Delivered study plan 2021/2022

During the first year, doctoral students of the 36th cycle followed training activities (seminars and lectures) organized by the PhD school, thus deepening issues related to network medicine, precision medicine and immuno-oncology. Furthermore, the doctoral students attended national and international congresses or webminars on the topic of precision medicine and oncology, where they presented the results of their research as posters or oral presentations. Moreover, doctoral students of the 36th were co-authors of publications in international scientific journals as shown by the individual pages.
The titles of the lectures, seminars and courses held during the 2020/2021 academic year are listed below. Details of the date, time and teacher and delivery methods are shown in the attached table.

“New therapeutic pathways: Microenvironment and cellular components as therapeutic targets-1” (online)
“New therapeutic pathways: standard therapies and innovative therapeutic approaches-2” (online)
“Nutrition and microbiota in Oncology”(Online)
“Introduction to network medicine: complexity, definition and general properties of networks, omic networks, interaction and association networks, bipartite networks, network communities (modules), modules' characterization, matrix representation of a network, modularity measures, scale-free networks and robustness” (online)
“Introduction to R language part I: basic elements of R, R objects, variables, data structures and flow control, functions, importing / exporting data, applicative examples” (online)
“Network Medicine: Approach to the Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Disease in the Era of Precision Medicine” (online)
“Immunooncology and Neoplasms-1” (online)
“Immunooncology and Neoplasms -2” (online)
“NGS and Flow Cytometry: Basic principles and application in oncology and immunity
Journal Club: The point of view of the Network medicine, big question and “Loscalzo” approach
"Personalized Pediatric Oncology in 2021" (online)
“Topological properties: density, distance, average path, diameter, clustering coefficient, degree centrality, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector. Topological properties of omic networks”. (on-line)
“IMMUNONCOLOGY AND MAIN NEOPLASIES - (Tumors of the head, neck, cervix, lung, gastrointestinal tract)” -1. (online)
“IMMUNONCOLOGY AND MAIN NEOPLASIES (Breast cancer, glioblastoma)” -2 (online)
"Role of the microenvironment in prostate cancer progression" (online)
“Head and Neck cancers and Immunotherapy: multidisciplinary update” (online)
“Autoimmunity and Tumors-1” (online)
“Autoimmunity and Tumors-2” (online)
“Introduction to R part II: data analysis with R, script, graphics, main R libraries for data and network analysis. Applicative examples” (on-line)
“Journal Club: Network medicine: Big questions for generating database for network analysis” (online)
“Introduction to network medicine: examples of bipartite networks, algorithms for community detection” (on-line)
“Introduction to network medicine: Centrality measures and biological properties”
“From precision medicine to tailored immunity-1” (online)
“From precision medicine to tailored immunity-2” (online)
“Data analysis in R: functional enrichment” (on-line)
“Data analysis in R: network construction” (on-line)
“Network oncology and case studies-1” (online)
“Network oncology and case studies-2” (online)

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