional figure capable of carrying out and managing industrial research activities, designing and managing technological innovation for energy and environmental applications in the aerospace field. In particular, the aim of the course is the formation of modeling, technological and management skills in the field of earth observation systems, remote sensing, image processing, satellite navigation, orbital mechanics, and space environment management.
The professional figure thus trained will be able to: carry out and manage advanced design activities of innovative systems and components; coordinate and manage research programs supported by the international and national community; apply the most advanced aerospace techniques in the domains of energy and environmental control; collaborate in the creation of plans and policy interventions for sustainable development.


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