Theoretical seminar and essay writing exercise "An architect a city".
The professors of the Teaching Board carried out a cycle of lessons on the subject and, at the end of the seminar, the phd students produced an essay on the subject itself, agreed upon with the tutors and the teaching staff.
Jun 2022 - Jul 2022
The seminar continues the series of seminars from the previous years "one architect, one work" 2020 and "one architect, one city" 2021.
The seminar will be dedicated to doctoral students of the XXXVI and XXXVII cycle. The lessons will be recorded and uploaded to our youtube channel.
Spartaco Paris, Marco Zanuso, architecture design industry
Luca Lanini, Giuseppe Terragni and the way of detailing.
Paolo Carlotti, Hans Kollhoff: the tectonics of detail
Alberto Bologna, Wang Shu and surface design. Ornament, joining, assemblage
Alessandra Capanna, Bernard Leitner the sound cylinder in the park of La Villette. Details of other subjects
Tomaso Monestiroli, Detail as an expression of architectural decoration in the work of Ignazio Gardella
Giulio Barazzetta, Section/detail agreement
Domenico Chizzoniti, Unity in detail…The unspeakable space of la Tourette.
Pisana Posocco. Alfredo Lambertucci, craftsmanship and prefabrication
Manuela Raitano, Luigi Moretti and the Il Girasole building. Mass, surface, material and colour
Antonello Monaco, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Designing light.
Renato Capozzi, The detail as synecdoche in Mies van der Rohe.
Federica Visconti, Louis I. Kahn. Architecture without detail.
Luisa Ferro, Ictino, the details of the Parthenon and the reinvention of the Doric order.
Anna Irene Del Monaco, Lucio Barbera: in the "historical depth" of the built material.
Dina Nencini, Material and detail. The formal asceticism of Simon Ungers