Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

Corso istituzionale avanzato 1 (Principi e metodi della ricerca scientifica) 14
Seminari, convegni e lectiones magistrales tenuti da docenti di rilevanza nazionale ed internazionale nell’ambito delle discipline afferenti ai singoli curricula 21
Seminari formativi e convegni presso altri atenei, strutture e centri di ricerca 5
Attività di sostegno ai docenti, partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca, esperienze didattiche e formative 10
Attività di ricerca relativa alla definizione del tema oggetto della tesi 10

More information

The training plan relating to the first year of the course is divided into a series of lessons, seminars and workshops aimed at in-depth analysis of the subjects relating to the different curricula, to allow doctoral students to focus on the chosen topics of investigation with the guidance of the members of the College and of external teachers. The activities may be specific to individual curricula or common to all doctoral students.
Relevance will also be attributed to individual or group research activities, as well as any publications relating to them according to the degree of in-depth analysis.
Participation in competitions, study trips, internships and conferences will also be evaluated. About what concerns foreign doctoral students and doctoral students without scholarship, the evaluation may not strictly follow the described scheme, but may be submitted to the Board on the basis of a detailed report on the activities carried out.
The advanced institutional course 1 (Principles and methods of scientific research) is divided into a series of lessons dedicated to in-depth analysis of the topics relating to the different curricula. Seminars, conferences and master classes will also be organized on the profiles of greatest interest for the various sectors.
The lessons of the institutional course, common to all doctoral students, take place, from November to May, every Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 in person or electronically every Saturday morning from 9.00 to 13.00.
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas: collective bargaining; the notion of subordination; freedom and trade union activity; the rights of the worker with economic content; public work.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Freedom of association and trade union activity – Prof. R. Romei (University of Roma Tre)
• Agile working before and after the emergency - Prof. S. Cairoli (University of Perugia)
• Limitation in labour law in light of recent jurisprudence - Prof. A. Preteroti (University of Perugia);
• The legal minimum wage - Prof. P. Pascucci (University of Urbino)
• First and second level collective bargaining – Prof. A. Maresca (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Protection of health and safety at work – Prof. I. Alvino (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The network contract - Dr. D. Calderara (Sapienza University of Rome) • Procedure and disciplinary dismissal - Prof. M. Biasi (Milan State University); Prof. D. Mezzacapo (Sapienza University of Rome); Prof. A. Pileggi (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”); Dr. P. Sordi (Court of Frosinone).
• As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: the company, in all its dimensions and organizational forms; partnerships; the purpose of the enterprise; recent intellectual property issues; the business and third sector bodies; the company crisis and early intervention tools.
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas: Tax power, public finance and social pact; tax power from the antiquity to the modern state; tax power from the age of revolutions to the 20th century.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Presentation of the volume "Environmental protection at the time of the pandemic crisis" (edited by Maria Assunta Icolari), various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Unimarconi event in attendance at SALA PLINIO (VIA PLINIO, 44 – ROME) and in live streaming;
• “Organization of the financial administration and administrative procedure in mass taxation systems”, Prof. PIETRO BORIA, Prof. GIANLUCA ESPOSITO, in presence at the Faculty of Law – Room VIII, Sapienza University of Rome, as well as on the Zoom platform;
• “TAXATION AND NEW EUROPEAN CHALLENGES: HEALTH, EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS AND BUSINESS POLICY”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Event in presence at the Diocesan Museum of Belluno-Feltre, as well as remotely;
• DOCTORAL LESSON “THE ROLE OF STATE AID IN THE EUROPEAN FISCAL INTEGRATION”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, in attendance at the University of Pisa, Department of Law (Palazzo della Sapienza, Room VI);
• “THE BURDEN OF PROOF”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• “EUROPEAN LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso; • “THE REFORM OF THE SPORTS ORDER”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• 50 years of VAT: Italy's path in the European harmonization process (between procedural rules, application procedure and substance of the tax), greetings: Prof. T. MARCI, Prof. M. LEO, Dr. G. SPALLETTA, Attorney P. NESTA, Dr. G. CALÌ; interventions: Prof. P. SELICATO, Prof. L.S. ROSSI, Prof. G. PUOTI, Prof. F. AMATUCCI, Prof. A. URICCHIO, Prof. P. BORIA, Prof. L. SALVINI, Prof. A. COMELLI, Prof. G. MARINO, Prof. F. PICCIAREDDA , Prof. F. MONTANARI, Prof. G. RAGUCCI, Prof. F. TUNDO, Prof. R. CORDEIRO GUERRA, Prof. A. CARINCI, Prof. L. DEL FEDERICO, Prof. R. MICELI, Prof. M MARTIS, Prof. C. LOLLIO, Dr. S. CANNIZZARO, Dr. L. PENNESI, Prof. R. CORRIERE, Dr. S. SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, in presence at the Congress Center – Sapienza University of Rome, as well as remotely on the Zoom platform;
• EVENT ON THE TOPIC OF TAX EVASION, at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law;
