Lista dei seminari e corsi del dottorato in Genetica e Biologia Molecolare nell'A.A. 2021-2022 e A.A. 2022-2023 (in corso)
I seminari organizzati dal corso di dottorato GBM si svolgono ogni 2 venerdì alle 14 in Aula serra 1, Edificio Genetica (CU022). La partecipazione a questi seminari è obbligatoria. Dottorandi che si trovino fuori sede per qualsiasi ragione possono seguire il seminario online tramite google meet. Per il link e altre informazioni si vedano le locandine alla voce seminari.
Elenco seminari nov-2021 ad oggi
26/11/2021. Alvaro Crevenna (Head of Microscopy Facility Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit EMBL Rome) “Imaging tissue across scales, from ultra-structure to spatial-omics”
10/12/2021. Patrizia Lavia (CNR, IBPM Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology) “Imaging in dynamic mode: real time analysis of living cells”
21/01/2022. Tiziana Santini (Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Biology and Biotechnologies) “Imaging methodologies for RNA detection in cultured cells and tissues”
18/02/2022. Neil Humphreys (Head of Gene Editing and Embryology Facility, EMBL, Rome) “Utilising CRISPR to create novel humanised mouse models”
04/03/2022. Julie Martone (Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, of National Council of Research, Rome) “How to unravel the mechanisms of action of lncRNAs”
18/03/2022. Jim Sawitzke (Head of Genetic & Viral Engineering Facility, EMBL, Rome) “The ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ of viral engineering and an advanced cloning method”
01/04/2022. Logan Moran Mulroney/Camilla Ugolini (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT, Milan) “Detecting modifications from long-read nanopore sequencing”
13/05/2022. Pietro Laneve/Silvia Galfrè (Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology of National Council of Research/ Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin") “Integrating multiple gene editing and single-cell RNA sequencing to reveal the function of complex non-coding loci in motor neuron differentiation”
17/06/2022. Alessandro Vannini (Head of Structural Biology Research Centre, Human Technopole, Milan) “Modern integrative structural biology to study structure and function of the eukaryotic genome”
24/06/2022. Maurizio Gatti (Sapienza Univerisity, Rome) “Mechanisms of spindle formation: lessons from Drosophila”
08/07/2022. Cinzia Rinaldo (IBPM-CNR) “Old and new players in mammalian cytokinesis”
22/07/2022. Giovanni Messina (Department of Biology and Biotechnology «Charles Darwin», Sapienza University, Rome) “The moonlighting roles of chromatin remodeling complexes in cell division”
16/09/2022. Luca Proietti (Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences, Tuscia University, Viterbo) “The unexpected role of Cockayne Syndrome group A and B proteins in the control of cell division”
30/09/2022. Sabine Muller (Department of Biology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) “Molecular control of division plane establishment in plants”
14/10/2022. Susanne Lens (Department of Molecular Cancer Research, UMC Utrecth, Holland) “How to maintain a stable genome”
28/10/2022. Andrea Musacchio (Department of Mechanistic Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany) “Genome inheritance: chromosome, microtubules and their sensitive linkage”
(B) "Seminari degli Istituti del Polo San Lorenzo" in collaborazione con IBPM/CNR BBCD/Sapienza e corsi di dottorato GBM e BCS.
I seminari degli Istituti del Polo San Lorenzo si svolgono ogni 2 lunedì alle 12:30 in Aula Tatò (Via dei Sardi 70, 2° piano). La partecipazione a questi seminari non è obbligatoria ma fortemente raccomandata. I seminari vengono regolarmente pubblicizzati tramite email.
Elenco dei seminari del Polo San Lorenzo nov 2021- ad oggi
22/11/2021. Antonino Cassotta (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland) “Clonal selection and immunodominance in the human T cell response to microbial antigens and biologicals”
29/11/2021. Flavie Strappazzon (IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma) "Targeting mitophagy as a strategy for therapeutic intervention in diseases"
13/12/2021. Michele Ardolino (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Canada) “Beyond T cell inhibition: new functions for good ol’ PD-L1”
11/04/2022. Chiara Gabellini (Unità di Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Pisa) “From tank to bedside: exploiting the teleost zebrafish for human disease modeling”
02/05/2022. Stefano Mattarocci (CEA, INSERM U1274, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France) “Cell's fate and telomeres: the shortest straw sets the rule”
16/05/2022. Giovanni Messina (Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie ’’C. Darwin’’ Sapienza Università di Roma) “From Drosophila constitutive heterochromatin to human cell division: a journey aboard the chromatin remodeling complexes train on microtubules tracks”
06/06/2022. Marilena Ciciarello (CNR Institute of Molecular Genetics "Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza", Unit of Bologna) “Investigating the ‘dark side’ of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in the leukemic microenvironment”
27/06/2022. Nicla Porciello (Unit of Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy Regina Elena National Cancer Institute,Rome) “How T-cell activation begins: the allosteric kick-off of the TCR-CD3 complex”
19/09/2022. Yoko Eguchi (Department of Science and Technology on Food Safety, Kindai University, Japan) “Analysis of an acid responding sensor specific to Escherichia coli”
30/01/2023. Marco Paggi (Unit of Cellular Networks and Molecular Therapeutic Targets - IRCCS - Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome) “Repurposing the antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine in the treatment of glioblastoma: a fast track from lab results to clinical trials”
13/02/2023. Livia Perfetto (Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie ’’C. Darwin’’, Sapienza Università di Roma) “Network-based approaches to support Systems Medicine”
06/03/ 2023. Massimiliano Lucidi (Department of Sciences, Università degli Studi Roma Tre) “Super-resolution imaging and optical nanoscopy on bacteria”
(C) SEMINARI EMBL – La Sapienza Lecture
Aula Odeion, Museo della Civiltà Classica, Sapienza Università di Roma
14/10/2022. Andrew Pospisilik, Ph.D (Van Andel Institute, US) "Probabilistic and Epigenetic Underpinnings of Disease"
Elena Cattaneo “Il metodo della scienza dentro e fuori il laboratorio”
Elena Cattaneo “Huntington, storia di un gene antico”
Andrea Grignolio “Dalla scuola anatomica torinese di Giuseppe Levi alla esitanza vaccinale: scienza, politica, società”
Andres Ramos “RNA-binding proteins integrate multiple regulatory layers in neuronal development”
Alessandro Doria "Novel insights into the genetic determinants of diabetic complications”
Leandro Castellano "The p53 miRNA interactome and its potential in the cancer clinic"
Matteo Ligorio "Cracking the Pancreatic Cancer Enigma: An Overview of the Ligorio Lab"
Guillermo Velasco "What we have learned from Big Data for autophagy research"
Guido Silvestri "Patogenesi da COVID-19"
"Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics" per i dottorandi del 1° e 2° anno.
“Single-cell transcriptomics (theory and bioinformatic pipeline)" per i dottorandi del 1° e 2° anno.
“Cellular microscopy and image analysis - Theoretical-practical course”. Per tutti i dottorandi.
“Online tools to study the human genome”. Per tutti i dottorandi.
“Public speaking”. Per tutti i dottorandi.
“Bioinformatics: theory and applications from genomes to drugs”
"Ricerca documentaria specialistica. Skills for a digital world"
“Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences”
“Corso teorico-pratico di statistica” per i dottorandi del 1° anno.
“Preparing Artwork for scientific papers”
“Sperimentazione animale”