Estimation and evaluation program

Reasons of various kinds, not least those related to the complexity of the initiatives and the lack of availability of public and private financial resources, require an increasingly strong collaboration between the disciplines that contribute to the definition of interventions on the city and the territory.
This is a context in which the Estimates and Economic Evaluation take a leading role, contributing to the definition of effective and sustainable project solutions, able to limit the risks and the negative impacts on the surrounding context. The scientific-disciplinary contents of the Estimo and of the Economic Assessment in fact concern the methodological and operational assumptions for the estimation of buildings and intervention costs, for the verification of the feasibility of plans and / or projects at different scales, for the valorization of public and private assets, for the prediction of the effects of interventions on human and natural resources through monetary or qualitative-qualitative approaches.
In the Curriculum of Estimation and Evaluation of the DRACO these contents are declined, both in the training and in the research activity, with particular reference: to the financial and multi-criteria evaluation of the interventions on the built heritage; to the analysis of investments under conditions of uncertainty; to the development of feasibility studies; to study the effects that urban redevelopment operations can have on the values ​​of neighboring buildings; the development and testing of tools to support public and private decisions in conflict situations; to the valorization of historical-architectural assets and of the landscape.
In all cases, in line with the multidisciplinary but at the same time unitary nature of the project, all activities are conducted in symbiosis with the other two curricula of the DRACO, i.e. with the Composizione Architettonica e Urbana and with Urban Morphology.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma