Past events

[The conference archive is always updating]
  • [17.12.2023] EXHIBITION | AIC23. Architettura Italiana Contemporanea. Progetto, Pensiero, Idea
    Inauguration of the exhibition edited by DiARC - Università Federico II di Napoli
    Aula Magna DiARC - Palazzo Gravina, Naples
  • [05.06.2023] BOOK | L'algoritmo d'oro e la torre di Babele
    Presentation of the book by Giovanni Maria Flick and Caterina Flick. Interventations by the authors and Dina Nencini, Franco Purini, Anna Irene Del Monaco, Spartaco Paris.
  • [16.05.2023] LECTIO | La città molteplice
    Lectio magistralis by Carlo Moccia for the inauguration of the Academic Year 2022/2023
  • [Mar.20th.2023] SEMINAR | New ruralism for old
    Interventations by Jörg H. Gleiter, Giuseppe Strappa, Dina Nencini, Anna Irene Del Monaco e Spartaco Paris
  • [Feb.7th.2023] CONFERENCE | Introduction to research. Evaluation of research products
    Interventations by Pier Ostilio Rossi and Piermaria Corona
  • [12.01.2023] SEMINAR | Clorindo's Houses
    Seminar inaugural session
  • [Nov.18th.2022] CONFERENCE |Introduction to research. Evaluation of research products
    Interventation by Alessandra Capuano
  • [Nov.17th.2022] SEMINAR | New ruralism for old
    Seminar presentation. Interventations by Dina Nencini, Jean-François Lejeune, María González Pendás and Anna Irene Del Monaco
  • [Oct.28th.2022] SYMPOSIUM | 2nd DRACo Doctorate Symposium
    Interventations by the teachers of the Scientific Board and PhD students
  • [May.12th.2022] BOOK | Primitivism and Architecture
    Presentation of the book byRoberto Secchi. Interventations by Orazio Carpenzano, Andrea Bruschi and Roberto Secchi
  • [Apr.29th.2022] BOOK | Cuban Modernism. Mid-Century Architecture 1940-1970
    Presentation of the book by Victor Deupi e Jean-François Lejeune. Interventations by Dina Nencini, Jean-François Lejeune, Alessandra Criconia, Thomas Pedrazzini, María Virginia Theilig.
  • [Feb.25th.2022] CONFERENCE | ... but you, Dante, how do you define Architecture?
    Lesson by Dante Bini. Interventations by Anna Irene Del Monaco and Alberto Bologna
  • [Feb.1st.2022] CONFERENCE | Welcome Day for the PhD students of the 37th cycle
    Interventations by Carola Aiello, Laura Armiero, Orazio Carpenzano, Lucina Caravaggi and Dina Nencini
  • [Jan.25th.2022] LECTIO | The right to inheritance
    Lectio magistralis by Flores y Prats Architects for the inauguration of the Academic Year 2021/2022
  • [Jun.30th.2021] SYMPOSIUM | 2nd IConA - Canon and Code. The language of arts in today's world
    International Conference on Architecture
  • [Jan.31st.2021] BOOK | "Architesture". Around the Architecture
    Presentation of the book by R. Capozzi and F. Visconti. Interventation by Maurizio Ferraris
  • [Jan.22nd.2021] SYMPOSIUM | Urban design. The construction of the urban form between architecture and the city
    Interventations by Franco Purini, Uwe Schröder, Carlo Moccia, Bruno Messina, Armando Dal Fabbro
  • [Dec.15th.2020] LECTIO | Heads and tails. Structure Painting Kinematic
    Lesson by Chiara Valerio for the inauguration of the Academic Year 2020/2021
  • [Nov.27th.2020] LECTIO | Franco Purini
    Lectio magistralis by Franco Purini
  • [Nov.5th.2020] SYMPOSIUM | Urban morphology: new scenarios. From the city of proximity to the city of sharing
    Interventations by Darko Radovich, Mosè Ricci, Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, Isabella Inti, Emanuele Naboni, Jonathan Natanian, Theresa Fink, Barbara Gherri
  • [Feb.18th.2020] CONFERENCE | Fernand Pouillon. Architecture for the happiness of men
    Conference for the ending of the traveling exhibition on the work of Fernand Pouillon
  • [Jun.25th.2019] CONFERENCE | Prison Architecture, Architecture for the Prison
    Interventations by Pisana Posocco, Letizia Gorgo and the G124 Group Roma Sapienza
  • [Jun.17th.2019] CONFERENCE | Armony in space. A small introduction to the Chinese architecture
    Lesson by Paolo Vincenzo Genovese
  • [May.6th.2019] SYMPOSIUM | Three perspectives on inclusive design in architecture
    Interventations by Ann Heyligen, Matteo Bianchin
  • [May.6th.2019] BOOK | Housing and the City. Love versus Hope
    Presentation of the book by Daniel Solomon. Interventations by Daniel Solomon, Anna Irene Del Monaco, Jean-François Lejeune, Attilio Petruccioli, Antonino Saggio
  • [Apr.16th.2019] WORKSHOP | The Romanian Pavillion in time... Let's make together a better future
    Design workshop inaugural conference. Interventations by Dina Nencini, Alessandra Capanna, Daniel Comsa
  • [Apr.5th.2019] MAGAZINE | Ardeth #4. Rights, Norms and Forms in Architecture
    Presentation of the magazine. Interventations by Orazio Carpenzano, Alessandra Capuano, Dina Nencini, Pier Ostilio Rossi, Pepe Barbieri, Alessandro Armando, Daniele Campobenedetto
  • [Feb.25th.2019] CONFERENCE | Latinità. Research in Architectur and Urban Studies
    Interventations by Carlos Dias Coelho, Maria Rubert de Ventós, Gilberto Duarte Carlos
  • [Jan.24th.2019] SYMPOSIUM | 1st DRACo Doctorate Symposium
    Interventations by the teachers of the Scientific Board and PhD students
  • [Dec.18th.2018] SYMPOSIUM | 1st IConA - Creativity and Reality. The art of building future cities
    International Conference on Architecture
  • [Dec.12th.2018] CONFERENCE | Quantification of urban form: the base of urban design
    Lesson by WoWo Ding
  • [Dec.12th.2018] CONFERENCE | Introduction to the research
    Interventations by Pier Ostilio Rossi, Orazio Carpenzano, Alessandra Capuano, Dina Nencini, Jolanda Vittale, Carola Aiello
  • [Dec.7th.2018] LECTIO | To Build and To Live
    Lectio magistralis by Giorgio Agamben for the inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019

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