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas: the company, in all its dimensions and organizational forms; partnerships; the purpose of the enterprise; recent intellectual property issues; the business and third sector bodies; the company crisis and early intervention tools.
The following seminars are scheduled:
• Business and jurists today. Regarding three recent books on business (main speakers Prof. Cabras, Rondinone, Marasà),
• The reform of partnerships in Germany (main speakers Prof. Speranzin, Fauceglia, Murino),
• The proposed directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (Prof. Libertini, Scognamiglio);
• The new proposal for a European directive on insolvency (Prof. Madaus, Scognamiglio);
• The negotiated settlement of the crisis (prof. Laudonio, Scognamiglio)
• Third sector bodies (prof. Laudonio)
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
the objects of legal comparison and the criticism of legal positivism; systemology and geopolitics; models of capitalism; the Western legal tradition; the comparison between common law and civil law; the legal change; the new comparative economics; the methods of comparison.
The lesson program will be integrated on the basis of suggestions from doctoral students and in relation to the presence of foreign guests in the context of ongoing international agreements.
Doctoral students will participate in two monthly meetings during which they will report the progress of their thesis work, carry out research on other topics aimed at publication in legal journals and critically analyze fundamental texts relating to their research.
Doctoral students will also be encouraged to participate, including with reports and interventions relating to their research topics, in seminars and conferences of general interest for the subject or specific to their research path.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Situations of belonging in space – Sirio Zolea (Roma Tre University);
• The declinations of justice – Roberto Bin (University of Ferrara), Barbara Pozzo (University of Insubria), Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University), Ignazio Castellucci (University of Teramo), Alessandro Somma (Sapienza University of Rome).
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas: 
study of the aspects of convergence in the evolution of European legal systems in private law; moral rights between civil law and common law; reform of contract law in France.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Consumer protection – Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Business and civil judge - Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Professional liability insurance and claims made clauses: compatibility with the type and congruity with the interest that the contract must fulfill - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Status of child: truth, self-responsibility, interest of the child and need for parenthood - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• New methodological perspectives for teaching private law - Prof. Enrico del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Cryptocurrencies and blockchain: civil law profiles and investor protection – Prof. L. Di Donna (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Inaugural lesson – Prof. J. C. Ginsburg (Columbia Law School) and L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Moral rights and the protection of intellectual works – Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Imprévision in light of the avant projet d'ordonnance of contract law reform – Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The European Court of Human Rights - Prof. Mads Andenas KC (University of Oslo, Institute of Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London);
• Twenty Years After the Communication on European Contract Law - Prof. Mads Andenas QC (University of Oslo, Institute of Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London);
• From 'Discrimination' to 'Development': Law and the Political Economy of Racial Capitalism." - K. Thomas (Columbia Law School); • Purge: The Politics of 'Culture War' Constitutionalism. – K. Thomas (Columbia Law School) );
The curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
 arbitration law; precautionary process; special rites; autonomous and heteronomous methods of dispute resolution.
The following seminars will also take place:
• GAMBARDELLA M., Code of business crisis and insolvency, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• Civil action between criminal and civil proceedings –VERGINE F., GAMBINERI B., BONAFINE A., Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• BRIGUGLIO A., POLI R., SASSANI B., The burden of proof, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., Artificial intelligence and process, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., New ideas on the res judicata, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• CONSOLO C., LUISO F.P., BIAVATI P., BALENA G., D'ALESSANDRO E., GRAZIOSI A., BRIGUGLIO A, “Reflections on the reform of civil proceedings”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• lesson from the lawyer. FARINA M., “Arbitration reform: precautionary powers of arbitrators and resolution of the award”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• lecture by Prof. BONAFINE A., “International Arbitration”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• CONSOLO C., GIUSSANI A., “Class action”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room. Doctoral students participate in the periodic meetings of the journals Judicium and Review of the coercive enforcement (coordinated by professors Bruno Sassani and Bruno Capponi) and of the Observatory of Cassation jurisprudence of the journal of procedural law (coordinated by professor Giuseppe Ruffini), meetings which also have preparatory purposes in view of the drafting of writings (sentence notes and articles) by doctoral students

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

In light of the topics covered during the lessons and seminars followed during the year, doctoral students will be able to present to the college a proposal relating to the subject of the thesis, identified among the topics that present the greatest profiles of scientific interest, also making use of the guide of the members of the teaching body as well as the scholars involved in the training activities of the Doctorate.

Admission to the second year

The research work carried out by the PhD students will be subjected to periodic checks, through timely reports presented by them, in which they will be asked to illustrate the results achieved and the progress of their studies to the Teaching Board.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Corso istituzionale avanzato 2 (Le fonti normative nell’era della globalizzazione) 14
Seminari, convegni e lectiones magistrales tenuti da docenti di rilevanza nazionale ed internazionale nell’ambito delle discipline afferenti ai singoli curricula 21
Seminari formativi e convegni presso altri atenei, strutture e centri di ricerca 5
Attività di sostegno ai docenti, partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca, esperienze didattiche e formative 10
Avvio della stesura della tesi di dottorato 10

More information

Compared to the training plan of the first year and in accordance with the topics covered by each individual's research, doctoral students will be called upon to make an active contribution in carrying out the seminar activity.
Doctoral students will also be allowed to personalize their path, proposing training and research activities of their specific interest to the Teaching Board. The degree of maturity of each PhD student can also be better assessed on the basis of any publications presented by them.
The advanced institutional course 2 (Regulatory sources in the era of globalization) is divided into a series of lessons dedicated to in-depth analysis of the topics relating to the different curricula.
Seminars, conferences and master classes will also be organized on the profiles of greatest interest for the various sectors. The lessons of the course, common to all doctoral students, take place, from November to May, every Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 in person or online and every Saturday morning from 9.00 to 13.00.
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: forms of flexible work; the right to strike in essential public services; the fixed-term employment contract and the supply contract; protection of the psycho-physical integrity and moral personality of the worker.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Corporate and contractual welfare – Prof. F. Ponte (University of Calabria);
• The strike in essential public services – Prof. G. Santoro-Passarelli (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Fixed-term contract, administration and procurement – ​​Prof. A. Preteroti (University of Perugia);
• Public management - Prof. D. Mezzacapo (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Safety at work after the epidemiological emergency - Dr. A. Delogu (University of Urbino)
• Agile working and the organization of working times - Prof. S. Bellomo (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Proximity bargaining – Prof. I. Alvino (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Flexible forms of recruitment and employment - Dr. M. Colucci (Court of Auditors); Dr. C. Garofalo (University of Bari); Prof. D. Mezzacapo (Sapienza University of Rome); Prof. F. Ponte (University of Calabria); Prof. A. Preteroti (University of Perugia).
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: Tax competition and EU tax policy; Digitalization of markets and tax power; Public finance and welfare state.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Presentation of the volume "Environmental protection at the time of the pandemic crisis" (edited by Maria Assunta Icolari), various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Unimarconi event in attendance at SALA PLINIO (VIA PLINIO, 44 – ROME) and in live streaming;
• “Organization of the financial administration and administrative procedure in mass taxation systems”, Prof. PIETRO BORIA, Prof. GIANLUCA ESPOSITO, in presence at the Faculty of Law – Room VIII, Sapienza University of Rome, as well as on the Zoom platform;
• “TAXATION AND NEW EUROPEAN CHALLENGES: HEALTH, EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS AND BUSINESS POLICY”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Event in presence at the Diocesan Museum of Belluno-Feltre, as well as remotely;
• DOCTORAL LESSON “THE ROLE OF STATE AID IN THE EUROPEAN FISCAL INTEGRATION”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, in attendance at the University of Pisa, Department of Law (Palazzo della Sapienza, Room VI);
• “THE BURDEN OF PROOF”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• “EUROPEAN LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso;
• “THE REFORM OF THE SPORTS ORDER”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• 50 years of VAT: Italy's path in the European harmonization process (between procedural rules, application procedure and substance of the tax), greetings: Prof. T. MARCI, Prof. M. LEO, Dr. G. SPALLETTA, Attorney P. NESTA, Dr. G. CALÌ; interventions: Prof. P. SELICATO, Prof. L.S. ROSSI, Prof. G. PUOTI, Prof. F. AMATUCCI, Prof. A. URICCHIO, Prof. P. BORIA, Prof. L. SALVINI, Prof. A. COMELLI, Prof. G. MARINO, Prof. F. PICCIAREDDA , Prof. F. MONTANARI, Prof. G. RAGUCCI, Prof. F. TUNDO, Prof. R. CORDEIRO GUERRA, Prof. A. CARINCI, Prof. L. DEL FEDERICO, Prof. R. MICELI, Prof. M MARTIS, Prof. C. LOLLIO, Dr. S. CANNIZZARO, Dr. L. PENNESI, Prof. R. CORRIERE, Dr. S. SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, in presence at the Congress Center – Sapienza University of Rome, as well as remotely on the Zoom platform;
• EVENT ON THE TOPIC OF TAX EVASION, at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law;
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
corporate social responsibility; business and environmental protection; recent antitrust law issues; business contracts; contracts in regulated markets; issues relating to limited liability companies; corporate governance issues.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Business and protection of human rights (prof. Scognamiglio)
• Recent issues regarding shareholder agreements and conventions (Prof. Filippelli)
• Current issues regarding the company's advertising regime (prof. Ibba, Zanardo)
• Killing acquisitions (Fabbio, Filippelli) • Regulatory law (prof. Gentili, Libertini)
• Current issues regarding limited liability company shares. (Prof. Giudici, Dr. Masi))
• The gender issue in corporate governance (prof. Scognamiglio, Dr. Ruperto)
• The abuse of economic dependence (prof. Libertini, Fabbio)
• Businesses, markets, sustainability: new challenges for commercial law, conference of the Italian Association of Commercial Law Scholars,
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
comparison in the field of commercial law and corporate law; the relationship between the prerogatives of sovereignty and the influences of the supranational system; the use of comparison by supranational courts. The lesson program will be integrated on the basis of suggestions from doctoral students and in relation to the presence of foreign guests in the context of ongoing international agreements. Doctoral students will participate in two monthly meetings during which they will report the progress of their thesis work, carry out research on other topics aimed at publication in legal journals and critically analyze fundamental texts relating to their research. Doctoral students will also be encouraged to participate, also with reports and interventions relating to their research topics, in seminars and conferences of general interest for the subject or specific to their research path.
The following seminars will also take place:
• The Latin notary – Salvatore Saltarelli (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Human rights and business – Giuliana Scognamiglio (Sapienza University of Rome).

As a part of the advanced institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: foundations of private autonomy; rights and interests protected by the rules and their transformation; codification of civil law between the 19th and 20th centuries; origin and development of intellectual property in Europe and North America; public-private relations in antitrust law.
The following seminars will also take place:
• The need for unification of compensation techniques in the legislative perspective - Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome);
• A multidisciplinary perspective of private autonomy - Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome) and S. Grundmann (Humboldt University of Berlin);
• The shape of private autonomy in the era of fundamental rights: Dignity and Solidarity - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);

• Artificial intelligence and human rights - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The mandate: The importance of identifying the type - Prof. Enrico del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The European Union programs on the digital market – Prof. L. Di Donna (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Inaugural lesson – Prof. Jane C. Ginsburg (Columbia Law School) and Laura Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Napoleon Bonaparte and intellectual property – Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• At the origins of copyright - Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome).
• Quality of data and private law governance - Prof. Stefan Grundmann (Humboldt University of Berlin)
• The Intersection of Public & Private Enforcement of EU - Antitrust Law – 20 Years of Evolution Prof. Declan Walsh (School of Law, University College Cork)
• Private Party Actions against Cartels – An Effective Remedy? - Prof. Declan Walsh (School of Law, University College Cork)
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
forced execution; objective and subjective cumulation; jurisdiction issues; judicial application and proof; connection.
The following seminars will also take place:
• GAMBARDELLA M., Code of business crisis and insolvency, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• Civil action between criminal and civil proceedings –VERGINE F., GAMBINERI B., BONAFINE A., Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• BRIGUGLIO A., POLI R., SASSANI B., The burden of proof, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., Artificial intelligence and process, Faculty of Law, Calasso room
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., New ideas on res judicata, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• CONSOLO C., LUISO F.P., BIAVATI P., BALENA G., D'ALESSANDRO E., GRAZIOSI A., BRIGUGLIO A, “Reflections on the reform of civil proceedings”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• Lawyer FARINA M., “Arbitration reform: precautionary powers of arbitrators and resolution of the award”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• lecture by Prof. BONAFINE A., “International Arbitration”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• CONSOLO C., GIUSSANI A., “Class action”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room. Doctoral students participate in the periodic meetings of the journals Judicium and Review of the coercive enforcement (coordinated by professors Bruno Sassani and Bruno Capponi) and of the Observatory of Cassation jurisprudence of the journal of procedural law (coordinated by professor Giuseppe Ruffini), meetings which also have preparatory purposes in view of the drafting of writings (sentence notes and articles) by doctoral students.


Method of preparation of the thesis

During the second year the doctoral student will focus his attention on bibliographic and jurisprudential research, collecting the necessary material to start the drafting of the doctoral thesis, which will be promptly monitored by the reference tutor and the teaching body. The progress of the research work will be the subject of periodic meetings with the teaching body, during which the doctoral student will be asked to present written reports and/or parts of the thesis. Furthermore, second year doctoral students, also in consideration of the numerous international agreements concluded with European and international universities, will be invited to spend periods of study and research abroad, in order to deepen their specific research and possibly attend summer schools, conferences and seminars.

Admission to the third year

The PhD student will be asked to periodically report to the Teaching Board on the progress of the research work and to start drafting the thesis.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Corso istituzionale avanzato 3 (Il dialogo tra dottrina e giurisprudenza) 7
Seminari, convegni e lectiones magistrales tenuti da docenti di rilevanza nazionale ed internazionale nell’ambito delle discipline afferenti ai singoli curricula 14
Seminari formativi e convegni presso altri atenei, strutture e centri di ricerca 5
Partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca, esperienze didattiche, formative e di sostegno ai docenti 14
Ricerche finalizzate al completamento della tesi 20

More information

The third and final year will be fundamentally dedicated to the in-depth analysis and completion of the research, as well as to the drafting of the final paper. Doctoral students will be asked to have a more in-depth relationship with their respective tutors and to provide a more detailed report to the Teaching Committee to verify the development of the thesis.
The aim pursued will be to present an innovative, original and in-depth work, whose themes have been analyzed with a critical sense.
The advanced institutional course 3 (The dialogue between doctrine and jurisprudence) is divided into a series of lessons dedicated to in-depth analysis of topics relating to the different curricula. Seminars, conferences and master classes will also be organized on the profiles of greatest interest for the various sectors.
The lessons of the course, common to all doctoral students, take place, from November to May, every Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 in person or electronically every Saturday morning from 9.00 to 13.00.
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: internal and external flexibility in the employment relationship; business crisis, insolvency and employment relationships; subordinate work in particular relationships; the protection of the rights of the employee.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Salary integration treatments – Prof. L. Valente (Sapienza University of Rome)
• Decentralized collective bargaining – Prof. I. Alvino (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Working hours and right to disconnect - Prof. S. Bellomo (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The military's freedom of association - Prof. A. Preteroti (University of Perugia); Prof. S. Ciucciovino (University of Roma Tre); • Company transfer in crisis - Prof. A. Maresca (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Public management - Prof. A. Zoppoli (University of Naples Federico II); Prof. D. Mezzacapo (Sapienza University of Rome); Prof. G. Nicosia (University of Catania) • Remote working - A comparative analysis between Brazil and Italy - Prof. S. Bellomo (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. M.A. Cesar Villatore (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) • Work in digital platforms – Dr. F. Ferraro (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Work and digital civilization - Prof. G. Santoro-Passarelli
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
Evolution of public finance in the 21st century; The global minimum tax project and the modern theory of the sources of international tax law; The formation of the community tax system: the role of the Court of Justice; Fiscal state aid and European economic policy; Tax and Environment; Taxes and Sports.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Presentation of the volume "Environmental protection at the time of the pandemic crisis" (edited by Maria Assunta Icolari), various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Unimarconi event in attendance at SALA PLINIO (VIA PLINIO, 44 – ROME) and in live streaming;
• “Organization of the financial administration and administrative procedure in mass taxation systems”, Prof. PIETRO BORIA, Prof. GIANLUCA ESPOSITO, in presence at the Faculty of Law – Room VIII, Sapienza University of Rome, as well as on the Zoom platform;
• “TAXATION AND NEW EUROPEAN CHALLENGES: HEALTH, EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS AND BUSINESS POLICY”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, Event in presence at the Diocesan Museum of Belluno-Feltre, as well as remotely;
• DOCTORAL LESSON “THE ROLE OF STATE AID IN THE EUROPEAN FISCAL INTEGRATION”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, in attendance at the University of Pisa, Department of Law (Palazzo della Sapienza, Room VI);
• “THE BURDEN OF PROOF”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• “EUROPEAN LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY”, various interventions, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso; • “THE REFORM OF THE SPORTS ORDER”, various interventions; report by Prof. ROSSELLA MICELI, at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso, in presence and remotely on the Zoom platform;
• 50 years of VAT: Italy's path in the European harmonization process (between procedural rules, application procedure and substance of the tax), greetings: Prof. T. MARCI, Prof. M. LEO, Dr. G. SPALLETTA, Attorney P. NESTA, Dr. G. CALÌ; interventions: Prof. P. SELICATO, Prof. L.S. ROSSI, Prof. G. PUOTI, Prof. F. AMATUCCI, Prof. A. URICCHIO, Prof. P. BORIA, Prof. L. SALVINI, Prof. A. COMELLI, Prof. G. MARINO, Prof. F. PICCIAREDDA , Prof. F. MONTANARI, Prof. G. RAGUCCI, Prof. F. TUNDO, Prof. R. CORDEIRO GUERRA, Prof. A. CARINCI, Prof. L. DEL FEDERICO, Prof. R. MICELI, Prof. M MARTIS, Prof. C. LOLLIO, Dr. S. CANNIZZARO, Dr. L. PENNESI, Prof. R. CORRIERE, Dr. S. SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, in presence at the Congress Center – Sapienza University of Rome, as well as remotely on the Zoom platform;
• EVENT ON THE TOPIC OF EVIDENCE IN THE TRIAL, Prof. A. COMELLI, Prof. F. PICCIAREDDA, ​​Prof.ssa P. FARINA. COMMERCIAL AND ECONOMIC LAW As part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: banking contracts; disabilities and business; the regulation of banking companies and financial intermediaries in general; Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The following seminars will also take place: • The Lexitor case and its arrival in the Constitutional Court (prof. Santoni, prof. Saitto and Dr. Capizzi),
• Banking law in the jurisprudence of European and national courts (main speakers Prof. Chiti, Santoro and Clarich),
• On the null land loan and on other recent issues regarding nullity (with particular reference to business contracts) (prof. Libertini, Dr. Lamorgese and Schirò),
• Financial inclusion and the role of banks (prof. Meli);
• The "Russian roulette" clauses (Dr. Capizzi) • The bank's liability for abusive granting of credit (Prof. Santagata, Dr. Nazzicone)
• A recent provision regarding NFTs (Dr. Landi)
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas:
comparison in the field of sustainability and innovation; law and climate change; law and colonialism; individual rights and the market. The lesson program will be integrated on the basis of suggestions from doctoral students and in relation to the presence of foreign guests in the context of ongoing international agreements. Doctoral students will participate in two monthly meetings during which they will report the progress of their thesis work, carry out research on other topics aimed at publication in legal journals and critically analyze fundamental texts relating to their research.
Doctoral students are also encouraged to participate, also with reports and interventions relating to their research topics, in seminars and conferences of general interest for the subject or specific to their research path.
The following seminars will also take place:
• Identity and citizenship between Brazil and Italy – Nicola Brutti (University of Padua)
• The American frontier – Andrea Buratti (University of Rome Tor Vergata).
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: historical profiles and problematic issues of contract law; entities; innovation in digital and green; intellectual property and related competition protection profiles; civil liability. The following seminars will also take place:
• The bargaining power of digital platforms – Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The new regulations on digital services and markets: Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act – Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Note on the reform of the Constitution for the protection of the environment – ​​Prof. G. Alpa (Sapienza University of Rome); • Third Sector Bodies - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Mutual defaults - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Current profiles of the transaction - Prof. E. del Prato (Sapienza University of Rome);
• International protection of copyright - Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome); • On the parody and the D'Annunzio-Scarpetta lawsuit - Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Aspects of contract law in Roman civil law of the early twentieth century, Prof. L. Moscati (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The uniqueness of the notion of damage. Reflections on damage in re ipsa – Prof. M. Bianca (Sapienza University of Rome);
• Transformation, merger and split of entities – Prof. M. Bianca (Sapienza University of Rome);
• The function of Contract and the “Justice of Consensus” - Prof. Stefan Grundmann (Humboldt University of Berlin);
• More on a European Contract Code - Prof. Stefan Grundmann (Humboldt University of Berlin);
• Intellectual property and competition law. US vs EU perspectives – Prof. Jane C. Ginsburg (Columbia Law School)
As a part of the institutional course, the curriculum will address the following thematic areas: judged; civil appeals.
The following seminars will also take place:
• GAMBARDELLA M., Code of business crisis and insolvency, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• Civil action between criminal and civil proceedings –VERGINE F., GAMBINERI B., BONAFINE A., Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• BRIGUGLIO A., POLI R., SASSANI B., The burden of proof, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., Artificial intelligence and process, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• NIEVA-FENOLL J., New ideas on res judicata, Faculty of Law, Calasso room;
• CONSOLO C., LUISO F.P., BIAVATI P., BALENA G., D'ALESSANDRO E., GRAZIOSI A., BRIGUGLIO A, “Reflections on the reform of civil proceedings”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room • lesson by the lawyer. FARINA M., “Arbitration reform: precautionary powers of arbitrators and resolution of the award”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• lecture by Prof. BONAFINE A., “International Arbitration”, Faculty of Law, Institute of Civil Procedural Law;
• CONSOLO C., GIUSSANI A., “Class action”, Faculty of Law, Calasso room. Doctoral students participate in the periodic meetings of the journals Judicium and Rassegna dell'ecuzione forced (coordinated by professors Bruno Sassani and Bruno Capponi) and of the Observatory of Cassation jurisprudence of the journal of procedural law (coordinated by professor Giuseppe Ruffini), meetings which also have preparatory purposes in view of the drafting of writings (sentence notes and articles) by doctoral students. On the occasion of one of the PhD meetings, the PhD students enrolled in the third year will be asked to carry out a report on a monograph relevant to the research topic; the report is followed by a debate in the presence of the author of the work.


Method of admission to the final examination

Admission to the final exam will be subject to a discussion of the thesis in front of the teaching board within the curriculum, which will evaluate the completeness of the research, the quality and originality of the thesis and will approve a report to be sent together with the thesis and supervisor reports, to the final evaluation commission.

Final examination

For the purposes of admission to the final exam, doctoral students enrolled in the third year of the course must present their research work to the Teaching Board by the date indicated by the latter in accordance with the calendar prepared by the University. The final paper will subsequently be sent to the external evaluators, who will formulate their considerations. In the event of a positive outcome, the doctoral students will be admitted to the final discussion in compliance with the process dictated by the University regulations in the field of research doctorates.

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