Annual report

First year (XXXVIII Cycle)

The students of the XXXVIII Cycle have started their research projects and attended teaching courses held by teachers from the Board as well as seminars.

Students presented their research results to the Board on the 27th of September and they have been admitted to the II year.

Scientific results led to:
5 papers on international journals
7 Conference abstracts

Second year (XXXVII Cycle)

The students of the XXXVII Cycle have continued their research projects and attended teaching courses held by teachers from the Board as well as seminars.

Students presented their research results to the Board on the 26th of September and they have been admitted to the III year.

Scientific results led to:
16 papers on international journals
21 Conference abstracts

Third year (XXXVI Cycle)

Students of the XXXVI Cycle have terminated their research projects and attended teaching courses held by teachers from the Board as well as seminars.

Students presented their research results to the Board on the 26th of September and they have been admitted to the final exam.

Scientific results led to:
16 papers on international journals
7 Conference abstracts

Students defended their thesis on the 12th of December and obtained the PhD with good grades.

Reasearch period abroad.
Students of the 3 years have spent research periods abroad to important universities (University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK; K.U. Leuven, Belgium; University of Marseille, France; Instituto de investigacion en ciencias de la alimentacion” (CIAL), Madrid, Spain; Department of pharmaceutical science, King’s College, London, UK; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), and industries (SARANDREA company, Collepardo (Fr); Maxidina® is a MTF Srl; BIC P&G center, Brussels, Belgium)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma