Annual report

The Doctorate in Private Autonomy, Enterprise, Labour and the Protection of Rights in the European and International Perspective investigates the tension between the individual's instances of freedom and aspirations for equality: between the exercise of private autonomy in all its forms and the demand for recognition and redistribution in the communities in which the person expresses himself: from the family to the enterprise, passing through the innumerable manifestations of the associative dimension.
In the 2023/2024 academic year, its activity has been articulated in a series of lectures, seminars and conferences that the various curricula have prepared to delve into the innumerable articulations of this investigation, benefiting from the contribution of numerous foreign scholars. For their part, the members of the teaching board took part in initiatives promoted by foreign universities and research organisations, thus being able to enrich the skills made available for doctoral training.

Doctoral students, as part of their training, have augmented their training with stays at other Italian and foreign universities and research centres, thus being able to benefit from the comparison with legal systems other than their own, in line with the strongly Europeanist and internationalist vocation of the Doctorate.
The Doctorate's website conveys the richness of the training on offer.
The section Co-operation and International Agreements documents the vast network of international relations.
The individual activities carried out can be viewed in detail in the section Delivered Courses, while those planned are documented in the Scheduled Courses and Seminars sections.
The Databases section then shows how to find the numerous bibliographic resources available to doctoral students. Lastly, for the benefit of aspiring doctoral candidates, the Traces of last years' competitive examinations have been included.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma