Biodegradable packaging to improve the shelf-life and safety of food

Novel technologies for food preservation and safety have arisen as a result of consumer’s desire for convenient, ready-to-eat, tasty and mild processed food products with a longer shelf-life and maintained quality. Generally, foods are thermally processed to destroy the vegetative microorganisms for food preservation. However, thermal treatment triggers many undesired biochemical reactions, that have detrimental impacts on nutrition and organoleptic properties. Therefore, several nontraditional preservation techniques are being developed in order to guarantee food safety and satisfy consumer demand about sensory and nutritional aspects of foods. These technologies include novel biodegradable packaging, which are aimed not only at ensuring food safety and traceability, but have also gained great importance for building more sustainable food chains, reducing food losses and waste, as well as the overall packaging environmental impact. Thereby, extended shelf-life increases the chances of the food to be eaten with preserved nutritional value and reduced toxicity risk.


When: 15/02/2024, 11:00-13:00

Where: Aula C (CU018 E01PTEL029)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma